Require a field only if a checkbox is checked CakePHP 2 Validation - validation

Heres the problem
I want to require a field (litters_per_year) only if another field that is a checkbox is checked. When I do this, cake is trying to force me to put a value into the field and I don't know why. I have tried setting required & allowEmpty to false & true respectively, but then my custom rule does not run.
Heres the code
NOTE: The details of the following code aren't that important - they are here to provide a scenario.
I have the following code in my VIEW which works fine:
echo $this->Form->input('litters_per_year', array(
'label' => 'Litters per year (average)'
I have the following code in my MODEL's public $validate:
'litters_per_year' => array(
'isNeeded' => array(
'rule' => array('isNeeded', 'litters_per_year'),
'message' => 'Please enter the litters per year average'
which is calling the custom validation method
public function isNeeded($field) {
// Check if a checkbox is checked right here
// Assume it is not... return false
return false;
It returns false for simplicity to solve this issue.
Let's assume that the checkbox field is named 'the_checkbox'.

At the moment your field should always fail validation, since you return false from isNeeded.
To make it work as you expect, do something like this:
(Note: replace 'ModelName' with your model name)
public function isNeeded($field) {
if ($this->data['ModelName']['the_checkbox']) {
// Checkbox is checked, so we have to require litters per year
if (empty($field)) {
// They have checked the box but have NOT entered litters_per_year
// so we have a problem. NOT VALID!
return false;
} else {
// They have checked the box, and entered a litters_per_year
// value, so all good! Everything is valid!
return true;
} else {
// Checkbox is not checked, so we don't care what
// the field contains - it is always valid.
return true;
Or, without the needless verbosity, this should work:
public function isNeeded($field) {
if ($this->data['ModelName']['the_checkbox']) {
return $field;
} else {
return true;
In this example, if the checkbox is checked, validation will pass if $field is truthy, and fail if it is falsey.


