Sinatra, Pony gem: NoMethodError - ruby

I am trying to send an e-mail using Pony and get the
NoMethodError at /
undefined method `address' for #Mail::Message:. error. This is my code so far:
post '/' do
Pony.options = { :from => '',
:via => :smtp,
:address => '',
:port => '465',
:user_name => '___',
:password => '___',
:authentication => :plain,
:domain => ""
Pony.mail(subject: 'Hello', to: "", body: 'hi')
redirect '/'
when running bundle list it does show pony (1.10). What could go wrong?

:address, :port, etc. go inside a :via_options hash.
Per the documentation:
:via_options => {
:address => '',
:port => '25',
:user_name => 'user',
:password => 'password',
:authentication => :plain, # :plain, :login, :cram_md5, no auth by default
:domain => "localhost.localdomain" # the HELO domain provided by the client to the server
Therefore, you'll want:
post '/' do
Pony.options = {
:from => '',
:via => :smtp,
:via_options => {
:address => '',
:port => '465',
:user_name => '___',
:password => '___',
:authentication => :plain,
:domain => ""
Pony.mail(subject: 'Hello', to: "", body: 'hi')
redirect '/'


Fedex Ruby Gem: Customs Value is required - how to add?

I'm working with the Ruby gem 'FedEx',
I've set up my code for a development mode and I'm testing making a shipment.
However, I get stuck with the following error:
C:/Ruby22/lib/ruby/gems/2.2.0/gems/fedex-.10.1/lib/fedex/request/shipment.rb:134:in 'failure_response': Customs Value is required. (Fedex:: RateError) from C: /Ruby22/lib/ruby/gems/2.2.0/gems/fedex-.10.1/lib/fedex/request/shipment.rb:32:in 'process_request' from C: /Ruby22/lib/ruby/gems/2.2.0/gems/fedex-3.10.1/lib/fedex/shipment.rb:57:in 'ship' from C: /Ruby22/bin/css_fedex_v1.rb:92:in ''
It seems that I need to parse a 'Customs Value', probably as part of my 'packages' hash. However, I'm unable to find the relevant field for me to enter this in. Anyone who's experienced this and found a solution?
My code is as below:
require 'fedex'
fedex = => '***',
:password => '***',
:account_number => '***',
:meter => '***',
:mode => 'development')
shipper = { :name => "***",
:company => "***",
:phone_number => "***",
:address => "***",
:city => "***",
:postal_code => "***",
:country_code => "DK" }
recipient = { :name => "***",
:company => "***",
:phone_number => "***",
:address => "***",
:city => "***",
:postal_code => "***",
:country_code => "GB",
:residential => "false" }
packages = []
packages << {:weight => {:units => "LB", :value => 1}}
shipping_options = {:packaging_type => "YOUR_PACKAGING",
:drop_off_type => "REGULAR_PICKUP"}
rate = fedex.rate(:shipper=>shipper,
:recipient => recipient,
:packages => packages,
:shipping_options => shipping_options)
ship = fedex.ship(:shipper=>shipper,
:recipient => recipient,
:packages => packages,
:service_type => "INTERNATIONAL_PRIORITY",
:shipping_options => shipping_options)
puts ship[:completed_shipment_detail][:operational_detail][:transit_time]
Customs value is declared in their docs:
customs_value = { :currency => "USD",
:amount => "200" }
As I understand you can pass it into the commodities hash or keep it separate.

How do I Work Around " Encoding::UndefinedConversionError: ""\x9D"" from Windows-1252 to UTF-8"?

Here's the code that generates the error:
response =
:method => :get,
:url => "http://wls-eng1:8080/rest/api/2/issue/{issue['key']}/comment",
:user => username,
:password => password,
:headers => { :accept => :json, :content_type => :json },
:ssl_ca_file => :temp

