Where do maven jboss plugin deploy - maven

I am using maven and jboss plugin. When I run this command
mvn clean install jboss-as:deploy
I will deploy in currently running jboss but I want to know which jar file it deploy..jar file generated in target folder or jar file in local repository?

By default it gets the bits from target folder. Look at targetDir property of the plugin.
You can find the details in the plugin documentation.


How can I include the jboss-client.jar present in the Wildfly bin/client folder to my maven project?

I have a maven project to which I have to add a external jar jboss-client.jar which is located in Jboss Wildfly 10 bin folder(bin/client). There is no version specified in the jar name.
When I add the jar manually in build path-it works fine.
However, since this is a maven project, I require a better way of doing this.
Note: The project works with only this jar and not other versions specified in pom.xml which I tried downloading.
Also, if I try to specify the external dependency in pom.xml, it asks for version of the dependency. However, I cannot specify the same as it is not mentioned in the jar.
My ultimate aim is to deploy this project in Jboss Wildfly 10.
Is there any other alternate way, I can add the jar?
Copy your jar to some other location and unzip/decompress it, then find Manifest file located at META-INF\MANIFEST.MF path.
Open it in text editor and look for Implementation-Version.
It will give you the version.
You can use maven to install third party library in local.
Using below command you can install.
mvn install:install-file -Dfile=path-to-file/jboss-client.jar -DgroupId=org.jboss -DartifactId=jboss-client -Dversion=1.0

Artifactory + TeamCity : How to deploy custom JAR?

I am building a maven project within a Docker container as a TeamCity job configuration.
(This is necessary because the maven project builds a JNA library -- so it must be built on a specific distro)
At the end of running the docker container, I'm left with the target folder of the maven module which contains the JAR & associated other files (i.e. class files etc..)
I'm stumped onto now how to get this JAR published to Artifactory? All the integration with TeamCity seems to be if the JAR was built with the maven runner specifically
Usually, you use mvn deploy to build and deploy an artifact with Maven. It is transferred to the Maven repository that you specified in your distributionManagement.
With Artifactory, you can also use the artifactory-maven-plugin for deployment.

Do we have to include jar files in eclipse project if we are using maven?

I am new to maven.
The POM file in maven contains all the dependencies that we need in our project.
So we don't have to externally add any JAR's to the buildpath in eclipse.Right?
That's right. Maven will download dependencies and M2Eclipse (Eclipse plugin for integrating Eclipse with Maven) will setup a build path for you.
Two Solutions - 1 Using Eclipse IDE
Install the Maven (M2E Eclipse Plugin) if you use older version of eclipse, If you download the latest eclipse.
Point your settings.xml and create a maven project from your eclipse, it is better keep Group Id as com.yourcompany.app Artifact Id as yourProjectName and Version 0.0.1-SNAPSHOT depends on your Architecture Standards set by your company. Also Packaging can be as WAR file for WebApplication, EAR file for Enterprise Application. You can find the numerous list of examples from Maven Site.
2 From Command Line
Install Maven from Apache Maven site, Would recommend to go for the latest version -apache-maven-3.3.9-bin.zip.
Set the Maven Home in the Environment Variables as shown in the below figure.
Edit Your Path variable as %MAVEN_HOME%\bin, verify your installation by using this command from your command prompt. It should display the Maven Home and Java Version, which confirms your maven successful installation.
Paste your settings.xml (C:\apache-maven-3.3.9\conf) given by your build team or Architecture team for accessing your internal repository. And keep a backup of the original settings.xml (which is default download from Maven site)
Run these commands from your command prompt.
mvn eclipse:clean -e
mvn eclipse:eclipse -e (which will automatically set your project build path as shown in the below figure)
It will resolve your compilation issues and your project is ready as an deploy-able artifact

where to place customer jar in maven project structure

I have a dependency application jar from other maven applications,and currently added it to my application path,
I want to know how this application related jar can be automatically moved my local repository folders.
I think it should be placed in somewhere in maven project folder structure so that when maven build the module it automatically moves to the repository.
Dependent project:
If built with maven, you would issue a mvn install, when building it.
If not built with maven, install it locally using mvn install:install-file

Maven JBOSS application deployment

I followed this tutorial http://www.mastertheboss.com/jboss-maven/jboss-maven-example-building-a-java-ee-6-application/ in order to have a simple web application to better understand Java EE and JBOSS. I set up the example project (by archetype) and compiled it.
However, I am stuck after running mvn compile. I want to deploy my application as a war file to my JBOSS webroot directory (in my case /usr/share/jboss-as/standalone/deployments/).
I think mvn package and mvn install must be executed. Where can I specify that I want a war file and that it should be copied to my deployment location on JBOSS?
Obviously, I can use the jboss maven plugin http://docs.jboss.org/jbossas/7/plugins/maven/latest/, which is addressed via console
Configuration is read from the POM file.
