Error using save( ) in Laravel command - laravel-4

I am setting up my first Laravel command, but having an issue saving the the record.
My model:
Public static function contractorDecline(){
return DB::table('job_interviews')
->where('job_interviews.status', '=', 'awaiting contractor response')
I set up a command to change the status after 24 hours with no action:
public function fire()
$tooLate = Carbon::Now()->subHours(24);
$interviews = JobInterview::contractorDecline();
foreach($interviews as $interview){
if ($interview->response_received_on <= $tooLate){
$interview->status = 'contractor declined interview';
When I run the command, I am getting the error:
"Call to undefined method stdClass::save()"
What do I need to add to the controller to be able to use save() in the command?

You are using Fluent which returns a simple object and calling Eloquent save method on it. If you want to update the row you should use Eloquent instead. Assuming you have a JobInterview class(Model) for the job_interviews table, you can code:
JobInterview::whereStatus('awaiting contractor response')->get();


Get Id Field From Eloquent Laravel

I want get id value from eloquent laravel and passing to variable to insert process. this is my eloquent to get data from siswa table
$siswa = Siswa::where('nis', $row['nis'])->first();
but when accessing id value like $siswa->id I'm getting error
enter image description here
Use this code
$siswa variable can be null. Look at its contents with the dd($siswa) command.
To escape the error you can use it like this:
// $siswa not null.
You have two ways to fix this.
1/ You can use ->firstOrFail() to display a 404 page in case of your data is not found :
$siswa = Siswa::where('nis', $row['nis'])->firstOrFail();
// if $siswa is NULL, then it will display a 404 page, else it will continue
2/ You can add a simple condition to continue with your data :
$siswa = Siswa::where('nis', $row['nis'])->first();
if ($siswa) {
// then continue
First you can $id pass on your public function like
public function show($id)
$siswa = Siswa::where('id', $id)->first();
You can pass your id on your route

Laravel Nova - Observer Update Method Causes 502

When trying to update a resource in Laravel Nova that has a Observer the update loads for a while and then ends with a 502 error. The observer is registered correctly (the created method works fine) and I'm not trying to do anything special in the updated method. Any ideas?
public function updated(Model $model)
$model->title = 'test';
If I try this without the $model->save(), there is no 502 error but the change I want to happen also doesn't happen. I get the green success message, and any change I make on the form prior to updating occurs, but not the change I'm trying to make during the updated method.
Any help troubleshooting this would be appreciated
I am not very good at Laravel, but I think, that you should to try this:
In your model file add method:
public function saveQuietly(array $options = [])
return static::withoutEvents(function () use ($options) {
return $this->save($options);
Then, in your updated method in observer do something like this:
public function updated(Model $model)
$model->title = 'test';

How can i get the buyers to still be able to purchase the product even if its unavailable?

I'm trying to create waitlist to buy product, but change the status of the transaction from 'Confirmed' to 'Waitlist'.
For that I have added a variable 'status' and a function in Transaction Model as follows:
const CONFIRMED_TRANSACTION = 'confirmed';
const WAITLIST_TRANSACTION = 'waitlist'; //waitlist product
public function isConfirmed() {
return $this->status == Transaction::CONFIRMED_TRANSACTION;
Default value of Transaction->status is 'CONFIRMED_TRANSACTION'.
Now every time the Product->status changes to 'unavailable' i would like to change the value of the Transaction->status to 'WAITLIST_TRANSACTION' when the transaction is created.
I am trying to achieve it using Event Listeners as:
Transaction::created(function($transaction) {
if(!$product->isAvailable()) {
$transaction->status = Transaction::WAITLIST_TRANSACTION;
But this gives me error :
**ErrorException: Undefined variable: product in file /home/vagrant/restfulapi7/app/Providers/AppServiceProvider.php on line 29**
How can I achieve the same in a better way?
You're using what's called a lambda or anonymous function, which has a different scope to the rest of your code.
function($transaction) does not have access to a variable named $product. So you're trying to call ->isAvailable() on a variable which doesn't exist.
Transaction::created(function($transaction) {
if(!$product->isAvailable()) {
$transaction->status = Transaction::WAITLIST_TRANSACTION;
Assuming it exists in the scope in which you call Transaction::created(), you can pass the $product variable into your lambda function like this:
function($transaction) use ($product) { ... }
For more information on lambda functions, read the php docs here
This solves the issue:

The update nor the destroy methods won't work in laravel eloquent model?

