not_found is not working in Sinatra Ruby - ruby

i have two urls i want to redirect users to one of those urls. i want users to get redirected if the first url will not work. Following is my code. Thank you for your support. The following code is not redirecting to the 2nd url when my first url is not working. Can you please tell what am i missing here.
require 'rubygems'
require 'sinatra'
require 'json'
require 'open-uri'
set :environment, :production
get '/jde' do
redirect "url1"
not_found do
redirect "url2"


Define sinatra request routes in included files

I am using Sinatra and I would like to have my project structed in a way that keeps all requests for a specific action in separated files.
The problem I'm running into is that the routes aren't registered with sinatra, and it always 404s and runs my not_found handler, even though I've included a file with the route.
Here's an example of what I'm trying to achieve; Rackup would start the Info app which requires user and post. Info only contains a error and not found handler, and the related routes go in the corresponding required file.
require 'rubygems'
require 'bundler'
require 'rack'
require './info.rb'
run Info
require 'rubygems'
require 'bundler'
require 'sinatra'
class Info < Sinatra::Base
require './user.rb'
require './post.rb'
# 500 handler
error StandardError do
status 500
content_type :json
return '{"error": "Internal server error", "code": 500}'
not_found do
status 404
content_type :json
return '{"error": "Page not found", "code": 404}'
And user.rb (post.rb would look the same):
require 'rubygems'
require 'bundler'
require 'sinatra'
get '/1/user/:userid' do
# request stuff
require doesn’t work the way you seem to think it does. When you call require './user.rb', even though you do it inside the body of class Info < Sinatra::Base, its contents are not loaded as if they were inside that class. Instead they are parsed at the top level, and the routes are added to the default Sinatra::Application and not your application class.
You will have to have your user and post routes defined inside the same class body:
require 'sinatra/base' # Require 'sinatra/base' if you are using modular style.
class Info < Sinatra::Base
# It's a bit unusual to have require inside a class, but not
# wrong as such, and you might want to have the class defined
# before loading the other files.
require_relative 'user.rb' # require_relative is probably safer here.
require_relative 'post.rb'
# ... error handlers etc.
require 'sinatra/base'
# The routes need to be in the same class.
class Info < Sinatra::Base
get '/1/user/:userid' do
# request stuff

Sinatra I18n Fallbacks using Rack::Locale

I'm trying to set up a simple Sinatra app with I18n, following the recommended Sinatra recipe, and using Rack:Locale to determine the language.
My app.rb:
require 'rubygems'
require 'sinatra'
require 'rack/contrib'
require 'i18n'
require 'i18n/backend/fallbacks'
require 'tilt/haml'
use Rack::Locale
configure do
I18n::Backend::Simple.send(:include, I18n::Backend::Fallbacks)
I18n.load_path = Dir[File.join(settings.root, 'locales', '*.yml')]
helpers do
def t(*args)
get '/' do
haml :index
My locales/en.yml:
welcome: "Welcome!"
When I run rackup and visit the root path of my Sinatra app, I get the following:
I18n::InvalidLocale at /
"en-US" is not a valid locale
file: i18n.rb location: enforce_available_locales! line: 284
I thought that the I18n::Backend::Simple.send(:include, I18n::Backend::Fallbacks) would handle this, by not finding en-US and falling back to en (which I have), but apparently not. What am I missing?
I18n.enforce_available_locales = false

