Joomla duplicate URLs for home menu items - joomla

I use SEO friendly URLs and it happens that my homepage is accessible through two locations:
Indeed, the title of this page is "Home" and its automatically assigned alias is "home", but then I have a duplicate content on my site.
What I would like to have is to ban the second URL (path /en/home/) and only use the shorter one.

You could do that with .htaccess but that would be better to find the menu item that create the /home/ link and create a menu alias for that to the home page.
Menu Item Type -> System Links -> Menu Item Alias


Joomla External Link -

I am using the external link type menu items within Joomla - the reason is I need to link direct to an anchor on another page from the menu.
I have around 10-15 links, all work as expected except 2.
in my external URL box I have something like this:
id - is the article id
Itemid - is the menu item I want to be active
hashtag - is my anchor link
On the 2 that are not working it seems to go to url with this "" instead of "" as expected
has anyone else had this issue? I have a feeling its connected to the SEF urls being on.
Joomla 3.5.0 version
Step1. Create a Hidden Menu from Joomla admin==>Menus==>Manage==>add
new menu
Step2. Select a Hidden Menu ==> add a new menu item==>Menu Item
Type==>Article==>single article==>your article id==>save
Step3. Site load this url(take copy)
Step4. Create a new menu from external url Pate the previous url
(include #)
Nothing I tried worked reliably - so I got round it by making each item go to the single article, then using a spare field to store the name of anchor. Then within some custom JS code I checked if the field was set and automatically scrolled the page to it if it was - works better than the joomla standard anyway and is more reliable

Joomla 3 - Generate URL based on article alias without creating menu item

I have almost 4,000 articles and now i want the SEF URLs for them all based on alias of each article is it possible if i can achieve this without creating menu items?
i.e (
I know i can achieve this if i create menu items for them all but i don't want to create 4,000 menu items and want some quick and easy way but based on article alias so i can change it whenever i want.
Thanks, Aamir
If you want make that, you must do rename htaccess.txt (for activate SEO Control) and modify your .htaccess (on main folder site) and peraps create your propers rules.
First : Have you renmae the htaccess.txt file (on main folder site) to .htaccess?
is here where contain all rules for rewriting!
Example: RewriteRule ^folder1.*$ [R=301,L]
On this example, all article start on folder name folde1is rewrite by folder2
You can see more :
or for Joomla 3 rewriting :

Hide component name from urls in joomla

I need to hide component name in joomla urls.
I have also applied configuration for SEO urls in administrator.
But still it is displaying component name in urls
So please suggest me appropriate solution for hiding component name in urls
You need to create a menu item (or tree of items) to the component. The alias you give the menu will appear in the URL.

title does not change when in Category joomla 2.5

I have created one website using joomla 2.5
I have created one item: shop
I went out the home page, and click on the link categories: shop
the title of this page, the same as the title of the home page: Home
if now I want, page headers categories: shop "shop" What do I do
I'm not sure I understand your question correct. But you may want to have a look at the menu item parameters. On the right side there is a slider named "Page Display Options". This allows to specify a title for the browser tab and the page heading.
There is also a parameter in the Joomla Global Configuration in the "Site" tab in the "SEO Settings" section named "Include Site Name in Page Titles". This allows to specify if the site name should be added to the page title or not.
Hope that helped, otherwise please specify your question.

Joomla - Restricting Access to a Menu Item without making its Items unaccessable

How should I deny access to a menu item, but still keep its items accessable? For example, I want to deny access to , but have the accessable.
In the Joomla backend, open the selected menu item you wish to change in the Menu Manager, then on the left hand side, you can set the permissions to either Registered or Special
I found a solution in this post, and it is to redirect the menu item link using htaccess. Consider to perform both of the below redirections.
Redirect ^/dir.html$
RedirectMatch ^/dir$
