Need help linking oracle tables in MS Access - oracle

I am having some issues connection to an oracle DB using MS Access.
If I use SQL Developer to connect to the Oracle DB I see pretty much every table and view in the DB however when I connect using MS Access I only get a selected few.
I tough it was because the user didn't have Select privileges on the tables I need so I requested the privilege and after a moth of waiting I finally got it but I still cant see the tables on the Access tool.
This is what I see on SQL Developer vs MS access. I need SFMFG.PWUI_CHAR_DEF_EXT to show on access table manager. Any help to solve this mystery is greatly appreciated.

Using Access 2010, if I select External Data ==> ODBC Database ==> Link to the datasource by creating a linked table, I get a windows dialogue of all the available datasources. When I log in to the one I want, I see the names of all the tables I am authorized to select from.
The Linked Table Manager only shows the tables for which there are existing links.


ODBC--call failed - MSAccess linked table to mysql view

I have a MS Access front end database linked to tables and views on remote mysql database.
It's in use for many months. Since yesterday when trying to open tables linked to views MS Access is raising the error "ODBC--call failed". The tables linked to remote tables are working normally. The views on the remote database are working normally in phpMyAdmin and HeidiSQL. I tried to import a view into local table in MS Access and it works, creating the local table with the data which is visible in the phpMyAdmin and HeidiSQL. The issue is the same on several PC in different physical locations.
Any suggestions why there will be problems only with the tables linked to the remote views?
Confirm from the hosting company, if there is a change in connection strings required to access database on your account, or check the server where mysql/phpmyadmin is installed for changes.

SQL Server Migration Assisstant (SSMA) doesn't see my schema in Oracle

I can connect to my 12c Oracle database using Oracle's Sql Developer and see my schema, but when I connect via SSMA I can't. I see a bunch of other schemas in SSMA, which I assume came with Oracle because I've only created two users on the box and I don't see either of them in SSMA. I'm connecting using the System account, so I don't think it would be a permissions issue. As you might be able to tell I don't know much about Oracle. Where could my schema be hiding?

Unable to see View in TOAD, but can see in SQL Developer

I am using TOAD for Oracle version I am able to see a View in an Oracle schema when I login using Oracle SQL Developer. But, when using TOAD, I am NOT able to access the View or see any data in it. For another View, I can access the View, but it doesn't return any data. I am able to access other DB objects though. Any idea why I can see via Oracle SQL Developer and not via TOAD in the same PC, same database, same schema?
I also tried in another system (PC) where TOAD 12.6.053 is installed, and I was able to access the views, and see data when I query it.
Not sure if there is any session or NLS parameters that might be causing this. Please help.
P.S. - This view that I am trying to access is in another schema, but I have access to query the view. Hence, I am able to access and see the data through Oracle SQL Developer.

Linking Oracle tables to Access 2007 File (Performance)

I'm running into a problem while linking some tables and views present on a Oracle 11g database to a Access 2007 file.
I'm using the Oracle Client (SQORA32.DLL) version
If the view/table returns a small amount of data, there's no problem. The problem happens when the view or the table returns a "large" amount of data. I've tried to increase the buffer size on the driver (default is 64000) to see if that happens. I've also removed the "Enable query timeout" option - otherwise I would get a "Query cancelled by user" or a "ODBC - Call Failed" error.
In order to link the tables/views, I've used the "native tool" (External Data -> ODBC Database -> Link to data source by creating a linked table).
I was wondering if I could retrieve the data from the tables/views using vba. Sometimes, I (you should read "I" as "the users") may need to update data on some tables (control tables).
Please let me know your thoughts.
EDIT: Our goal with this project was to migrate from SQL Server 2005 to Oracle 11gR2. After analyzing the behaviour of the Access files regarding the SQL Server, I've concluded that the results are showing like a "cursor" - if you scroll down on the result window, it will load more.
I think that this may be the issue because, AFAIK, Oracle (driver, maybe?) pulls everything from the DB and, only then, populates MS Access.
It's a long time after this so here goes the solution. MS access has a flag for the ODBC connection as "Treat Float as Numeric". This have made the trick.

Microsoft Enterprise Logging Block with Entity Framework asks for WriteLog procedure

I have a WCF service that uses Microsoft Enterprise Library Logging to log some messages to the Event Log. That works just fine.
The problem is that i want to log some messages to a table in an Oracle database. I am using the Entity Framework to communicate with that Oracle database.
The next step is a right click on the 'web.config' and choose the option 'Edit Enterprise Configuration'. I get the 'Enterprise Library Configuration' editor. In there i am trying to set the Logging Settings so that it also logs to the database, but when i add a database trace listener it´s asking me to fill in a procedure name. Do i have to add a procedure name to fill the table in Oracle? The msdn tells me to run the script that create an MSSQL database 'Logging' and some tables. But i don't have an MSSQL server, i have an Oracle server. And i don't want to use a seperate logging database, but save the logs to a single table.
Can anybody help me with this?
Kind regards
The Enterprise Library Database Trace Listener uses 2 stored procedures to write to the database: Add Category Procedure and Write To Log Procedure.
There is a SQL Server script to create the tables and stored procedures. This would have to be ported to Oracle.
Unfortunately, it looks like this does not work as easily as you would hope. See the blog post, Enterprise Library Logging to Oracle Database (this is based on EntLib 3, I believe) and the work item Cannot log to oracle Database using logging blocks for a description of some of the issues as well as some downloads to help.