ruby-aws Amazon Mechanical Turk

I am trying to create a HIT with a pre-created form using the ruby-aws gem and keep getting a missing params error. I have limited the missing params to the params specific to my form.
It seems my request is not being formatted correctly and there are next to no examples from Amazon. My logs say the the following params are missing:
relationship, price, environmental_consciousness, age, occasion, gender, humor, experience, local, romance, additional_information
Any help is much appreciated!
Below is my current request:
hit = mturk.createHIT(
:Operation => 'CreateHIT',
:Title => 'Find a gift based on user scores',
:Description => 'Find a gift for an individual based on survey scores.',
:MaxAssignments => 3,
:Signature => signature,
:Timestamp => timestamp,
:Reward => { :Amount => 0.25, :CurrencyCode => 'USD' },
:HitLayoutParameter => {'Name' => 'additional_information', 'Value' => 'TEST'},
:HitLayoutParameter => {'Name' => 'age', 'Value' => '22'},
:HitLayoutParameter => {'Name' => 'environmental_consciousness', 'Value' => '54'},
:HitLayoutParameter => {'Name' => 'experience', 'Value' => '32'},
:HitLayoutParameter => {'Name' => 'gender', 'Value' => 'male'},
:HitLayoutParameter => {'Name' => 'humor', 'Value' => '66'},
:HitLayoutParameter => {'Name' => 'local', 'Value' => '21'},
:HitLayoutParameter => {'Name' => 'occasion', 'Value' => '43'},
:HitLayoutParameter => {'Name' => 'price', 'Value' => '33'},
:HitLayoutParameter => {'Name' => 'relationship', 'Value' => '23'},
:HitLayoutParameter => {'Name' => 'romance', 'Value' => '23'},
:Keywords => 'data collection, gifting, gifts, shopping, gift listings, presents',
:AssignmentDurationInSeconds => 300,
:LifetimeInSeconds => 604800
I was able to resolive the issue - AWS has terrible naming conventions. The above example does use the correct format, however HitLayoutParameter must be HITLayoutParameter - Notice the CAPITAL HIT vs Hit.
Also, when submitting multiple parameters, the should only be one HITLayoutParameter that equals an array of Name/Value pairs. Working code below.
Hope this helps someone else!
hit = mturk.createHIT(
:Operation => 'CreateHIT',
:Title => 'Find a gift based on user scores',
:Description => 'Find a gift for an individual based on survey scores.',
:MaxAssignments => 3,
:Signature => signature,
:Timestamp => timestamp,
:Reward => { :Amount => 0.25, :CurrencyCode => 'USD' },
:HITLayoutParameter => [
{:Name => 'additional_information', :Value => 'TEST'},
{:Name => 'age', :Value => '22'},
{:Name => 'environmental_consciousness', :Value => '54'},
{:Name => 'experience', :Value => '32'},
{:Name => 'gender', :Value => 'male'},
{:Name => 'humor', :Value => '66'},
{:Name => 'local', :Value => '21'},
{:Name => 'occasion', :Value => '43'},
{:Name => 'price', :Value => '33'},
{:Name => 'relationship', :Value => '23'},
{:Name => 'romance', :Value => '23'}
:Keywords => 'data collection, gifting, gifts, shopping, gift listings, presents',
:AssignmentDurationInSeconds => 300,
:LifetimeInSeconds => 604800

username and password not accepted with pony gem in ruby

im trying to implement a simple form for my ruby website using pony and i keep getting the error '535-5.7.1 Username and Password not accepted.' I've typed in my own gmail username and password in the correct fields.
code in pony.rb
Pony.options = {
:to => 'myusername',
:via => :smtp,:
:via_options => {
:address => '',
:port => '587',
:enable_starttls_auto => true,
:user_name => 'myusername',
:password => 'mypassword',
:authentication => :plain, # :plain, :login, :cram_md5, no auth by default
:domain => "localhost.localdomain" # the HELO domain provided by the client to the server
See the WORKING code below. Just tested this with my gmail.
Pony.mail(:to => '', :via => :smtp, :via_options =>
:address => '',
:port => '587',
:enable_starttls_auto => true,
:user_name => '',
:password => 'yourpass',
:authentication => :plain,
:domain => "HELO",
:subject => 'Your Subject goes here', :body => "bla bla bla or #{$body}",
:attachments => {"yourfile.txt" => File.binread("c:/ruby193/bin/yourfile.txt")
Best of luck Arvid let me know if you need further help!

Short-form for validates_exclusion_of

validates_presence_of :login,
:message => 'How do you expect to login?'
has a short-form variant
validates :login, :presence => { :message => 'How do you expect to login?' },
what is the short-form version of
validates_exclusion_of :login, :in => ['admin'],
:message => "\"{{value}}\" is reserved."
so I can also have a custom message?
validates :login, :exclusion => { :in => ['admin'], :message => "%{value} is reserved" }
