svn: E155021: This client is too old to work with the working copy at xxx (format '31') - spring

I am trying to import some gradle projects in my Spring Tool Suite . I have installed Subclipse 1.10.5 in my STS and svn client installed in my machine is 1.8.8 . I have tried downgrading to 1.7.10 on my mac but still I get the same problem while importing .
For others SVN 1.7.10 and Subclipse 1.10.5 seems to work fine but in my machine I am getting the error
svn: E155021: This client is too old to work with the working copy at
'/Users/agarg/Documents/Mars/trunk' (format '31')
Stuck here for some time now and unable to resolve this . Tried a lot of things as I found over the net but still stuck.

I had this problem on Mac OS Yosemite with Webstorm and IntelliJ.
svn --version on the command line printed 1.8, but even with command line client option enabled with value svn in Webstorm/IntelliJ I was getting the warning.
Running which svn and pasting the value (/usr/local/bin/svn for me) into WebStorm->Preferences->Version Control->Subversion->Use command line client removed the warning and fixed the issues I was having in Webstorm and IntelliJ.

The working copy has format understandable by SVN 1.8 client, but your client is SVN 1.7 or older.
You should double-check what Subclipse / SVNKit / svn.exe client versions you have on your system.
Try accessing the working copy from command-line and see whether you get the same error.

If you definitely have svn installed and running at the correct version you want, this error means the metadata in your project refers to an older version of subversion. Upgrade it by following this guide:

I had this same issue on OSX. I have been able to upgrade the SVN by following the step by step guide here:
First check which svn version you have:
$ svn --version
svn, version 1.7.17 (r1591372)
compiled Aug 7 2014, 17:03:25
Seems like its old version, so update it.
$ brew update
$ brew install subversion
This will take some seconds to install. Now check how many svn you have. You will see the another entry belew.
$ which -a svn
Edit the ~/.bash_profile with
export PATH="/usr/local/bin:$PATH"
And then
$ source ~/.bash_profile
$ svn --version
svn, version 1.8.10 (r1615264)
compiled Aug 25 2014, 10:57:58 on x86_64-apple-darwin13.3.0
Now you will see the SVN verison is upgraded from 1.7 to 1.8.

Same problem here (SVN 1.8 client on W7, STS 3.6.3, eclipse-plugin: subversive SVN Team provider 1.1.x and SVNKit Implementation 3.0.x).
Upgrading (in STS) the SVN Team provider to 2.03.x and SVNKit to 4.1.2 solved the problem.

Got this error ON MAC OS X but you believe you have available the right version?
First look at how many svn
$ which -a svn
Look at the output for each of the output using the --version flag. You might notice that the default which output is not the same as the default command output:
$ command -v svn
$ which svn
You might be tempted to update some symlinks or your PATH variable but before doing so try from a new console, it might be just that you are hitting a console open before you installed the latest version. I would even try restarting before attempting to change PATH or symlinks.

Easiest way:
1. execute which -a svn in terminal;
2. modify the enviroment file(like ~/.bash_profile), and use the older version svn;
3. checkout svn code with your older svn;
4. import it into your IDE;
5. DONE.

I had similar issue in my program while checking out code from SVN through my Java program .
TO resolve i closed the eclipse workspace and deleted the folder in which i was checking out the files on my local directory.It worked for me.

Thanks to all for their solution. I was struggling with this issue for couple of days. I had installed old version 1.7 with PC login of Cygwin environment.
Later i had to install version 1.9 because i wanted to use svn command. For most of the time i was looking for a file /.bash_profile on my PC or file which would have path usr/local/bin.
But i always found path cygwin/usr/local/bin. I kept neglecting it.
After doing so many trial and error, i took simple chance.
Went to Environment Variable PATH, and cut path "C:\Program Files\TortoiseSVN\bin\bin" and pasted before "cygwin/usr/local/bin"
And later svn --version detected my latest version 1.9 :)


How do I properly upgrade SVN on MAC?

