error in definition of set in Acceleo - set

I have a problem with definition of Set or variable.
In the following code:
[template public generateElement(d : DangerClass){ a:Set(AgentClass)=Set{};}]
[comment #main/]
[file ( + '.java', false, 'UTF-8')]
[for (h:Hazard | d.ownedHazard)]
[for (e:Element | h.entity) ]
[if (e.oclIsKindOf(AgentClass)) {a->including(e);}][/if]
the error ". expected instead of {" is shown.(Line 6)
If I write "[for (e:Element | h.entity) {a->including(e);}]" the error "variable a->including(e); is not valid" will be displayed.
I want to define a set ("a" as Set(AgentClass)) that "a" includes agents and I don`t want to print something.But I want to store agents in a set.
Can anyone help me?

If you only want to store agent in a set (no atomic display), you can use let to define a variable that you can use in your further expressions:
[template public generateElement(d : DangerClass)]
[comment #main/]
[file ( + '.java', false, 'UTF-8')]
[let a : Set(AgentClass) = d.ownedHazard.entity->filter(AgentClass)->asSet()]
... handle 'a' in your future requests

Variables are immutable in acceleo and OCL.
Just do this, for instance:
[for (agentClass : AgentClass | d.ownedHazard.entity->filter(AgentClass))]
(... here, generate something with agentClass ...)


Entering data into input <Selenium | Watir Ruby>

I would like to enter text in the search engine field of the website. I can select input correctly. However, an error occurs when trying to use:
*undefined method `set 'for # Watir :: Input: 0x000055c93c73b850> *
sleep 1
advencedSearch = # browser.div (: class => "search") ()
sleep 1
productSearch = # browser.div (: class => "filter") ()
productSearch.input (: placeholder => "Name or code").set('hi')```
The Watir::Input is a generic class for all input elements. Typically (always?) you want to work with the type specific classes - eg Watir::TextField. These specific classes are where methods like #set will be available.
Try using #text_field instead of #input:
productSearch.text_field(: placeholder => "Name or code").set('hi')