Cypress should not.exist or

Because of - imo - poor page design, I've found myself having problems verify the visibility or non-existance of one or more elements on a page.
The problem is that some of the elements does not exist, while some of them have CSS property display:none. But the existing test code checks for not.exist, which makes the test fail. But I cannot change to, since then it will fail on the other elements.
So: Is it possible to do an OR in an assertion? Somthing like
The above line compiles, but yields an undefined on the second part, so it doesn't work.
Here's the code:
(I don't consider the code architecture important - the question is basically the OR thing.)
page.sjekkAtDellaanFelterVises(2, 2, [
public sjekkAtDellaanFelterVisesALT(sakRad: number, delLanRad: number, felter: DellaanFelter[]) {
this.sjekkFelter(felter, DellaanFelter, (felt: string) => this.delLanAccordionBody(sakRad, delLanRad).get(this.e2e(felt)));
public sjekkFelterALT<T, E extends Node = HTMLElement>(felter: T[], enumType, lookupFn: (felt: string) => Chainable<JQuery<E>>) {
this.valuesOfEnum(enumType).forEach(felt => {
this.sjekkFelt(felt, felter, enumType, lookupFn);
// #ts-ignore enumType fungerer fint i praksis ...
public sjekkFeltALT<T, E extends Node = HTMLElement>(felt: string, felter: T[], enumType, lookupFn: (felt: string) => Chainable<JQuery<E>>) {
if (felter.some(feltSomSkalVises => enumType[feltSomSkalVises] == felt)) {
} else {
Or is the solution to try and check if the elements exists first, then if they do, check the visibility?
The tl;dr is that there isn't going to be a simple solution here -- Cypress' get command has assertions, so you can't easily catch or eat those exceptions. If you try to get an element that doesn't exist, Cypress will have a failed assertion. Unfortunately, the best case would be to have deterministic behavior for each assertion.
More info on why Cypress behaves this way here.
I think your best case for doing this would be to write a custom Chai assertion, but I don't have any experience in doing anything like that. Here is Chai's documentation on doing so.
If you wanted to simplify your code, but knew which elements should not exist and which elements should not be visible, you could write a custom command to handle that.
Cypress.Commands.add('notExistOrNotVisible', (selector, isNotExist) => {
cy.get(selector).should(isNotExist ? 'not.exist' : '');
cy.notExistOrNotVisible('foo', true); // asserts that `foo` does not exist
cy.notExistOrNotVisible('bar', false); // asserts that `bar` is not visible
I arbitrarily made not exist the positive case, but you could switch that and the logic in the should.
I was facing the same problem, with some modals being destroyed (i.e. removed from the DOM) on close and others being just hidden.
I found a way to kinda emulate an or by adding the visibility check as a filter to the selection, then asserting non-existence:
The error messages in case of failure are not as self-explanatory ("expected :visible to not exist") and you have to read the log a bit further to understand. If you don't need the separation between selector and filter you can combine the both to make get a nicer error message ("expected my-selector:visible to not exist"):
Hopefully this will help some of you. I've been working with Cypress for a while now and found these particular custom commands to be pretty useful. I hope they help you too. ( Check for visibility utilizes the checkExistence command as well. You can just use the cy.isVisible() command and it will automatically check if it's at least in the DOM before continuing ).
P.S. These commands are still being tweaked - be nice :)
Command for checking existence
* #param {String} errorMessage The error message you want to throw for the function if no arg is used
const isRequired = (errorMessage = '--- Parameter is required! ---') => { throw new Error(errorMessage); };
* #description Check if an element, found through xpath selector, exists or not in the DOM
* #param {String} xpath Required. Xpath to pass into the function to check if it exists in the DOM
* #param {Object} ifFound Message to pass to cy.log() if found. Default message provided
* #param {String} ifNotFound Message to pass to cy.log() if not found. Default message provided
* #returns Boolean. True if found, False if not found
* #example cy.checkExistence("xpath here", "Found it!", "Did not find it!").then(result=>{if(result==true){ // do something } else { // do something else }})
Cypress.Commands.add('checkExistence',(xpath=isRequired(), ifFound, ifNotFound )=>{
return cy.window().then((win) => {
return (function(){
let result = win.document.evaluate(xpath, win.document.body, null, XPathResult.FIRST_ORDERED_NODE_TYPE, null).singleNodeValue
if(result!=null && result!=undefined){
if ( ifFound != undefined ) {
cy.log( `_** ${ifFound} **_` );
return cy.wrap( true );
} else {
if ( ifNotFound != undefined ) {
cy.log( `_** ${ifNotFound} **_` );
return cy.wrap( false );
Command for checking visibility
* #param {String} errorMessage The error message you want to throw for the function if no arg is used
const isRequired = (errorMessage = '--- Parameter is required! ---') => { throw new Error(errorMessage); };
* #description Check to see if an element is visible or not, using xpath selector or JQuery element
* #param {String} Xpath Xpath string
* #param {Boolean} waitForVisibility Optional. False by default. Set to true to wait for element to become visible.
* #param {Number} timeout Optional. Timeout for waitForVisibility param.
* #returns Boolean. True if visible, False if not visible
* #example cy.isVisible("//div").then(result=>{})
Cypress.Commands.add('isVisible', (Xpath=isRequired(), waitForVisibility=false, timeout)=>{
cy.xpath(Xpath).then($element => {
if ($':visible')){
return cy.wrap(true)
} else {
cy.logSpecial('wave',3, `Must provide value for timeout. Recieved ${timeout}`, true)
} else {
cy.log(`Waiting for element to become visible within ${timeout / 1000} seconds...`, true).then(()=>{
let accrued;
let interval = 250;
(function retry(){
if ($':visible')){
return cy.wrap(true)
} else {
accrued = accrued + interval;
cy.log(`Timeout waiting for element to become visible. Waited ${timeout / 1000} seconds.`)
return cy.wrap(false)
} else {
} else {
return cy.wrap(false)
} else {
cy.log(`Element does not exist in the DOM. Skipping visibility check...`).then(()=>{
throw new Error (`Element of xpath ${Xpath} was not visible.`)
return cy.wrap(false)

How to do evaluation in TYPO3 FlexForms and prevent saving invalid input

I would like to check a FlexForm field with the additional behaviour: If the entered value is not correct, it should not be possible to save the form. This is a similar behaviour as the "required" eval function, which refuses to save empty fields.
The code for evaluation already exists (but I am not adding entire code):
class UsernameEvaluation
public function evaluateFieldValue($value, $is_in, &$set)
if ($value) {
$errorCode = StudipPerson::checkUsername($value);
// if wrong username, should not be possible to save form
if ($errorCode != StudipPerson::USERNAME_ERROR_OK) {
$set = false;
return $value;
Even though invalid data is entered and I checked with a debugger that $set was set to false, the value is saved.

