Cloning textures without causing duplicate card memory in THREE.js - three.js

I am using sprite sheets to create animated textures with THREE.js. Each sprite instance utilizes texture offsets to control which of the images to present that frame. Multiple animated sprites may be on the screen at once.
Currently I am using Texture.clone() to duplicate the sprite sheet texture. However, unless I set Texture.needsUpdate to true, the texture will not display on the sprites. Setting needsUpdate to true allows me to display multiple independent animated sprites at once, but unfortunately this causes the texture memory to be duplicate on the card (/ integrated chip). Using Chrome WebGL Inspector I can clearly see that the sprite texture has been duplicate the same number of times as animated sprites that have been rendered.
Is there any way to clone / reuse the texture with different offsets for each instance without duplicating the memory? Is this a bug or am I doing something wrong.
THREE.js r67
One way that we have gotten around this (not a great way I admit) is to duplicate the GL texture ID assigned to the original texture and set the cloned texture as being initialized.
clonedTexture.__webglTexture = origTexture.__webglTexture;
clonedTexture.__webglInit = true;
This requires that the texture has already been sent to the card, which we force with render.setTexture(origTexture...).

This is something that's in the works. Keep an eye for whenever THREE.Image lands.


Three.js texture loads in small resolution, same picture scaled up brakes the scene (small image about 600x600px, scaled up to about 1400px)

I have a pretty strange behaviour with three.js when I try to load different textures for an environment cube map. Everything works fine till I try to test the same scene with larger textures. My camera is pretty much stable so I only have to change one side of the env cube to a large resolution texture as that will be the background of the scene which will be visible, the other 5 sides are small pngs - those are only visible in reflection.
There is no clear breaking point, what seems to usually work as an image for the env.cube is about 600x600px-ish, going any higher resulting in the scene loading completely black.
To make the scene look nice on most devices, I have to go up to a resolution around 1500x1500px (so not insanely large) for the background, and I have no idea why it breaks with a bigger image.
What I already tried/did:
image paths are fine, overwriting a working image to a larger version also breaks the scene.
I had no other idea what to try, maybe it has to do something with photoshop and its image encoding or something along those lines?
the scene contains:
a camera, a gltf model to test with and the environment cube. everything works perfect with small textures.
I already looked at the texture documentation of threejs and found nothing about what could cause this behaviour, I'm completely stuck.

Transparent textures interfering with each other in three.js

I have created a simple human figure. The eyelashes use a texture with transparency.
However as soon as I turn on transparency for the face texture there is created transparency where it shouldn't be.
You can look through the face texture in the part that lies below the eye lashes.
See the effect by toggling face transparency with this line:
mesh.material.materials[3].transparent = false
mesh.material.materials[3].transparent = true
I wish to have transparency turned on for the face texture, so how can I solve this problem?
(wait for model to load)
Transparent geometry gets manually depth-sorted, for more information see this canonical answer by Toji: Transparent textures behaviour in WebGL.
If you want this scenario to work properly, you'll have to split up your model, and render the eyelashes as a separate (sub)mesh. This way three.js can render the rest of the face using the normal z-buffer approach, then apply the eyelashes separately (from the depth-sorted transaprent objects queue).

Thee.js. textures from canvas refers to the lastone

I'm creating some textures for a tiled map.
I have 10 images. I put every one on canvas (to see it), then create a texture from canvas.
I think there is some persitent link to the canvas because the 10 textures created are equal to another (the last one).
Are three.js saving some information relative to the canvas and the 'neeedsUpdate' means that the same canvas is used ? (and if the process is fast I have the same canavas image for every one of 10 ?)
Any idea ? Thanks

OpenGL ES : Pre-Rendering to FBO texture

Is it possible to render to FBO texture once and then use the resulting texture handle to render all following frames?
For example, in case I'm rendering a hard shadow map and the scene geometry and light position are static, the depth map is always the same and I want to render it only once using a FBO and then just use it after that. However, if I simply put a flag to render the depth texture once, the texture remains empty for the rest of the frames.
Is FBO get reallocated after rendering a frame has been complete? What would be the right way to preserve rendered texture for rendering of the following frames?
Rendering to a texture is no different than if you had uploaded those pixels to the texture in the first place. The contents of a texture do not magically disappear. A texture's contents are changed when you change them. This could be by uploading data to the texture, or by setting one of the texture's images to be used for framebuffer operations (clearing, rendering to it, etc).
Unless you do something to explicitly change the data stored in a texture, it won't change.

LibGDX - Sprite to Pixmap

I am using LibGDX for a small app project, and I need to somehow take a series of sprites and place them (or their pixels rather) into a Pixmap. The basic idea is to take random sprites that are generated through various means while the app is running, and, only at specific times, merge some of them onto a single background sprite.
I believe that most of this can be done easily, but the step of getting the sprite images into the Pixmap isn't quite so obvious to me. The sprites also have various transparent and semi-transparent pixels, so simply grabbing the color at each pixel while it is all on the same screen isn't really applicable either, as it obviously shouldn't take the background colors with it.
If there is a suitable alternative to this that would accomplish what I am looking for I would also love to hear it. Any help is highly appreciated.
I think you want to render your sprites to an off-screen buffer (called an "FBO" or FrameBuffer in libgdx) (blending them as they're added), and then render that offscreen buffer to the screen as a single draw call? If so, this question should help: libgdx SpriteBatch render to texture
This requires OpenGL ES 2.0, which will eliminate support for some older devices.