I have a strange situation where eloquent model won't let me update nor destroy while index and create is working fine!
I'm using Vue.js and Laravel API Resource for form control, and while it worked with me before, it won't work here:
Here's my Vue.js Code:
updateFinish(finish) {
axios.patch(`/api/finishes/${}`, finish).then(response => {
}).catch(error => {
// Get laravel validation error
this.errors =;
laravel update code (not working)
public function update(FinishType $finishType)
// Don't know why not working
return new FinishTypeResource($finishType);
the response is null:
While this code works:
public function update($id)
$finishType = FinishType::find($id);
$validates = $this->validateRequest();
$finishType->name = $validates['name'];
return new FinishTypeResource($finishType);
public function validateRequest()
return request()->validate([
'name' => 'required | unique:finish_types',
Note the Model name is FinishType and database table name is finish_types, I even tried to define the table name in the model like so protected $table = 'finish_types' – still not working and I already have defined the $fillable array!!!
Your route model binding is not working correctly, for the implicit binding to work your injected variable should match the route parameter name.
Assuming that your parameter name could be finish (reading the url from your javascript) you have to write the update function using $finish as injected variable, like this:
public function update(FinishType $finish)
return new FinishTypeResource($finish);
Do the same for destroy():
public function destroy(FinishType $finish)
// your destroy code here
In any case you can run php artisan route:list to find your parameter name (the part of the URI in braces) and give the same name to the injected variable.
If the two do not match, parameter and injected variable name, laravel injects a void, not loaded, FinishType model so it does not make sense doing an update or a delete on it.
I can't post comments so I'm going to post what I assume is the answer.
Laravel does route model binding automagically when the route url name corresponds to the name of the table I think... or model.
So users/{id} would auto bind the User object when you type it as a param in the controller. Example (User $user)
However, since your URL seems to be "different" from the name of your Model/Table, go to the RouteServiceProvider, and manually do the binding.
So in your case you'd do something like this in the boot function of the RouteServiceProvider class:
public function boot()
Route::model('finishes', FinishType::class);
Don't forget your imports :)
You can read more about Explicit Model Binding here:

My recursive function in laravel does not call itself

I am writing a recursive function to call the child record from the parent record. It seems not to be working. i am getting this error; "Trying to get property 'refid' of non-object". Where am i getting it wrong. Please any idea? below is the code Snippet.
the function controller
public function DisplayDetail($id)
$displayDetail = DB::table('tblmembers')
return $this->DisplayDetail($displayDetail->refid);
main controller where the function is called
public function dashboard()
$profile = DB::table('tblmembers')->where('username',$userid)->first();
$data['userdetail'] = $this->DisplayDetail($profile->memid);
return view('main.userArea',$data);
the blade where the record fetched is displayed
#foreach($userdetail as $userd)
{{ $userd->memid }}
my sample data
refid | memid
12345 | 123456
123456 | 1234567
123456 | 1234568
123456 | 1234569
1234567 | 1234570
from the above table; refid: 123456 brought memid: 1234567,1234568,1234569. then refid: 1234567 brought memid: 12345670
i want to display all the memid after login in as a user with memid 123456
You are doing one thing wrong in your function DisplayDetail. Here the the correction in your function
If you want to get single item then here is the correct code.
public function displayDetail($id)
$displayDetail = DB::table('tblmembers')
if($displayDetail) {
$displayDetail['userdetail'] = $this->displayDetail($displayDetail->refid);
return $displayDetail;
And dashboard function will be look like this
public function dashboard()
$userDetail = $this->DisplayDetail($profile->memid);
return view('main.userArea',[
'userdetail' => $userDetail
This is the correct code. Try this and let me know if you have another query on this.
The error:
Trying to get property 'refid' of non-object
is occuring because your database query is using ->get(), which returns a Collection, rather than an object. You cannot get the property ->refid on a Collection, you can only get it from an object that resides in the collection.
As Lakhwinder Singh shows in his code, you need to use ->first(), as this will return one object. I would suggest using ->firstOrFail(), that way you will either get back an object which matches your ID, or it will fail if it cannot find it.
If you do:
$displayDetail = DB::table('tblmembers')
You will now be able to call:
You can use that in your function call to displayDetail.
try this function
public function DisplayDetail($id,$data=[])
$displayDetail = DB::table('tblmembers')
if($displayDetail && isset($displayDetail->refid))// your condition for last child
$data = $this->DisplayDetail($displayDetail->refid,$data);
$data[] = array('refid' =>$displayDetail->id ,
'memid' => $displayDetail->secondid );
return $data;
i'll explain you later first modify according to your requirement and run
