CSV.foreach("C:/Users/StocksCSV/XOM/XOM.N_BAL_ANN.csv",:col_sep => ';', :skip_blanks => true) do |row|
#puts row.inspect
ANN_BAL_TBL.insert(:company_name => 'XOM', :statement_title => row[0], :item1 => row[1],
:item2 => row[2], :item3 => row[3], :item4 => row[4], :item5 => row[5])
puts "ANN_BAL_TBL DB Row Count: #{ANN_BAL_TBL.count}"
This causes the error:
"undefined method `gsub' for #<Array:0x26d4bc0> (NoMethodError)"
My CSV file is as follows (I just want to remove the "," in the currency)
" In Millions of U.S. Dollars (except for per share items);2012
2012-12-31;2011 2011-12-31 Reclassified 2012-12-31;2010
2010-12-31;2009 2009-12-31;2008 2008-12-31
Cash & Equivalents;9,582.0;12,664.0;7,825.0;10,693.0;31,437.0 "
Try this:
row = row.map { |i| i.gsub(',', '') }
What that'll do is call gsub on every item in the array, and it'll work as long as each item is a string. What you're trying to do is call gsub on an array, which isn't possible.
I tried to create a Morse Decoder. It replaces latin letters with their morse codes. There is one whitespace between letters and three whitespace between words.
def decodeMorse(morseCode)
morse_dict = {
"a" => ".-","b" => "-...","c" => "-.-.","d" => "-..","e" => ".","f" => "..-.","g" => "--.","h" => "....","i" => "..","j" => ".---","k" => "-.-","l" => ".-..","m" => "--","n" => "-.","o" => "---","p" => ".--.","q" => "--.-","r" => ".-.","s" => "...","t" => "-","u" => "..-","v" => "...-","w" => ".--","x" => "-..-","y" => "-.--","z" => "--.."," " => " ","1" => ".----","2" => "..---","3" => "...--","4" => "....-","5" => ".....","6" => "-....","7" => "--...","8" => "---..","9" => "----.","0" => "-----"
wordList = morseCode.split(" ")
wordList.each do |word|
word = word.downcase
word.split("").each do |letter|
a = ' ' + morse_dict[letter].to_s + ' '
word.gsub! letter a
sentence = wordList.join(' ')
return sentence.lstrip
puts decodeMorse("Example from description")
Then I got this error:
NoMethodError: undefined method `letter' for main:Object
from codewars.rb:12:in `block (2 levels) in decodeMorse'
from codewars.rb:10:in `each'
from codewars.rb:10:in `block in decodeMorse'
from codewars.rb:8:in `each'
from codewars.rb:8:in `decodeMorse'
What is wrong?
The problem is here:
word.gsub! letter a
it is being interpreted from the right to the left since there is no comma between letter and a it’s being treated as letter(a) function call. You want both letter and a to be passed as parameters to a function call ⇒ separate them with comma:
# ⇓ HERE
word.gsub! letter, a
BTW, gsub might take a hash as a second param to make substitutions:
word.gsub(/./, morse_dict)
would change all letters to their Morse representations. To deal with spaces one might use gsub that takes a block:
word.gsub(/./) { |l| " #{morse_dict[l]} " }.squeeze(' ')
When the script wants to increment progressbar value it gives me:
/progressable.rb:93:in `<=': comparison of Fixnum with Array failed (ArgumentError)
The Script is shown belove. I ftryed to find solution but no luck. Can Anyone help me with this?
korpusu_id = []
container.divs(:class => "resItem")
.find_all { |div| div.span(:class => "theText", :text => /TestAuto/).exists? }
.each do |korpuss|
id = korpuss.span.parent.parent.attribute_value("id")
id = id[-38..-1]
puts ""
puts "Tagad notiek nepieciešamo korpusu dzēšana..."
progress = ProgressBar.create(:title => "Failu dzēšana:", :progress_mark => "|", :format => "%t [%B] %p%%", :total => korpusu_id)
korpusu_id.each do |korp_id|
#b.execute_script("window.confirm = function() {return true}")
delete_poga = #b.link(:id, "ctl00_ContentPlaceHolder1_lnkDeleteCorpora")
if delete_poga.exists?
puts "Korpuss\n#{#env}/CorpusMetadataEditor.aspx?id=#{korp_id}\nlietotājam #{lietotajs} nav pieejams rediģēšanai.\nTurpinu ar nākošo korpusu!\n---------------------------------------------"
container.div(:class => "resItem").wait_until_present
I found the final solution for my problem. I changed:
progress = ProgressBar.create(:title => "Failu dzēšana:", :progress_mark => "|", :format => "%t [%B] %p%%", :total => korpusu_id.length)
and this worked for me.
Sorry for spam...
