Laravel Model - $connection property not working - laravel-4

Why this ain't working?
class Condition extends Eloquent{
protected $connection = 'another-database-connection';
But it turns out it connects to the default database.
Any thoughts?
The problem is in:
protected function fetchColumns($is = null)
$columns = DB::select('DESCRIBE '.$this->getTable());
foreach($columns as $column){
if(!in_array($column, array('id', 'created_at', 'updated_at', 'deleted_at'))){
$this->tableColumns[] = $column->Field;
It seems that Laravel mixes databases when trying to get the table columns, that's why I get Table doesn't exist error. The connection is fine.

$columns = DB::select('DESCRIBE '.$this->getTable());
$columns = $this->getConnection()->select('DESCRIBE '.$this->getTable());


ErrorException (E_ERROR) :Trying to get property of non-object. when i trying implode array to string in index.blade.php

$p = [];
foreach($p->genres as $genre){
$genres[] = $genre->genres;
$genre = implode(",", $genres);
public function index()
$series = Series::all();
return view('admin/series/index',['series' => $series]);
model Genres.php
class Genres extends Model
protected $primarykey= 'id';
protected $fillable = ['genres'];
public function series()
return $this->belongsToMany(Series::class);
Model Series.php
class Series extends Model
protected $table = 'series';
protected $primarykey='id';
protected $fillable = ['title','country','japanese','year','synonyms','trailer','image','network','rating','duration','genres','aired','directors','screenwriters','score','type','episode','synopsis'];
public function genres(){
return $this->belongsToMany(Genres::class);
I want to display data from different databases using multiple table relationships, but the data is still a compilation array to bring it up.
and compilation I asked a friend. I was told to use a code like the one in index.blade.php. and return like this
ErrorException (E_ERROR) Try to get properties that are not objects
You are accessing array with -> whereas only the object can be accessed with arrow. To access array keys you have to use $array['key'] approach.
Arrays and objects are two different data types, so to access their inner data, you've to use their respective approaches.
You are looping wrong variables/collections. You need to make some changes to make it work. Below code should solve your problem.
$p = [];
foreach($series as $ser){
foreach($ser->genres as $genre){
$p[] = $genre->genres;
$gen = implode(",", $p);
You are setting series from the controller so inside the view you must loop over the series first.
#foreach($series as $s){
// then your code should be take place.
$genres = [];
foreach($s->genres as $genre){
$genres[] = $genre->genres;
$genre = implode(",", $genres);

Laravel Eloquent relationship object stale even though data correct in database

I'm using Laravel 5.7 and have a one-to-one relationship between 2 eloquent models.
I have this simple function that works well, and the correct values persist to the database:
public function saveMarketingOriginInfo(Contact $contact, $data) {
return $contact->marketingOrigin;
However, when writing a functional test for it, I noticed that the object that it returns is stale (doesn't have the correct values in its properties).
My tests only pass if I change the return statement to return \App\Models\MarketingOrigin::find($contact->id);.
(MarketingOrigin uses 'contact_id' as primary key.)
What am I doing wrong?
How can I return the same object that was just saved in the previous line ($contact->marketingOrigin->save();) without making a database read query (find())?
Update to respond to comments:
protected $table = 'marketing_origins';//MarketingOrigin class
protected $primaryKey = 'contact_id';
protected $guarded = [];
public function contact() {
return $this->belongsTo('App\Models\Contact');
The test:
public function testSaveMarketingOriginInfo() {
$helper = new \App\Helpers\SignupHelper();
$contactId = 92934;
$contact = factory(\App\Models\Contact::class)->create(['id' => $contactId]);
$leadMagnetType = 'LMT';
$audience = 'a60907';
$hiddenMktgFields = [
'audience' => $audience,
'leadMagnetType' => $leadMagnetType
$result = $helper->saveMarketingOriginInfo($contact, $hiddenMktgFields);
$this->assertEquals($result->contact_id, $contactId, 'contact_id did not get saved');
$this->assertEquals($result->campaignId, '6075626793661');
$this->assertEquals($result->leadMagnetType, $leadMagnetType);
$marketingOrigin = \App\Models\MarketingOrigin::findOrFail($contactId);
$this->assertEquals($marketingOrigin->adsetId, '6088011244061');
$this->assertEquals($marketingOrigin->audience, $audience);
$this->assertEquals($marketingOrigin, $result, 'This is the assertion that fails; some properties of the object are stale');
This is because the relationship has not been loaded yet.
You could try $contact->load('marketingOrigin'); to eager load the relationship:
public function saveMarketingOriginInfo(Contact $contact, $data) {
$contact->load('marketingOrigin'); // <---- eager load the relationship
return $contact->marketingOrigin;

