issue with IHS load balancer - websphere

I am wokring on websphere clusering (ND 8.5.5), and i want to use IHS (IBM HTTP SERVER) version 8.5.5 as load balancer but I can't find the download link of this version.
Do you guys have any idea where can i find it ?

IBM HTTP Server is a software that is included with the WAS license and can be downloaded in the same place as where you would get the installation files for your WAS server.
If you have Passport advantage with you WAS server you can download the IBM HTTP server from there as well. Note though that downloading software may be limited to only some users at your company. If so you need to contact your technical administrator at your company to either give you that access or let you know who can help you.
I have also found download links att IBMs IBM HTTP Server product page, but I have not gone all the way to test the download.

You need to download it form Passport advantage. It will be on set of files that have 'Supplement' in the file description. Download will contain IBM HTTP Server and WebSphere Plugin (installed via WebSphere Customization Toolkit). You will need to install both to be able to distribute workload to your cluster.
As far as I know IHS download from product page doesn't contain WCT and Plugin.
See also:
Installing IBM HTTP Server
Installing and configuring web server plug-ins
The Network deployment media contains IHS and plugin. Download the following files form Passport Advantage:
IBM WebSphere Application Server V8.5.5 Supplements (1 of 3) for Multiplatform Multilingual (CIK1VML)
IBM WebSphere Application Server V8.5.5 Supplements (2 of 3) for Multiplatform Multilingual (CIK1WML)
IBM WebSphere Application Server V8.5.5 Supplements (3 of 3) for Multiplatform Multilingual (CIK1XML )


Configure Rest on IBM MQ Local Installation

I have installed a IBM MQ Developer version on a server, and I need to configure Rest requests, to be more specific it must be able to put message in the queue using a Rest request.
Unfortunately I didn't find any good source of information about this...
You need to run the MQ web server. Use the command strmqweb.

Open Liberty support Network Deployment?

Does Open Liberty support network deployment?
Are we able to buy IBM Support for Open Liberty? and How?
Can Open Liberty be used to replace WebSphere Application server v9 in HA environment? e.g Having Load balancer (hardware) received request from web application and auto distribute received request to 2 or more standalone Open Liberty installed in separate VM/Machine?
Your question is a bit vague, so I'll try my best.
Does Open Liberty support network deployment?
Depends what you mean by that support. You can install multiple Open Liberty on multiple VM/machines that will serve your applications and use LB/or IHS to route to them.
You cannot centrally manage via single console, for that you need WebSphere Liberty ND version that supports collectives.
However most recent deployments will use more 'farm' like or container orchestration approaches rather than central management via dedicated manager (as Dmgr in WAS v9).
Are we able to buy IBM Support for Open Liberty? and How?
Yes you can. See Get IBM or Red Hat support for Open Liberty page for general info and contact IBM sales representative for best option for your needs.
Can Open Liberty be used to replace WebSphere Application server v9 in HA environment?
Depends on your application and non-functional requirements. You can setup LB or IHS with plugin (for more intelligent balancing) to route requests to multiple VM/machines with Open Liberty.
Check for example this Configuring IBM HTTP Server for Liberty and here Open Liberty Plugin Configuration. Few manual steps will be needed to edit generated config file to support many servers.

Unable to remotely connect to my IBM WebSphere Application Server

I am using the IBM product: Websphere Application Server (WAS), version: Base
I want to connect remotely to my IBM WAS to collect a particular set of data metrics, and to achieve that I followed the steps mentioned here I cannot use MBean, as it is not supported by IBM and it is only for testing purposes, so all I am left is with option 2 (in the above link).
In the sample test script attached in the above link, all the files that are mentioned, they are the files present on my IBM WAS. Those files aren't present on my remote machine (from where I am trying to connect to my IBM WAS).
I placed those listed files on my remote machine, and still couldn't connect to my IBM WAS.
How shall I test whether I can connect remotely to my IBM WAS or not?
Can somebody please guide me if I'm missing out on any steps?
Verify if your Websphere JMX port is open on both servers ( in the link 2809 )
If you want to access stats provided by PMI infrastructure, then I would consider using PerfServlet app which is discussed here - Retrieving performance data with PerfServlet. It gives you access via http, so heavy client and product libraries needed, and returns XML, which you can parse to get stats you need.
Other option would be to write your custom app which would use JMX Using the JMX interface to develop your own monitoring application and make it available for example as REST service.
Or if you just want to monitor values use dedicated monitoring apps, like IBM Health Center or third party tools.

WebSphere Server Error equires the WebSphere Application Server Version 6.1 Feature Pack for Web Services installed on the server

I am getting bellow error when starting the server WAS 6.1. which has web service component. Based on the error message i could understand i need to install feature pack to fix this error.
Publishing failed
WebSphere Server Error
WebSphere Server Error
The project, , requires the WebSphere Application Server Version 6.1 Feature Pack for Web Services installed on the server.
The WebSphere Application Server profile also needs to be augmented with Feature Pack for Web Services enabled.
To get the feature pack, see
but which version of feature pack should i patch it with.
Thanks for your help.
If you're going to continue to use WAS 6.1, which has been withdrawn from service for a few years, you should use the last published WAS fixpack and the last published Web Services Feature Pack. That's and respectively which should be pretty clear from the link in your error message.
But really you should get off of 6.1 as a priority.

MQ 6.0 testing by UFT 12.02

I am trying to configure test automation project in UFT 12.02 for IBM Websphere MQ 6.0
I am facing the following error while connecting to MQ Queue Manager
(To run tests with IBM’s MQ client, make sure to install the MQ client on all machines running these tests.)
as per the above error description I need to install MQ client on my machine, but I cannot install it because IBM has been stopped supporting MQ 6.0 accordingly I didn't find it anywhere.
I have configured the same but in IBM RIT (Rational Integration Tester) and it was only required to configure the JAR files ( & connector.jar)
My question is; Is it applicable in UFT to configure only above two JAR files (just like IBM RIT) or it is necessary to install the MQ 6.0 Client?
And can I test the MQ 6.0 through UFT along with installing MQ 7.0 Client instead of 6.0, taking in consideration that the AUT is IBM Websphere MQ 6.0?
Also if applicable, can anyone provide the MQ Client download URL rather than IBM website?
Prior to V8.0 it was required to install the full client to receive support. Just grabbing the jar files worked but you risked IBM not supporting it if you wanted to open a PMR.
As of v8.0, IBM offers an all-Java client. I just provided the download instructions in another answer so instead of copying them, I'll link to that answer:
WMQ V8 Connection Factory setup on Tomcat using JNDI
One of the reasons this was not previously supported was that the old Java jars didn't have as much diagnostic function built in. IBM relied on the full client install for binary cient-side tracing, test programs, etc. The v8.0 stand-alone jars are really the way to go if you need an all-Java solution.
Note that support is based on the QMgr's license, not the client license (because that's free). If you are running a v6.0 QMgr other than the Linux Itanium version, then either you are paying a LOT of money for IBM Support or are running unsupported. If it is the latter, then you can't open a PMR anyway.
An unpatched v6.0 QMgr is effectively not secure. Even if you have applied the recommended security configurations, enough security-relevant APARS have now been discovered that you should consider an unpatched QMgr as being wide open.
As Tim notes in the comments, any version of MQ Client is supported with any version of MQ QMgr. Head over to the SupportPacs page and look for ones with names like MQC**. Pro tip - If you download a new client, it comes with XA transactionality enabled. No need to go grab the transactional client jar file (which put you out of license compliance anyway).