I'd like to read in a csv row, update one field then output the row again with quotes.
Row Example Input => "Joe", "Blow", "joe#blow.com"
Desired Row Example Output => "Joe", "Blow", "xxxx#xxxx.xxx"
My script below outputs => Joe, Blow, xxxx#xxxx.xxx
It loses the double quotes which I want to retain.
I've tried various options but no joy so far .. any tips?
Many thanks!
require 'csv'
:col_sep =>",",
:headers => true,
:header_converters => :symbol ) do |row|
row[:customer_email] = 'xxxx#xxxx.xxx'
puts row
Quotes in CSV fields are usually unnecessary, unless the field itself contains a delimiter or a newline character. But you can force the CSV file to always use quotes. For that, you need to set force_quotes => true:
:col_sep =>",",
:headers => true,
:force_quotes => true,
:header_converters => :symbol ) do |row|
You can manually add them to all your items
Hash[row.map { |k,v| [k,"\"#{v}\""] }]
(edited because I forgot you had a hash and not an array)
Thanks Justin L.
Built on your solution and ended up with this.
I get the feeling Ruby has something more elegant but this does what I need:
require 'csv'
:col_sep =>",",
:headers => true,
:header_converters => :symbol ) do |row|
row[:customer_email] = 'xxxx#xxxx.xxx'
row = Hash[row.map { |k,v| [k,"\"#{v}\""] }]
new_row = ""
row.each_with_index do | (k, v) ,i|
new_row += v.to_s
if i != row.length - 1
new_row += ','
puts new_row
I am new in ruby so please forgive the noobishness.
I have a CSV with two columns. One for animal name and one for animal type.
I have a hash with all the keys being animal names and the values being animal type. I would like to write the hash to the CSV without using fasterCSV. I have thought of several ideas what would be easiest.. here is the basic layout.
require "csv"
def write_file
h = { 'dog' => 'canine', 'cat' => 'feline', 'donkey' => 'asinine' }
CSV.open("data.csv", "wb") do |csv|
csv << [???????????]
When I opened the file to read from it I opened it File.open("blabla.csv", headers: true)
Would it be possible to write back to the file the same way?
If you want column headers and you have multiple hashes:
require 'csv'
hashes = [{'a' => 'aaaa', 'b' => 'bbbb'}]
column_names = hashes.first.keys
s=CSV.generate do |csv|
csv << column_names
hashes.each do |x|
csv << x.values
File.write('the_file.csv', s)
(tested on Ruby 1.9.3-p429)
Try this:
require 'csv'
h = { 'dog' => 'canine', 'cat' => 'feline', 'donkey' => 'asinine' }
CSV.open("data.csv", "wb") {|csv| h.to_a.each {|elem| csv << elem} }
Will result:
1.9.2-p290:~$ cat data.csv
I think the simplest solution to your original question:
def write_file
h = { 'dog' => 'canine', 'cat' => 'feline', 'donkey' => 'asinine' }
CSV.open("data.csv", "w", headers: h.keys) do |csv|
csv << h.values
With multiple hashes that all share the same keys:
def write_file
hashes = [ { 'dog' => 'canine', 'cat' => 'feline', 'donkey' => 'asinine' },
{ 'dog' => 'rover', 'cat' => 'kitty', 'donkey' => 'ass' } ]
CSV.open("data.csv", "w", headers: hashes.first.keys) do |csv|
hashes.each do |h|
csv << h.values
CSV can take a hash in any order, exclude elements, and omit a params not in the HEADERS
require "csv"
def write_file
CSV.open("data.csv", "wb", :headers => HEADERS, :write_headers => true) do |csv|
csv << { 'dog' => 'canine', 'cat' => 'feline', 'donkey' => 'asinine' }
csv << { 'dog' => 'canine'}
csv << { 'cat' => 'feline', 'dog' => 'canine', 'donkey' => 'asinine' }
csv << { 'dog' => 'canine', 'cat' => 'feline', 'donkey' => 'asinine', 'header not provided in the options to #open' => 'not included in output' }
write_file # =>
# dog,cat,donkey
# canine,feline,asinine
# canine,,
# canine,feline,asinine
# canine,feline,asinine
This makes working with the CSV class more flexible and readable.
I tried the solutions here but got an incorrect result (values in wrong columns) since my source is a LDIF file that not always has all the values for a key. I ended up using the following.
First, when building up the hash I remember the keys in a separate array which I extend with the keys that are not allready there.
# building up the array of hashes
File.read(ARGV[0]).each_line do |lijn|
when lijn[0..2] == "dn:" # new record
record = {}
when lijn.chomp == '' # end record
if record['telephonenumber'] # valid record ?
hashes << record
keys = keys.concat(record.keys).uniq
when ...
