Re : Joomla 2.5 | 'Global Config' > 'Server > 'From Email' address validation - joomla

I have discovered that Joomla J2.5 won't allow four or five letter 'Domain Name' type extensions in it's 'Global Configuration > Server > 'From Email' field. My Client has registered a 'Domain Name' with the five letter extension '.rockz' & Joomla won't accept it. This is stuffing up the operation of one of the components on that site.
Any ideas on how one would change Joomla's 'From Email' validation to allow four & five letter 'Domain Name' extensions ?


Xtext Validation

I currently have project where i had to make my own DSL. I have my DSL and also the most of my Validation. I got stucked by the fact that i wanted to check if a specific word contains a number.
I wrote a grammar, which allows you to create the following code:
Category Doors belongs to Group Car_Equiptment;
Category Engine belongs to Group Car_Equiptment;
Doors properties:
Engine properties:
-V8 180 "PS"
-V10 200 "PS"
Here the grammer definition:
'Category' name=ID 'belongs' 'to' (group+=Group) ';'
name=[Category] 'properties' ':'
'-' name=ID number=INT? description=STRING?
I should controll that the user doesn't choose a door property, which is over 5 Doors. I can get the properties name with out a problem but i'm missing a funtion which si helping me to check if the string contains a number. Since i have a lot of different properties i can't just make a ID only for the Doors. I have to check via Validaiotn if a property named doors is exsisting (i have this part already) and if yes is any of the string contains a number higher then 5.

Magento Shipping returning “Sorry, no quotes are available for this order at this time.” international orders

I am using magento 1.7.02 and have recently opened up my store for international orders, but I can’t seem to get any shipping rates returned for them.
I have UPS and USPS configured and working for all US orders. I have allow all countries selected on both shipping methods. But when I enter a UK address for example it returns “no quotes are available”. I also have allow all countries in my general config selected.
I can take international payments fine on virtual products.
Here is what I found in my UPS debug file:
[accept_UPS_license_agreement] => yes
[10_action] => 4
[13_product] => GNDRES
[14_origCountry] => US
[15_origPostal] => 55555
[origCity] => US City
[19_destPostal] => 55555
[22_destCountry] => US
[23_weight] => 3.9
[47_rate_chart] => Customer Counter
[48_container] => 00
[49_residential] => 01
[weight_std] => lbs
It looks like the dest postal and country are the same as the orig. I’m thinking this is the issue, but don’t know how to fix it. For some reason it doesn't seem to pull the correct destpostal or country.
I have been testing with a UK address.
Figured out the solution. Silly thing on my part. I just needed to have international shipping options enabled through the admin panel.

Using AppleScript to clean up Address Book behaves weirdly when it comes to social profiles

I have been successfully writing and updating an AppleScript to remove duplicate email addresses as well as duplicate URLs from Address Book contacts.
With all social networking and sync software / services, contacts are getting populated with social network URLs and more recently Apple added social profiles to its Address Book scripting dictionary
While I have managed to deal with duplicate emails, URLs, and even with matching social network URLs with social profiles (and remove them), I am blocked in my last step : identify duplicate social profiles and remove them
While I can successfully identify a duplicate social profile, I haven't found the syntax to remove it from a contact, like what can easily be done with duplicate email addresses
repeat with email_id in duplicate_emails
delete (emails of this_person whose id is email_id)
end repeat
here is the error message I get when executing
delete (every social profile where id is socialProfile_id) in this_person
delete (social profiles of this_person whose id is socialProfile_id)
delete (every social profile whose id is socialProfile_id) in this_person
error "Erreur dans Address Book : Le gestionnaire AppleEvent a échoué." number -10000
Any clues ? Source code available upon request
-- P
I think this might work... the problem is that social profile is not linked to the contact info like emails, phonenumbers... maybe it will work after an OS Update, maybe it already work s on OSX 10.8 ;-)
--© 21.03.2012
-- example code that REMOVES ALL SOCIAL PROFILES
-- from every selected person in your Address Book
-- de-facebook, de-twitter,… you contacts ;-)
set mySelectedPersons to selection
repeat with aSelectedPerson in mySelectedPersons
set social_ids to id of (every social profile of aSelectedPerson)
repeat with social_id in social_ids
my delete_social_profile(aSelectedPerson, social_id)
end repeat
end repeat
on delete_social_profile(thePerson, theID)
--handler for removing social profiles from Address Book
--only way since social profile is not contained by contact info or something else and so delete social profile xy does not work
-- input a single reference to a person in the address book and
-- a the uniq ID of a social profile as text
tell application "Address Book"
set social_index to 0
repeat with i from 1 to (count of every social profile of thePerson)
if (id of social profile i of thePerson) as text = theID as text then
set social_index to i
exit repeat
end if
end repeat
if social_index = 0 then error "error on delete_social_profile, given ID was not found in this person"
--you cannot delete/kill a social profile, but when you remove/take away
--all stored information (username and URL) from it, it commits suicide
--and is removed from the address book, philosophic programming, isn't it?
set user name of social profile social_index of thePerson to ""
set url of social profile social_index of thePerson to ""
end tell
end delete_social_profile

Anyone know how to access the magento gift card sku in transactional email template?

I had a custom utility task that allowed users to choose an image to accompany the gift card notice that is sent to the recipient when a gift card is purchased at the magento run shop. In the template, there is an assortment of variables available so you can customize the email that is sent. However, in order to add the correct image, I need to have access to the gift card sku number since my method for handling this was to simply create many gift cards and apply separate images for each one, then use javascript to swap the sku numbers when the user clicks the images. Simple enough.
In the app/code/core/Enterprise/GiftCard/Model/Observer.php file, the variables are set:
$templateData = array(
'name' => $item->getProductOptionByCode('giftcard_recipient_name'),
'email' => $item->getProductOptionByCode('giftcard_recipient_email'),
'sender_name_with_email' => $sender,
'sender_name' => $senderName,
'gift_message' => $item->getProductOptionByCode('giftcard_message'),
'giftcards' => $codeList->toHtml(),
'balance' => $balance,
'is_multiple_codes' => 1 < $goodCodes,
'store' => $order->getStore(),
'store_name' => $order->getStore()->getName(), // #deprecated after
'is_redeemable' => $isRedeemable,
So I could add the product sku to this array and it would be available in the template system. Problem is, I don't know where to trace this back to even know how to get the Sku. I assume it is somehow available in the $item var, but magento has no documentation on this particular case and I can't guess since there is no method for testing. The email script is activated when the card is purchased so I can't just click a "Send test" button to see what comes out in the email that is sent to the user. The preview button dismisses variables.
Anyone happen to know about this? Possibly something like $item->getSku()
Any input helps.
That snippet is from the method Enterprise_GiftCard_Model_Observer::generateGiftCardAccounts() which is registered as a handler for sales_order_save_after event. That event is passed the same 'order' object as the "new order placed" emails have. You can experiment by altering that email template and triggering a new email by resending from the order page in admin.
$item->getSku() is almost certainly right.

iCalendar ATTENDEE

Hi is it possible to specify a 'nickname' as the ATTENDEE in Vcalendar . so that instead of the email address appearing in the email 'required' field it would display a more friendly name ?
thanks for any help
Yes, easily via the CN parameter:
See also:
