Cannot activate ios8 custom keyboard on actual device - ios8

I have designed a custom keyboard for iOS8 and it's working perfectly fine on the simulator but when I connect my iPad to Xcode to have the app on my device, it doesn't show my custom keyboard under the keyboards list.
What am I doing wrong?
The implementation of my keyboard could be found here.

After step by step committing code, I found something interesting. In my application I have some web files like index.html, CSS folder JS folder. My application works fine just before copying these files inside of the project. Once I add them and run the program, it won't show my custom keyboard under the keyboards list. I think it's a bug, please correct me if I'm wrong.
I tried to add folders one by one and test the app after changes. I added JS, CSS folders successfully. I have a folder called plugins. As soon as I add this folder to the project as a reference folder, my custom keyboard will disappear. If I remove this folder, delete the app from device and run it again, my custom keyboard will come back. This is definitely a bug for iOS8.


Archived macOS app launches with blank window

I have a macOS app with a ViewController that renames and resizes the app window, has several buttons, and a WKWebView that loads a default webpage on launch.
The project itself is an .xcworkspace file, since it includes the CocoaPod SwiftSoup for HTML scraping.
The app runs great in the simulator. When it launches, it looks like this:
I want to run this app on my Mac outside of Xcode. I am not planning on releasing it to the App Store, it is just for my personal use.
I archive the project with Products > Archive, then select "Distribute App", then "Copy App" to create a directory with the archived app. This all works great.
When I launch the app, I just get an incorrectly sized blank title-less window, without the buttons or WKWebView from my Storyboard:
The app isn't hanging. I can open the "About" menu item, etc., so I know the app is running. it just doesn't seem to be using my Storyboard to draw the UI.
What would cause an archived app to differ from the app running in the simulator?
The funny thing is that I WAS able to archive this same app back in November under High Sierra, so I'm guessing the issue is either Cocoa Pods and/or Mojave related.
My debugging leads me to suspect either CocoaPods or Mojave related
My debug:
1) While debugging, I restored a version of the project from November. When I archive that restored project, I get the same blank non running app.
2) I AM able to archive another brand new project that doesn't use Cocoa Pods, so my guess is that this is either CocoaPods and/or Mojave related issue...
Any suggestions on how to proceed debugging, or help resolving this would be greatly appreciated!
I am using Xcode 10.2.1 under Mojave 10.14.5.
This problem is caused by WKWebView.
So, you need remove WKWebView from IB and then create it with code and add it to the view.

Macos app displays view in Xcode, but is totally blank when launched outside of Xcode

I'm working on a small macos app, which I'm building with storyboards/interface builder in Xcode 10.2.1 on MacOS 10.14.5 (though I've set a deployment target of 10.13, if that matters).
When I run the app within Xcode, i.e., by hitting the "play" button, it loads up just fine and is visible and operates.
However, when I "archive" it to a freestanding executable and then try to run the app from the hard drive, it opens up on a blank screen. (See screenshots below.)
I've cleaned the build folder. I've also made sure to clear any/all build warnings and autolayout constraint warnings.
Here it is, running perfectly fine within xcode:
And here it is, displaying nada when run on its own:
The app uses no third-party libraries, no bundle assets, and only has one ViewController---nothing fancy at all happening here. The only weird UI thing that I'm doing is that there's a very small webview in the bottom-right corner that I'm using as a hack to load js-based web content (the mysterious white dot in the working screenshot).
Ok, I figured this one out myself, so for the purposes of google/if someone else has this problem: there seems to be a bug in WKWebView of some kind, adding it to IB kills everything else in the view. (Or maybe this is intended, and WKWebView requires it's own independent view? Dunno.)
The solution is to create it programmatically and never put it in the view at all. You can still load web content in the background, scrape information from pages, etc. without it ever being part of a view.
Not only WKWebView, also AVPlayerView should not placed int IB, too.
it cause same result.

Xcode source code editor freezes, does not scroll any more

I have a small OS X Objective C project that I am working on for about two weeks now. Yesterday Xcode started to stop scrolling and updating the editor area for the source files. I start Xcode and open the project, I can click on my .m and .h files and scroll around for a while (half a minute or less), then the cursor vanishes, the last file stays on the screen even when I click on other files in the project navigator. No more editing or scrolling. When I select the project file in the navigator, the editor area changes partly to the usual project settings view, but I can't edit anything. Activity Monitor does not show any suspicious behavior of Xcode.
What I did yesterday: I imported and exported localizations several times, changed my app icon, did some minor code changes.
I am using Xcode 6.2 on OS X 10.10.2. Other projects do not cause this problem.
Any ideas where to look at before I start moving everything to a new project?
The problem seems to be Dropbox-related: I moved the project folder from my Dropbox folder to another folder and everything works fine now. I am not sure if it was a temporary network-related problem or a problem with my Dropbox account, but now it is gone.
This was the only project I actually worked on while it was in a Dropbox folder.

Default App Icon not appearing in iOS Simulator

I have searched quite a lot for an answer to this problem. If I have a general application, HelloWorld, and create an interface and then go to test it, then click on the Home button, not even the default grey/white icon is there like it's supposed to be. Anyone have any ideas why? I've even tried specifying a custom icon in the Info.plist file, but still nothing...
I've got the latest version of Xcode and the SDK as well. (3.25 - 4.2)
I solved it. Apparently, in order for it to put the icon there, I have to run it from within XCode, and not Interface Builder.

Xcode Interface Builder wont start

I have a relatively confusing problem: I created several empty Xcode projects and ran the iPhone and iPad emulators just to see what happens and everything is fine, empty, but fine. However, then I decided to actually add some content but when I double click my .xib file nothing happens. The Xcode loses focus, but nothing opens. The Interface Builder simply does not open.
Do I need to start it separately somehow or do I need to download and install it separately or something else altogether?
I had the same problem when i first installed xcode.
What solved it for me was manually starting the Interface Builder once (via spotlight).
After that it worked again by double clicking on the xib file in xcode....
The most common cause of this in my experience is failure to reboot after installing or upgrading Xcode. Xcode gives you the impression that you don't need a reboot, but in practice you do. Have you done this yet?
Try to search for interface builder in Mac OS search bar on the top right of the screen, open it, click on open existing file. Open any xib file once, then it will be automatically detectedd by xCode.