In windows, how do I find out a folders sort by parameters

I am building an image viewing app in Node.js. I noticed that in Windows, the pictures in a folder can be sorted by name, size, status, type, date and tags etc, and grouped after sorting by the same list and more.
Is there a way of getting the sort parameters or maybe just retrieving the sorted list of files, matching the regular expression /\.(jpg|jpg_large|jpeg|jpe|jfif|jif|jfi|jpe|gif|png|ico|bmp|webp|svg)$/i, as an array (ex: ['c:\man.jpg', 'c:\woman.jpg'] using Powershell?
This article got me closer to a solution.
Unfortunately it doesn't explain how to get the nodelist value for a given folder so I used an app called shellbagsview from nirsoft to get this value. In any case, if the value is found the rest is easy. I have included a sample python script which explains how this is done here.
from winreg import *
# Registry is of the form:
# HKEY_CURRENT_USER\Software\Classes\Local Settings\Software\Microsoft\Windows\Shell\Bags\1375\Shell\{5C4F28B5-F869-4E84-8E60-F11DB97C5CC7}
# where 1375 is a value called the NodeList, and {5C4F28B5-F869-4E84-8E60-F11DB97C5CC7} is a value under Shell chosen based on creation date. It is a good idea to look at the registry after getting the nodelist from shellbagsview
folder_reg_path = "Software\\Classes\\Local Settings\\Software\\Microsoft\\Windows\Shell\\Bags\\1375\\Shell\\{5C4F28B5-F869-4E84-8E60-F11DB97C5CC7}"
# the size of icons used by the folder
def get_folder_icon_size(reg_key):
with OpenKey(HKEY_CURRENT_USER, reg_key) as key:
value = QueryValueEx(key, 'IconSize')
return '%d pixels' % (value[0])
# the folder view. details, list, tiles e.t.c
def get_logical_view_mode(reg_key):
with OpenKey(HKEY_CURRENT_USER, reg_key) as key:
value = QueryValueEx(key, 'LogicalViewMode')
logical_view_mode_dict = {1 : "Details view", 2 : "Tiles view", 3 : "Icons view", 4 : "List view", 5 : "Content view"}
return logical_view_mode_dict[value[0]]
# folder view is based on view mode. so you can have a logical view mode of icons view with a view mode of large icons for instance
def get_folder_view_mode(reg_key):
with OpenKey(HKEY_CURRENT_USER, reg_key) as key:
value = QueryValueEx(key, 'Mode')
# view_mode 7 is only available on xp. A dead os
view_mode_dict = {1 : "Medium icons", 2 : "Small icons", 3 : "List", 4 : "Details", 5 : "Thumbnail icons", 6 : "Large icons", 8 : "Content"}
return view_mode_dict[value[0]]
# how is the folder being sorted
def get_folder_sort_by(reg_key):
with OpenKey(HKEY_CURRENT_USER, reg_key) as key:
value = QueryValueEx(key, 'Sort')
folder_sort_dict = {"0E000000" : "Date Modified", "10000000" : "Date Accessed", "0F000000" : "Date Created", "0B000000" : "Type", "0C000000" : "Size", "0A000000" : "Name", "02000000" : "Title", "05000000" : "Tags"}
# we get a byte value which we will hexify and get a rather long string
# similar to : 000000000000000000000000000000000100000030f125b7ef471a10a5f102608c9eebac0c000000ffffffff
reg_value = value[0].hex()
# now for this string, we need to get the last 16 strings. then we now get the first 8 out of it. so we will have
folder_sort_dict_key = (reg_value[-16:][:8]).upper()
return folder_sort_dict[folder_sort_dict_key]
# in what order is the folder being sorted. ascending or descending???
def get_folder_sort_by_order(reg_key):
with OpenKey(HKEY_CURRENT_USER, reg_key) as key:
value = QueryValueEx(key, 'Sort')
folder_sort_dict = {"01000000" : "Ascending", "FFFFFFFF" : "Descending"}
# we get a byte value which we will hexify and get a rather long string
# similar to : 000000000000000000000000000000000100000030f125b7ef471a10a5f102608c9eebac0c000000ffffffff
reg_value = value[0].hex()
# now for this string, we need to get the last 16 strings. then we now get the last 8 out of it. so we will have
folder_sort_dict_key = (reg_value[-16:][-8:]).upper()
return folder_sort_dict[folder_sort_dict_key]
icon_size = get_folder_icon_size(folder_reg_path)
logical_view_mode = get_logical_view_mode(folder_reg_path)
view_mode = get_folder_view_mode(folder_reg_path)
sorted_by = get_folder_sort_by(folder_reg_path)
sorted_by_order = get_folder_sort_by_order(folder_reg_path)
print ('The folder icon size is %s' % icon_size)
print('The folder logical view mode is %s' % logical_view_mode)
print('The folder view mode is %s' % view_mode)
print('The folder is sorted by %s in %s order' % (sorted_by, sorted_by_order))
The question itself and
the environment to run this in is unclear.
As you reference PowerShell and a RegEx to limit to specific extensions,
With this sample tree:
> tree /f a:\
this script:
Get-ChildItem -Path A:\Test -File |
Where-Object Extension -match '\.(jpg|jpg_large|jpeg|jpe|jfif|jif|jfi|jpe|gif|png|ico|bmp|webp|svg)$' |
Sort-Object Name |
Select-Object -ExpandProperty FullName |
ConvertTo-Json -Compress
The IShellView implementation (the file list part of Explorer) asks its IShellBrowser for a stream when it needs to load/save its state. My suggestion would be to host a IExplorerBrowser instance "browsed to the folder" and ask the view for its items. I don't know if you can ask it about which column it has sorted by but just getting the items in sorted order should be enough for your needs.
I don't know how to this in a scripting language but I assume PS supports enough COM for it to be possible.