I'm starting on a new team who are all on PCs using TortoiseSVN with SVN version 1.9.2. I'm on a Mac OSX (El Capitan) using the Versionsapp. When I check svn --version in terminal i get 1.7.10.
When I try any svn command such as svn update I get
svn: E155021: This client is too old to work with the working copy at
'/Users/dpowell/Desktop/sites/' (format 31).
You need to get a newer Subversion client. For more details, see
I've gone to the site and downloaded the python script but don't know it will do anything to help (i.e. I don't know how to use it). I've also downloaded the 1.9 package and tried installing svn that way.
I'm not sure what path to take to solve this issue
The Python script you downloaded from there was to downgrade your SVN version - you need to upgrade your SVN version. I recommend going the homebrew route - it will save you lots of pain in upgrading / installing OSX packages in the future.
Follow the instructions here:
(copy that line into a terminal an press ENTER, then follow the prompts)
Then, when homebrew is installed, so update SVN, just do brew install svn.
In Terminal, type "svn --version" to find out what version you currently have
Go to and download the latest client for OS X and install it. This will install the new svn into /opt/subversion/bin
Got to your terminal and check your $PATH by typing "echo $PATH". If you don't see /opt/subversion/bin in there, make sure you add it by typing export PATH=/opt/subversion/bin:$PATH. If it DOES exist and appears AFTER /usr/bin, then you may need to remove an older copy of svn that came installed on OS X. To do so, go to /usr/bin and remove all files starting with svn. This isn't an exact science but it should do the trick.
For me export PATH=/opt/subversion/bin:$PATH worked as it was installed in /opt/subversion/bin
Make sure you reload your .profile first by typing
. ./.profile*
Type "svn --version". You should see that you have the newest version installed!
brew upgrade subversion
Others solutions require you to register an Account?? forget them.

Git not working. Installed XCode

Using an iMac running OSX 10.8.5 (Mountain Lion). It's a work computer and can't upgrade to a higher OS version at the moment for various reasons.
I tried installing XCode so that I can use Git but it isn't working.
In terminal I run:
git --version
and get this response:
-bash: git: command not found
What am I doing wrong?
You need to install git separately:
Source control was only introduced into Xcode 4. This however does not mean git is installed onto your system as part of downloading Xcode. It just means that you can use some git features in a Xcode project by pressing the source control button at the top. To install the actual git go here.
I'm don't know why it appears to be so, but it looks like Git still isn't installed on your computer. Another way to check if Git is installed is by using the which git command. If that still doesn't help, install it separately. Download Git for Mac.

how to update git client to overcome the latest vulnerability?

Recently GitHub recommended us to update the git client on our machines.
news on vulnerability
So I type in console
git --version //getting 2.0.1
which git //getting /usr/local/git/bin/git
Then I upload one from here(2.2.1, for instance):
The Git core team site
I unzip it and then I cant figure it out where to put unzipped files because files under /usr/local/git are so different,
what do I need to do to install it?
Update: for everyone curious about my question, this particular link have the answers
Since you appear to be using Linux (or maybe Max OSX) you'll need to use one of the package managers. The Download page for Git on Linux has more information.
For Mac OS you'll need to use Homebrew or MacPorts.
Otherwise you'll have to download the source code, make and make install the newest version of Git if the Linux and Mac package managers don't have the newest release listed.
Installing Git

SVN version in Maven tasks with SVNKit on MacOS

I am getting this error in a Maven build (mvn clean install) on a Mac with Mountain Lion
org.tmatesoft.svn.core.SVNException: svn: The path 'XYZ' appears to be part of Subversion 1.7 (SVNKit 1.4) or greater
working copy rooted at '/Users/XYZ/workspace/XYZ'.
Please upgrade your Subversion (SVNKit) client to use this working copy.
I had SVN installed as part of the Apple Command Line tools package and that gets installed at /usr/bin. I have installed the latest SVN as well but that got installed at /usr/local/bin.
When the maven build runs, it does not pick up the latest SVN, it picks the older one and fails.
Has anyone faced this kind of problem before?
I think there are 2 options -
1) Somehow force maven to use the new installed SVN.
2) Upgrade the SVN installed as part of Apple' Command Line tools to the latest SVN. I have reinstalled Command Line tools with the latest version but it still sticks to the older version.
I dont control the pom.xml so modifying it is not a viable option.
Any pointers in resolving this would be much appreciated.
This means your svn client is version 1.7 but the working copy(your project workspace) was checkout with the older version.
It's simple by execute the following command at your project root directory, where the pom.xml is there.
svn upgrade
please note, the maven use the svn client which is in your OS path.
After upgrade you should configure your IDE to use the version 1.7 as well. In my case I use the Eclipes Juno sr1 with Svnkit.
Anyhow if you would not like to change the working copy or IDE configuration. There is an alternative by install the svn clinet 1.4/1.5/1.6 and set it active via OS path instead.
I hope this may help.
Charlee Ch.

svn commands hang on Mac

Need a help again. Whenever I try to run any svn command from command line on MacOS X 10.7, it hangs.
I have no clue why that's happening. svn commands work fine from within IntelliJ.
Can anyone help me find out what the problem is? Any help will be very much appreciated.
Perhaps you need to use a proxy server to talk to the SVN repository, and you've got the proxy server configured in IntelliJ but not at the command line. Here's a random blog post showing how to set up proxies for SVN command-line tools.
I was able to solve the problem by moving to newer version:
...$ svn --version
svn, version 1.6.17 (r1128011)
compiled Aug 26 2011, 09:41:54