Saving Model data to database

I have a Report Model which is like the following.
class Report extends Model
protected $table = 'reports';
protected $guarded = [];
public function leadsCollection()
return $this->hasMany('App\ReportModels\LeadsCollection');
A Report can have many LeadsCollection, its Model is the following.
class LeadsCollection extends Model
protected $table = 'leadsCollection';
protected $guarded = [];
private $xmlElement;
public function __construct($xmlElement = null, $attributes = array()) {
$this->xmlElement = $xmlElement;
public function report()
return $this->belongsTo('App\ReportModels\Report');
function asArray(){
$reportItem = array();
foreach($this->xmlElement->Leads->Lead as $lead) {
$dateIdentified = date("d/m/Y", strtotime($lead->Date));
$reportItem[] = array(
'LeadID' => (string)$lead->ID,
'Client' => (string)$lead->Client->Name,
'Category' => (string)$lead->Category,
'DateIdentified' => $dateIdentified,
'LeadName' => (string)$lead->Name,
'Owner' => (string)$lead->Owner->Name
return $reportItem;
Now I am trying to save some data to a database. So I get a list of all Leads by calling my LeadsCollection and passing it an XML list of Leads.
I then loop these Leads and add it to an array. At the same time however I need to save it to the database. This is what I have so far.
public function getForecastReportForLeads() {
$leads = new LeadsCollection(new \SimpleXMLElement(Helper::getCurrentLeads()));
$reportArray = array();
foreach ($leads->asArray() as $lead) {
$report = new Report();
$report->reportName = 'Lead Forecast';
if($report->save()) {
$leads->leadId = $lead['LeadID'];
$leads->leadCategory = $lead['Category'];
$leads->dateIdentified = $lead['DateIdentified'];
$leads->leadName = $lead['LeadName'];
$leads->owner = $lead['Owner'];
$leads->client = $lead['Client'];
$leads->report_id = $report->id;
$reportItem = array(
'leadData' => $lead
$reportArray[] = $reportItem;
return $reportArray;
So I create the Report item, and within the database if I have 7 Leads I end up with 7 Report rows within my reports table, as it should be. However, when I save the Leads, I only end up with 1 row in my leadsCollection table, every other entry seems to be overridden. I think this is because I am not creating the Lead Object within the loop. However, I cant really create it within the loop because I need to loop whats returned when I first create it.
Not sure how clear I am but is there anything I can add to my Model so I can stop any overriding? Or do I need to do this another way?
Either you get the variable inside the save method or initialize the new
$report = new Report($reportItem);
I'm having a similar Issue right, let me show my code. It would work for your case. My bug is that I'm updating and the gets moved instead of creating a new one. But if you create would be fine:
public function store(Request $request)
$this->validate($request, [ 'title' => 'required',
'description' => 'required']);
$input = $request->all();
$plan_details = Plan_Detail::ofUser()->get();
$plan = new Plan($request->all());
try {
foreach ($plan_details as $k => $plan_detail)
} catch (Exception $e) {
Log::error("PGSQL plan detail " . $e->message());
session()->flash('message', 'Error al guardar el plan de entreno');
return redirect('plans');

Laravel get relationship model within object after save()

I am using laravel 4.2.
I have two models as below :
class User extends Eloquent{
protected $table = 'users';
public function user_card_details(){
return $this->hasMany('User_card_details');
class User_card_details extends Eloquent {
protected $table = 'user_card_details';
public $timestamps = true;
public $softdeletes = true;
public function user(){
return $this->belongsTo('User')->first();
And I can save the relationship record using :
$user_card_details = new User_card_details();
$user_card_details->card_number = Input::get('card_number');
$user_card_details->card_exp_month = Input::get('card_expires_m');
$user_card_details->card_exp_year = Input::get('card_expires_y');
$user_card_details->card_cvv = Input::get('card_cvv');
Up to this it works fine for me.
After save() , I want the user object should be populated with user_details.
So if I want to use the properties, I can use it like :
echo $user->user_card_details->card_number;
But it is not working now.
Any suggestions?
You have to remove the () to get the actual model or collection:
echo $user->user_card_details->card_number;
When you're calling the actual function, you'll receive an instance of the Query builder.
Also, it seems that you're not persisting your $user_card_details-object before you try to bind it to your user:
$user_card_details = new User_card_details();
$user_card_details->card_number = Input::get('card_number');
$user_card_details->card_exp_month = Input::get('card_expires_m');
$user_card_details->card_exp_year = Input::get('card_expires_y');
$user_card_details->card_cvv = Input::get('card_cvv');
$user_card_details->save(); //Added this line.
The more correct way would be:
$user_card_details = [
'card_number' => Input::get( 'card_number' ),
'card_exp_month' => Input::get( 'card_expires_m' ),
'card_exp_year' => Input::get( 'card_expires_y' ),
'card_cvv' => Input::get( 'card_cvv' ),
$userCardDetailObj = $user->user_card_details()->create( $user_card_details );
Now, your User_card_detail-instance will be available as the returned object.

Setting a table name in a model?

Im trying to pass in a table name to my model, as the model operates on two tables, but has the same methods.
I do it like so:
$this->model = new Emotions(array('section' => 'red'));
And in the model I set the table like:
public function __construct($attributes = array(), $exists = false){
parent::__construct($attributes, $exists);
$this->table = $attributes['section'];
But I get the error:
Undefined index: section
Any ideas where I'm going wrong?
Yes i get it, This class maybe running twice.
Please try this.
public function __construct($attributes = array(), $exists = false){
parent::__construct($attributes, $exists);
if(isset($attributes['section'])) {
$this->table = $attributes['section'];
My personal suggestion
class Emotions extends Eloquent
public function setTableName($name)
$this->table = $name;
return $this;
And you can use like this
$emotion = new Emotions(array('foo' => 'bar'))
add below line to your class.
protected $fillable = array('section');