route giving 404 in sinatra

I have just started working on sinatra, now my application is not able to navigate upto route and get data from db, I am always getting 404. This is what I am doing.
File Structure
| |------->candidate.rb
| |------->init.rb
require './app'
run MyApp
require 'json'
require 'sinatra'
require 'data_mapper'
require 'dm-migrations'
require 'sinatra/cross_origin'
require 'logger'
require './models/init'
require './helpers/init'
require './routes/init'
class MyApp < Sinatra::Base
configure :development do
enable :cross_origin$stdout, :debug)
get '/' do'public', 'index.html'))
bundle exec rackup -p 4567
api in candidate.rb are correct but if i try to access the resource as http://localhost:4567/#/recruiter I am getting 404 .
I am not able to figure out what is wrong I am doing here.
You're getting a 404, since GET '/' only works for the root page and you're trying to load /recruiter. You can change it to GET '/:pagename' and that would fix the 404 problem instantly.
Your codebase looks fine. When you're running your Sinatra app from the terminal, each request shows a log line such as - - [02/Jan/2016 00:43:53] "GET / HTTP/1.1" 200 - 0.0033
Ensure that the HTTP verb and or endpoint/route you see is the one you are expecting (perhaps you are making a POST request when accessing the resource?)

Send request and response get from server - Need working code for this WSDL file in RUBY

Please help me, I need code for my WSDL file for below wsdl file url using RUBY language parameter can be passed as pcEmployeecode...
Parameter can passed as STRING ie.,pcEmployeeCode="02385"
url =""
Please Refer this WSDL file and post me if you have sucess fully got the response result...
Any idea's....
I used like this, Still error hitting.
require 'rubygems'
#require 'soap4r'
require 'http-access2'
require 'soap/rpc/driver'
require 'soap/rpc/driver'
require 'net/http'
url =
soap =,"urn:OHWebServiceFMGT")
soap.wiredump_dev = STDERR
soap.options["protocol.http.ssl_config.verify_mode"] =
puts soap.getEmployeeFmgtDetails('02385')

deploy a sinatra app with passenger gives only 404, page not founds. Yet a simple rack app works

I have correctly (or prbably not) installed passenger on apache 2. Rack works, but sinatra keeps giving 404's.
Here is what works:
#app = proc do |env|
return [200, { "Content-Type" => "text/html" }, "hello <b>world</b>"]
run app
Here is what works too:
Running the app.rb (see below) with ruby app.rb and then looking at localhost:4567/about and /
restarting the app, gives me a correct hello world. w00t.
But then there is the sinatra entering the building:
require 'rubygems'
require 'sinatra'
root_dir = File.dirname(__FILE__)
set :environment, ENV['RACK_ENV'].to_sym
set :root, root_dir
set :app_file, File.join(root_dir, 'app.rb')
disable :run
run Sinatra::Application
and an app.rb
require 'rubygems'
require 'sinatra'
get '/' do
"Hallo wereld!"
get '/about' do
"Hello world, it's #{} at the server!"
This keeps giving 404s.
/var/logs/apache2/error.log lists these correctly as "404" with something that worries me:
83.XXXXXXXXX - - [30/May/2010 16:06:52] "GET /about " 404 18 0.0007
83.XXXXXXXXX - - [30/May/2010 16:06:56] "GET / " 404 18 0.0007
The thing that worried me, is the space after the / and the /about. Would apache or sinatra go looking for /[space], like /%20?
If anyone knows what this problem relates to, maybe a known bug (that I could not find) or a known gotcha?
Maybe I am just being stupid and getting "it all wrong?"
Otherwise any hints on where to get, read or log more developers data on a running rack, sinatra or passenger app would be helpfull too: to see what sinatra is looking for, for example.
Some other information:
Running ubuntu 9.04, apache2-mm-prefork (deb), mod_php5, ruby 1.8.7, passenger 2.2.11, sinatra 1.0
You are not loading the routes in app.rb. To do this, replace require 'sinatra' with require File.join(File.dirname(__FILE__), 'app.rb') in
root_dir = File.dirname(__FILE__)
app_file = File.join(root_dir, 'app.rb')
require app_file
set :environment, ENV['RACK_ENV'].to_sym
set :root, root_dir
set :app_file, app_file
disable :run
run Sinatra::Application
set :app_file won't load them for you.
Just substitute the require sinatra with a require 'app' and you're set to go.
