Grails Where Query With Multiple Sort Fields - sorting

I can't find an example in the doc and I would prefer to use the nifty "where" functionality instead of the "criteria builder" functionality.
I have my "where" query:
def query = Nhrdist.where
nhrdistPidm == pidm
nhrdistFundCode == fundCode
nhrdistCategoryCode == 'A'
nhrdistAcctCode in ['20L0', '20L2', '20L3', '20L4', '20L5']
nhrdistTransDate in fiscalYearBeginDate..fiscalYearEndDate
And the following works when I sort by one field:
def results = query.list(sort:'nhrdistAcctCode')
But I cannot for the life of me figure out how to sort by two fields. I would like to sort by nhrdisAcctCode first, and then sort by nhrdistTransDate. I can't find any examples on
Can someone:
Provide me an example that shows how to sort with multiple fields OR
Belittle me and point out in the doc where it says I can't do this OR
Belittle me and give me the link to a StackOverflow page that answers my question OR
Tell me to quit my whining and just use a Criteria Builder query.

def results = query.order( 'nhrdistAcctCode' )
.order( 'nhrdistTransDate', 'desc' ) // or asc
should do it.
Here order() is called on DetachedCriteria ( where query ) as a builder pattern.


Rails 4 and Mongoid: programmatically build query to search for different conditions on the same field

I'm building a advanced search functionality and, thanks to the help of some ruby fellows on SO, I've been already able to combine AND and OR conditions programmatically on different fields of the same class.
I ended up writing something similar to the accepted answer mentioned above, which I report here:
query = criteria.each_with_object({}) do |(field, values), query|
field = if(values.is_a?(Array))
query[field] = values
Now, what might happen is that someone wants to search on a certain field with multiple criteria, something like:
"all the users where names contains 'abc' but not contains 'def'"
How would you write the query above?
Please note that I already have the regexes to do what I want to (see below), my question is mainly on how to combine them together.
#contains'.*' + val + '.*')
#not contains'^((?!'+ val +').)*$')
Thanks for your time!
I was playing with the console and this is working:
MyClass.where(name: /.*abc.*/).and(name: /^((?!def).)*$/)
My question remains: how do I do that programmatically? I shouldn't end up with more than two conditions on the same field but it's something I can't be sure of.
You could use an :$and operator to combine the individual queries:
MyClass.where(:$and => [
{ name: /.*abc.*/ },
{ name: /^((?!def).)*$/ }
That would change the overall query builder to something like this:
components = do |field, value|
field = if(value.is_a?(Array))
{ field => value }
query = components.length > 1 ? { :$and => components } : components.first
You build a list of the individual components and then, at the end, either combine them with :$and or, if there aren't enough components for :$and, just unwrap the single component and call that your query.

Is it possible to detect if the selected item is the first in LINQ-to-SQL?

I wonder how I can build a query expression which understands the given item being selected is the first or not. Say I'm selecting 10 items from DB:
var query = db.Table.Take(10).Select(t => IsFirst ? t.Value1 : t.Value2);
There is an indexed variant of Select but that is not supported in LINQ-to-SQL. If it was supported my problems would be solved. Is there any other trick?
I could have used ROW_NUMBER() on T-SQL for instance, which LINQ-to-SQL uses but does not give access to.
I know I can Concat two queries and use the first expression in the first and so forth but I don't want to manipulate the rest of the query, just the select statement itself because the query is built at multiple places and this is where I want to behave differently on first row. I'll consider other options if that is not possible.
You can use the indexed overload, but you need to use the LINQ to Objects version:
var query =
.Select((t, index) => index == 0 ? t.Value1 : t.Value2);
If Table have a primary key. You could do this:
var result= (
from t in db.Table.Take(10)
let first=db.Table.Take(10).Select (ta =>ta.PrimayKey).First()
select new
Value=(t.PrimaryKey=first?t.Value1 : t.Value2)

