Unable to create/open lock file: \data\db\mongod.lock - windows

I am follwing this tutorial: I am using 64-bit Windows 7 computer.
I have installed MongoDB and starts the MongoDB file from the command prompt. Then I get the following error message:
Unable to create/open lock file: \data\db\mongod.lock
I don't know how to solve that problem.

Delete the mongod.lock file in the /data/db folder
Restart mongodb

I was experiencing a similar problem and i noted that some MongoDB processes were running in the background when i opened the task manager. so after i terminated the tasks and went to the mongod.lock file i was now able to delete it.


PostgreSQL 11.5/ 12: The database cluster initialization failed Windows 10

I have tried the solution here by Imraan and this solution here by ThangLeQuoc.
When running stage 7 I still get the error 'Access denied' and cannot install the program.
I have tried to to open new file folder for postgres and check the permissions, it had all the permissions.
I have noticed that during the installing if I open a data folder somewhere else and give it permissions some new user named 'CREATOR USER' is created with no permissions (only for the data folder) then the folder disappears and return.
By the end of the installing I get the error:
The database cluster initialization failed
and no server is installed.
Anyone got another solution? I have tried searching for a day and could not figure out how to fix it.
p.s I tried for postgres 12 and 11.5 and windows 10.

Error while installing Weblogic in windows 10

While installing the Weblogic in windows 10 using jar file, I am getting the error message as Unable to access or modify the system registry. Select Run as Administrator when opening the Command Prompt and try again. though am executing as Administrator. From the log file I got the below error.
WARNING [1] com.oracle.cie.common.jni.WinRegistryHelper - Create Key Failed: HKEY_LOCAL_MACHINE\Software\Oracle
2017-10-06 11:19:54,972 SEVERE [1] com.oracle.cie.nextgen.launcher.PlatformHelper - createRegistry to add a value failed
2017-10-06 11:19:54,972 SEVERE [1] com.oracle.cie.nextgen.launcher.Launcher - Unable to access or modify the system registry. Select Run as Administrator when opening the Command Prompt and try again.
I understood that on making the System Registry entry HKEY_LOCAL_MACHINE\Software\Oracle, it is failing because the same entry already exists in my system as HKEY_LOCAL_MACHINE\SOFTWARE\ORACLE. Though system registry is case-insensitive, weblogic is failing on making entries to this registry. Is there any solution to overcome this? The same issue has been already posted in different sites but not yet answered.Any help to solve this issue will be really appreciable.
I had the same problem, the next lines works to solve the problem.
Open cmd like administrator.
java -d64 -jar fmw_12. If you don't have correctly configured the JAVA_HOME, you can replace the word "java", for the path where you have installed de JDK. Something like this:

Error 1067- on start OpenSSH by net start opensshd in windows cmd

I try to start opensshd app by following command line: net start opensshd but i encounter below message after press enter in CMD:
The OpenSSH Server service is starting.
The OpenSSH Server service could not be started.
A system error has occurred.
System error 1067 has occurred.
The process terminated unexpectedly.
i install openssh.
please Help Me!
I got the similar problem that i cannot startup the "OpenSSH SSH Serve" service after following the instructions in https://hostadvice.com/how-to/how-to-install-an-openssh-server-client-on-a-windows-2016-server/
I later on found out that this is the security problem in the C:\ProgramData\ssh\ssh_host*key files. All the key files in this folder should ONLY be owned by following 2 system users:
In the Powershell under the C:\ProgramData\ssh folder, issue following command can list out the owners of the file ssh_host_dsa_key:
PS C:\ProgramData\ssh> icacls .\ssh_host_dsa_key
.\ssh_host_dsa_key BUILTIN\Administrators:(F)
Successfully processed 1 files; Failed processing 0 files
Obviously we need to remove the user "xxdomain\otheruser" from the owner list
Updated on Nov 25, 2019: Found out that the OpenSSH-Win64.zip file already contained a powershell script: FixHostFilePermissions.ps1
What you need to do is to run following inside the powershell:
cd 'C:\Program Files\OpenSSH-Win64'
And press 'Enter' for each question to update the permission.
just write this command in PowerShell
cd 'C:\Program Files\OpenSSH-Win64'
then press enter .
I got this error, and it turned out in my case to be an error I'd made editing sshd_config, so be sure to check this. Spent ages trying to diagnose this.
Hope that saves someone some pain.
I got the same error by installing OpenSSH on Windows 7...
Open "services.msc" and try to start the service from there.
If it still doesn't work then you can try to follow the steps in this tutorial:
One important thing: Try to download an older version of OpenSSH
Download Link: http://www.mls-software.com/opensshd.html#botpage
(I recommend you the version "setupssh-7.3p1-2")
Hope it works
For me the solution was to download and install an MSI from this github repo