The important line here is keys = keys.concat(record.keys).uniq which extends the array of keys when new keys (headers) are found.
Now the most important: converting our hashes to a CSV
CSV.open("export.csv", "w", {headers: keys, col_sep: ";"}) do |row|
row << keys # add the headers
hashes.each do |hash|
row << hash # the whole hash, not just the array of values
[BEWARE] All the answers in this thread are assuming that the order of the keys defined in the hash will be constant amongst all rows.
To prevent problems (that I am facing right now) where some values are assigned to the wrong keys in the csv (Ex:)
hahes = [
{:cola => "hello", :colb => "bye"},
{:colb => "bye", :cola => "hello"}
producing the following table using the code from the majority (including best answer) of the answers on this thread:
cola | colb
hello | bye
bye | hello
You should do this instead:
require "csv"
csv_rows = [
{:cola => "hello", :colb => "bye"},
{:colb => "bye", :cola => "hello"}
column_names = csv_rows.first.keys
s=CSV.generate do |csv|
csv << column_names
csv_rows.each do |row|
csv << column_names.map{|column_name| row[column_name]} #To be explicit
Try this:
require 'csv'
data = { 'one' => '1', 'two' => '2', 'three' => '3' }
CSV.open("data.csv", "a+") do |csv|
csv << data.keys
csv << data.values
Lets we have a hash,
hash_1 = {1=>{:rev=>400, :d_odr=>3}, 2=>{:rev=>4003, :d_price=>300}}
The above hash_1 having keys as some id 1,2,.. and values to those are again hash with some keys as (:rev, :d_odr, :d_price).
Suppose we want a CSV file with headers,
headers = ['Designer_id','Revenue','Discount_price','Impression','Designer ODR']
Then make a new array for each value of hash_1 and insert it in CSV file,
CSV.open("design_performance_data_temp.csv", "w") do |csv|
csv << headers
csv_data = []
result.each do |design_data|
csv_data << design_data.first
csv_data << design_data.second[:rev] || 0
csv_data << design_data.second[:d_price] || 0
csv_data << design_data.second[:imp] || 0
csv_data << design_data.second[:d_odr] || 0
csv << csv_data
csv_data = []
Now you are having design_performance_data_temp.csv file saved in your corresponding directory.
Above code can further be optimized.
Being relatively new to Ruby, I am trying to figure out how to do the following using FasterCSV:
Open a CSV file, pick a column by its header, in this column only replace all occurrences of string x with y, write out the new file to STDOUT.
The following code almost works:
filename = ARGV[0]
csv = FCSV.read(filename, :headers => true, :header_converters => :symbol, :return_headers => true, :encoding => 'u')
mycol = csv[:mycol]
# construct a mycol_new by iterating over mycol and doing some string replacement
puts csv[:mycol][0] # produces "MyCol" as expected
puts mycol_new[0] # produces "MyCol" as expected
csv[:mycol] = mycol_new
puts csv[:mycol][0] # produces "mycol" while "MyCol" is expected
csv.each do |r|
puts r.to_csv(:force_quotes => true)
The only problem is that there is a header conversion where I do not expect it. If the header of the chosen column is "MyCol" before the substitution of the columns in the csv table it is "mycol" afterwards (see comments in the code). Why does this happen? And how to avoid it? Thanks.
There's a couple of things you can change in the initialization line that will help. Change:
csv = FCSV.read(filename, :headers => true, :return_headers => true, :encoding => 'u')
csv = FCSV.read(filename, :headers => true, :encoding => 'u')
I'm using CSV, which is FasterCSV only it's part of Ruby 1.9. This will create a CSV file in the current directory called "temp.csv" with a modified 'FName' field:
require 'csv'
data = "ID,FName,LName\n1,mickey,mouse\n2,minnie,mouse\n3,donald,duck\n"
# read and parse the data
csv_in = CSV.new(data, :headers => true)
# open the temp file
CSV.open('./temp.csv', 'w') do |csv_out|
# output the headers embedded in the object, then rewind to the start of the list
csv_out << csv_in.first.headers
# loop over the rows
csv_in.each do |row|
# munge the first name
if (row['FName']['mi'])
row['FName'] = row['FName'][1 .. -1] << '-' << row['FName'][0] << 'ay'
# output the record
csv_out << row.fields
The output looks like:
It is possible to manipulate the desired column directly in the FasterCSV object instead of creating a new column and then trying to replace the old one with the new one.
csv = FCSV.read(filename, :headers => true, :header_converters => :symbol, :return_headers => true, :encoding => 'u')
mycol = csv[:my_col]
mycol.each do |row|
row.gsub!(/\s*;\s*/,"///") unless row.nil? # or any other substitution
csv.each do |r|
puts r.to_csv(:force_quotes => true)