Rearranging active record elements in Yii

I am using a CDbCriteria with its own conditions, with & order clauses. However, the order i want to give to the elements in the array is way too complex to specify in the order clause.
The solution i have in mind consists of obtaining the active records with the defined criteria like this
$theModelsINeed = MyModel::model()->findAll($criteria);
and then rearrange the order from my php code. How can i do this? I mean, i know how to iterate through its elements, but i don´t know if it is possible to actually change them.
I have been looking into this link about populating active records, but it seems quite complicated and maybe someone could have some better advice.
There is nothing special about Yii's active records. The find family of methods will return an array of objects, and you can sort this array like any other array in PHP.
If you have complex sort criteria, this means that probably the best tool for this is usort. Since you will be dealing with objects, your user-defined comparison functions will look something like this:
function compare($x, $y)
// First sort criterion: $obj->Name
if ($x->Name != $y->Name) {
return $x->Name < $y->Name ? -1 : 1; // this is an ascending sort
// Second sort criterion: $obj->Age
if ($x->Age != $y->Age) {
return $x->Age < $y->Age ? 1 : -1; // this is a descending sort
// Add more criteria here
return 0; // if we get this far, the items are equal
If you do want to get an array as a result, you can use this method for fetching data that supports dbCriteria:
$model = MyModel::model()->myScope();
$model->dbCriteria->condition .= " AND date BETWEEN :d1 AND :d2";
$model->dbCriteria->order = 'field1 ASC, field2 DESC';
$model->dbCriteria->params = array(':d1'=>$d1, ':d2'=>$d2);
$theModelsINeed = $model->getCommandBuilder()
->createFindCommand($model->tableSchema, $model->dbCriteria)
The above example shows using a defined scope and modifying the condition with named parameters.
If you don't need Active Record, you could also look into Query Builder, but the above method has worked pretty well for me when I want to use AR but need an array for my result.

LINQ Query to find all tags?

I have an application that manages documents called Notes. Like a blog, Notes can be searched for matches against one or more Tags, which are contained in a Note.Tags collection property. A Tag has Name and ID properties, and matches are made against the ID. A user can specify multiple tags to match against, in which case a Note must contain all Tags specified to match.
I have a very complex LINQ query to perform a Note search, with extension methods and looping. Quite frankly, it has a real code smell to it. I want to rewrite the query with something much simpler. I know that if I made the Tag a simple string, I could use something like this:
var matchingNotes = from n in myNotes
where n.Tags.All(tag => searchTags.Contains(tag))
Can I do something that simple if my model uses a Tag object with an ID? What would the query look like. Could it be written in fluent syntax? what would that look like?
I believe you can find notes that have the relevant tags in a single LINQ expression:
IQueryable<Note> query = ... // top part of query
query = query.Where(note => searchTags.All(st =>
note.Tags.Any(notetag => notetag.Id == st.Id)));
Unfortunately there is no “fluent syntax” equivalent for All and Any, so the best you can do there is
query = from note in query
where searchTags.All(st =>
note.Tags.Any(notetag => notetag.Id == st.Id))
select note;
which is not that much better either.
For starters see my comment; I suspect the query is wrong anyway! I would simplifiy it, by simply enforcing separately that each tag exists:
IQueryable<Note> query = ... // top part of query
foreach(var tagId in searchTagIds) {
var tmpId = tagId; // modified closures...
query = query.Where(note => note.Tags.Any(t => t.Id == tmpId));
This should have the net effect of enforcing all the tags specified are present and accounted for.
Timwi's solution works in most dialects of LINQ, but not in Linq to Entities. I did find a single-statement LINQ query that works, courtesy of ReSharper. Basically, I wrote a foreach block to do the search, and ReSharper offered to convert the block to a LINQ statement--I had no idea it could do this.
I let ReSharper perform the conversion, and here is what it gave me:
return searchTags.Aggregate<Tag, IQueryable<Note>>(DataStore.ObjectContext.Notes, (current, tag) => current.Where(n => n.Tags.Any(t => t.Id == tag.Id)).OrderBy(n => n.Title));
I read my Notes collection from a database, using Entity Framework 4. DataStore is the custom class I use to manage my EF4 connection; it holds the EF4 ObjectContext as a property.

LINQ to SQL many to many int ID array criteria query

Ok this should be really simple, but I am doing my head in here and have read all the articles on this and tried a variety of things, but no luck.
I have 3 tables in a classic many-to-many setup.
Now I have a search interface where you can select any number of Features (checkboxes).
I get them all nicely as an int[] called SearchFeatures.
I simply want to find the Items which have the Features that are contained in the SearchFeatures.
E.g. something like:
return db.Items.Where(x => SearchFeatures.Contains(x.ItemFeatures.AllFeatures().FeatureID))
Inside my Items partial class I have added a custom method Features() which simply returns all Features for that Item, but I still can't seem to integrate that in any usable way into the main LINQ query.
Grr, it's gotta be simple, such a 1 second task in SQL. Many thanks.
The following query will return the list of items based on the list of searchFeatures:
from itemFeature in db.ItemFeatures
where searchFeatures.Contains(itemFeature.FeatureID)
select itemFeature.Item;
The trick here is to start with the ItemFeatures table.
It is possible to search items that have ALL features, as you asked in the comments. The trick here is to dynamically build up the query. See here:
var itemFeatures = db.ItemFeatures;
foreach (var temp in searchFeatures)
// You will need this extra variable. This is C# magic ;-).
var searchFeature = temp;
// Wrap the collection with a filter
itemFeatures =
from itemFeature in itemFeatures
where itemFeature.FeatureID == searchFeature
select itemFeature;
var items =
from itemFeature in itemFeatures
select itemFeature.Item;
