BuildMaster - FTP - How to include or exclude a file type - ftp

Is there a way to exclude a file? I would like to exclude all *.config files. Everything else should be included.
Or if I could say include: *.aspx, *.ascx, *.xml, *.png, *.gif, *.html that would be fine.

To quote what Tod said in this forum post:
I'm not sure the component we use to FTP supports negated wildcards,
but you can simply add a Delete Files action before this that operates
on *.config
Alternatively (if you don't want to delete because you may re-use the
files), you can use the Synchronize/Transfer Files action to a
temporary directory (e.g. ~\Ftp) and use a !*.config mask on that to
not transfer the configs, then use the FTP action from ~\Ftp as the
source directory.


7z: Is it possible to exclude files conditionally?

It is possible to exclude files from zipping them with the 7zip -x switch, which allows wildcards too. So I can exclude all text files like this
7z a myfolder -x\!*.txt.
Now I want some txt files not to be excluded if they have a special name, like all text files named like this: *-KEYWORD.txt
I tried to use the exclude switch with the include switch together, like 7z a -xr\!*.txt -ir\!*KEYWORD.txt myfolder, but once the exclude switch is invoked, the include switch doesn't seem to reinclude excluded files again.
Is it possible to only include text files named like this, while excluding all other text files, inside the 7z syntax?
So this seems not to be possible in one command, especially not with the include and the exclude switch used both.
The solution I use in my script now is just to make two commands, the first excludes all files ending on *.txt, then another 7z command attaches all files like *-KEYWORD.txt to the package. It's not great but it works.

SonarQube: Ignore files in current (root) directory

The documentation of the project, instructs on how to e.g. exclude (or include) in an analysis process, say all files under a directory:
or all files with a specific extension (say .js) under a directory:
But what is the way to exclude all *.js files in the current (the root) directory.
I have tried the following patterns. do not seem to work:
The multi-directory pattern, **, can be used at any point in the regex.
To exclude all .js files, you would use: **/*.js
To exclude .js files only in the current directory: *.js
You should not try to set these values in your analysis properties. Doing so correctly is tricky. Use the UI to set these values instead.

rename files with changing pattern

i want to rename different files in bash with pattern and found this option:
rename 's/.2007/(2007)/g' *.*
with this pattern I can rename every file with ".2007" in name to "(2007)"
--> this is exactly what i want to do.
Next step:
i want to automate this, because i have files with 1995 - 2017. It is a possibility to do:
rename 's/.2007/(2007)/g' *.*
rename 's/.2008/(2008)/g' *.*
rename 's/.2009/(2009)/g' *.*
but actually, is there another solution?
my files are named like (they are not the same length...):
With Perl‘s rename:
rename -n 's/.([1-2][0-9]{3})/($1)/' *.*
This renames all files with 1000 to 2999. If everything looks fine remove -n.
For the use-cases where it's not so much about automation but rather about batch processing of a set of files, I find renameutils and its qmv ("quick move") very useful: it enables you to edit the target filenames in a text editor which may be easier/faster than designing regex's for some. (it's in *buntu repos)
But for applications that need to run w/o human intervention, rename is certainly more suitable.

Update using rsync and remove from the source folder

I want to rsync contents from /local/path to server:/remote/path.
The files end with extensions composed by 4 digits
If a file does not exist in remote path, copy the file to remote and remove from local
If a file exists in remote path and the size is no less than the local one, do not copy the file to remote and remove it from local
I tried
rsync -avmhP --include='*.[0-9][0-9][0-9][0-9]' --include='*/' --exclude='*' --size-only --remove-source-files /local/path server:/remote/path
However, some files existing in the remote path remain in local path.
Another question is, why we need --include='*/' --exclude='*'? Why --include='*.[0-9][0-9][0-9][0-9]' alone doesn't work for the file filtering?
Do you mean --remove-sent-file instead of remove-source-file ?
According to the rsync man page :
This tells rsync to remove from the sending side the files and/or symlinks that are newly created or whose content is updated on the receiving side. Directories and devices are not removed, nor are files/symlinks whose attributes are merely changed.
That's means that only transferred file (the ones whom size changed) are deleted from source. To active the include file, you first need to exclude all the other BUT my include pattern. The 3 arguments you used mean "I excluded all files (--include='*/' --exclude='*') but the ones matching my pattern (--include='*.[0-9]{4}')
From man page :
don’t exclude files matching PATTERN
exclude files matching PATTERN

Implement .gitignore behavior in a shell script?

I'm writing a shell script that syncs files and I want to give users the ability to exclude certain files from syncing by creating a .syncignore file similar to Git's .gitignore file. According to the gitignore documentation, and my own experiments, these exclusion rules are more complicated than a simple glob match. Some examples:
If you have foo in your .gitignore file, it will exclude foo appearing anywhere in the path (e.g. ./foo, ./bar/foo, and ./bar/foo/baz would be excluded) but not partial matches of foo (e.g. ./foobar, ./bar/foobar/baz would NOT be excluded).
If you include a slash, then the rule is applied relative to the current directory. For example, if you have /foo in your .gitignore file, it will exclude ./foo but not ./bar/foo.
You can include wildcards. For example, foo* will exclude ./foo, ./foobar, and ./bar/foobar/baz.
Is there any easy way to replicate the exclusion rules for .gitignore in a shell script on OS X?
Use rsync to synchronize the files. Use its existing include/exclude pattern support. Put the rules in .rsync-filter and pass the -F flag to make it read the patterns from that file.
rsync man page
Just use git. Make sure you have git 2.3.0 or later on both sides, and use push-to-deploy.