Unable to start Cassandra DataStax DDC Server

I have a fresh installation of Cassandra 3.7 with DatStax DDC in Windows. I am trying to start the Cassandra database as a service.I am using net start DataStax_DDC_Server to start the service. The service is not starting and exiting without reporting an error. I am getting the following error in the logs.
java.lang.RuntimeException: Failed to create failed snapshot tracking file [C:\Cassandra\.toDelete]. Aborting
at org.apache.cassandra.db.WindowsFailedSnapshotTracker.deleteOldSnapshots(WindowsFailedSnapshotTracker.java:99)
at org.apache.cassandra.service.CassandraDaemon.setup(CassandraDaemon.java:177)
at org.apache.cassandra.service.CassandraDaemon.activate(CassandraDaemon.java:585)
at org.apache.cassandra.service.CassandraDaemon.main(CassandraDaemon.java:714)
What is causing this error and how do I fix this?
Look at the logs in the installation folder. E.g. c:\Program Files\DataStax-DDC\logs.
The datastax_ddc_server-stderr.xxxxx.log will give you details about what the problem is. For me the error was cdc_raw_directory is missing and -Dcassandra.storagedir is not set so i opened c:\Program Files\DataStax-DDC\apache-cassandra\conf\cassandra.yaml, found the cdc_raw_directory setting and simply uncommented it.
After fixing that you also get an Error when you will try to run cassandra.bat from command line.
it will tell you that \conf\\\hotspot_compiler cannot be found
go to C:\Program Files\DataStax-DDC\apache-cassandra\conf
modify cassandra-env.ps1
just change CASSANDRA_CONF\conf\hotsport_compiler
to CASSANDRA_HOMEconf\hotsport_compiler
WITHOUT the backslash... this is not a typo ^^
finally cassandra.bat will start and cqlshell will work.
.. then close the command window where you started cassandra.bat (as admin) press CONTROL+C
..and finally you can start the service as admin: net start DataStax_DDC_Server
Below is the process that i followed to get my cqlsh working on windows 10 (64 bit)
Msi Installation file used : datastax-ddc-64bit-3.9.0
After i have installed datastax:
1) Opened cqlsh, it started closing on me.
2) researched answers in stack overflow and found that i need to add raw directory.
3) Based on TugboatCaptain answer I enclosed cdc_raw_directory based on my installation folder in conf\cassandra.yaml file
4) Opened Errlog file and noticed there is mistake showing in the path "C:\Program Files\DataStax-DDC\data\cdc_raw" at "\DataStax-DDC" error while scanning double quoted scalar.
5) I removed "\" before "DataStax-DDC" from cdc_raw_directory value in conf\cassandra.yaml file and started Datastax DDC Server 3.9.0
6) Opened again the Err file and noticed the error is shifted to "\data"
7) I removed "\" from cdc_raw_directory in conf\cassandra.yaml file and saved the file and started Datastax DDC Server 3.9.0
8) Opened again the Err file and noticed the error is shifted to "\data"
9) repeated the process of removing "\" and saved the file until i was able to start the service.
10) Finally my service started, Hope this helps and also attached screenshots from my pc.
Finally my cdc_raw_directory value looked like below:
Final Image from "conf\cassandra.yaml" once my service has started
This is the my cqsl shell screenshot
Mylog file(logs\datastax_ddc_server-stderr.2019-03-24.log) screenshot
I had the same problem (I'd start and it automatically says service stopped). I got it fixed as follows:
go to C:\Program Files\DataStax-DDC\apache-cassandra\conf
edit cassandra.yaml
cdc_raw_directory: /var/lib/cassandra/cdc_raw
cdc_raw_directory: "C:/Program Files/DataStax-DDC/data/cdc_raw"
Make sure that there are no spaces before "cdc_raw_directory" i.e. not " cdc_raw_directory" because Python is space sensitive
Try running the CMD prompt as administrator, that fixed the problem for me.

mongodb : listen() attempts to access socket in a forbidden way

I downloaded 64-bit zipped version of mongodb for windows, created '/data/db' as instructed.
Now, when I run "mongod" command, I am getting the following error & the mongodb server shuts down automatically.
"ERROR : listen() failed error-10013. An attempt was made to access socket in a way forbidden by its access permissions. "
Please help me to clear the firewall settings in windows to prevent this error & run mongodb.
I was able to fix the error by using the following command : "mongod --bind_ip="". :)
This error also seems to happen when mongod is already running. On Windows 10, mongod will be listed under Background Processes in the Task Manager if it is running. If it is already running, ending the task should allow you to run mongod again without this error occurring. Also check that it is not running as a service; it may be set to restart automatically.
Also, if you have a docker container running mongodb, you also get this error. If you stop your container(s) running mongodb, then it should start up.
I was able to fix this issue by allowing access for Mongo Db Server Application under firewall settings in my antivirus settings.
After you did the above step,open the cmd as administrator and go to the bin path of mongodb application in your system.
Then run the below command.
Note : try the above steps only after you tried the below steps
1) https://docs.mongodb.com/manual/tutorial/configure-windows-netsh-firewall/
I ran across a similar error which is why I ended up on this thread. For me, my solution was that McAfee Antivirus was blocking MongoDB.
The initial error basically showed that access was denied for mongo:
mongo error
I was able to do a search on the internet and found steps to allow MongoDB to run under McAfee Antivirus software by changing the setting for the app directly.
mcaffee settings
When I located MongoDB in the apps requesting internet access, it was initially set to blocked. I selected the app, clicked on edit and changed it to 'Designated ports'.
mongodb settings changed
Now, I am able to run mongo whether the mongod service is started automatically or if I start it manually in a hyper terminal window.