Xtext - Validating for duplicate names

I have the following grammer, but I want to do some validation on this. I want to make an error if there are duplicate names in the "players" list.
'Club' name=STRING playerList=PlayerList
Player | Coach
players+=[Player] ( players+=[Player] )*
'Player' name=ID
I tried the following:
def checkGreetingStartsWithCapital(Football model) {
val names = newHashSet
for (g : model.playersList.players) {
error("duplicate" , g, FOOTBALLPACKAGE.Literals.FOOTBALL__PLAYERS_LIST)
But this does not work. Any ideas why?
The easiest is to mark the list entry by calling error not on the referenced player but on the playersList itself and call the error method that takes an index as well. e.g.
error("bad", playersList, MyDslPackage.Literals.PLAYERS_LIST__PLAYERS, index)

Xtext grammar QualifiedName ambiguity

I have the following problem. Part of my grammar looks like this
: SetOp
SetOp returns RExpr
: PrimaryExpr (({Union.left=current} '+'|{Difference.left=current} '-'|{Intersection.left=current} '&') right = PrimaryExpr)*
PrimaryExpr returns RExpr
: '(' RExpr ')'
| (this = 'this.')? slot = [Slot | QualifiedName]
| (this = 'this' | ensName = [Ensemble | QualifiedName])
| 'All'
When generating Xtext artifacts ANTLR says that due to some ambiguity it disables an option(3). The ambiguity is because of QualifiedName slot and ensemble share. How do I refactor this kind of cases? I guess syntactic predicate wont help here since it'll force only one(Slot/Ensemble) to be resolved only.
Xtext can't choose between your two references slot and ensemble.
You can merge these references into one reference by adding this rule to your grammar:
Slot | Ensemble
Then your primaryExpr rule will be something like:
PrimaryExpr returns RExpr
: '(' RExpr ')'
| ((this = 'this.')? ref= [SlotOrEnsemble | QualifiedName])
| this = 'this'
| 'All'

antl3:Java heap space when testing parser

I'm trying to build a simple config-file reader to read files of this format:
A .-
B -...
C -.-.
D -..
E .
This is the grammar I have so far:
grammar def;
#header {
package mypackage.parser;
#lexer::header { package mypackage.parser; }
: line+;
ID : ('A'..'Z')*
CODE : ('-'|'.')*;
: '//' ~('\n'|'\r')* '\r'? '\n' {$channel=HIDDEN;}
| '/*' ( options {greedy=false;} : . )* '*/' {$channel=HIDDEN;}
WS : ( ' '
| '\t'
) {$channel=HIDDEN;}
NEWLINE:'\r'? '\n' ;
And this is my test rig (junit4)
public void BasicGrammarCheckGood() {
String CorrectlyFormedLine="A .-;\n";
ANTLRStringStream input;
defLexer lexer;
defParser parser;
input = new ANTLRStringStream(CorrectlyFormedLine);
lexer = new defLexer(input);
CommonTokenStream tokens = new CommonTokenStream(lexer);
parser = new defParser(tokens);
try {
catch(RecognitionException re) { fail(re.getMessage()); }
If I run this test right with a corrected formatted string - the code exits without any exception or output.
However if feed the parser with an invalid string like this : "xA .-;\n", the code spins for a while then exits with a "Java heap space".
(If I start my test with the top-level rule 'file', then I get the same result - with the additional (repeated) output of "line 1:0 mismatched input '' expecting CODE")
What's going wrong here ? I never seem to get the "RecognitionException" for the invalid output ?
EDIT: Here's my grammar file (Fragment), after being provided advice here - this avoids the 'Java heap space' issue.
: line+ EOF;
ID : ('A'..'Z')('A'..'Z')*
CODE : ('-'|'.')('-'|'.')*;
Some of your lexer rules match zero characters (an empty string):
ID : ('A'..'Z')*
CODE : ('-'|'.')*;
There are, of course, an infinite amount of empty strings in your input, causing your lexer to keep producing tokens, resulting in a heap space error after a while.
Always let lexer rules match at least 1 character.
Two (small) remarks:
since you put the WS token on the hidden channel, you don't need to add them in your parser rules. So line becomes line : ID CODE NEWLINE;
something like ('A'..'Z')('A'..'Z')* can be written like this: ('A'..'Z')+