Drupal 7 Block Configure AJAX

I'm building a custom block programmatically that has two select boxes. The first one is populated automatically and the second is populated based on the value of the first. Ideally I'd like to use AJAX and I have experience integrating AJAX in a standard form, however the block configuration form doesn't include a $form_state variable and seems to function differently. Can the standard method be used?
'#ajax' => array(
'callback' => 'my_callback',
'wrapper' => 'the-id',
'method' => 'replace',
'effect' => 'fade',
How would the callback work?
I didn't try this but I bet it works: use hook_form_alter() to access your block configuration form. There, you will have a &$form_state and be able to do fancy AJAX stuff (see this).
The hard part is to ONLY alter YOUR form at the alter-hook. Possible ways:
Not sure if this works (most elegant way):
function mymodule_form_alter(&$form,&$form_state,$form_id) {
if ($form_id == 'block_admin_configure' ) {
// Find the delta in the $form variable
if ($form['delta'] == 'the_delta_you_are_looking_for') {
//do fancy ajax stuff
Ugly but definitely possible:
function mymodule_form_alter(&$form,&$form_state,$form_id) {
if ($form_id == 'block_admin_configure' && arg(4) == 'mymodule') {
//do fancy ajax stuff
Even uglier but also possible:
function mymodule_block_configure($delta = '') {
$form = array();
if ($delta == 'my_block') {
$form["my_block_change_this"] = array(
"#type" => "hidden",
"#value" => "lalala",
function mymodule_form_alter(&$form,&$form_state,$form_id) {
if ($form_id == 'block_admin_configure' ) {
if (!empty($form['my_block_change_this'])) {
//do fancy ajax stuff
Tip: Print out the form_state-array (at the alter hook) and see what's there (That's always the first thing I do when I run into FAPI-Issues). Hope this helps.

Validate other field without causing infinite loop

I have a situation where I am creating an unobtrusive validator that must validate that another field is required only if the validated field is not empty (and vice versa). The problem is that there are some edge cases where the other field does not re-validate, and I would like to force it to revalidate itself without causing an infinite loop.
My validation method looks like this:
$.validator.addMethod("jqiprequired", function (value, element, params) {
if (!this.optional(element) || (this.optional(params) && this.optional(element))) {
return true;
return false;
params is my other field (both are textboxes). If both are empty, it passes, if both have values, it passes. It only fails if only one has a value.
This works fine, except that if one field is empty, and another has a value, then you delete the value from the field with a value, the empty field is not revalidated (because it's value has not changed).
I tried doing this:
if (!this.optional(element) || (this.optional(params) && this.optional(element))) {
return true;
But this causes an infinite loop because each time it passes, it calls the other.
How can I cause the other field to validate, without itself calling the original field?
Instead of adding an attribute to each field, try adding a variable jqip_validating in the script where you are adding this validation method. Then, change your validation as follows:
var jqip_calledFromOtherValidator = false;
if (jqip_validating) {
jqip_validating = false;
jqip_calledFromOtherValidator = true;
if (!this.optional(element) || (this.optional(params) && this.optional(element))) {
if (!jqip_validating && !jqip_calledFromOtherValidator) {
jqip_validating = true;
return true;
In order for the other validator to be called, both conditions must be satisfied, and they can only be satisfied when the first validator invokes the second validator.
You can add a is_validating attribute to each fields so that, if it's on you skip the validation and if not, you set it to true, do your validation and then clear it.

Codeigniter validation--how to limit numerical value?

I simply need to add a validation class that limits a numerical entry from being greater than 24.
Is this possible with CI's default validation classes or will I have to write a custom validation class?
You can use validation rule "greater_than[24]"
like for Example
$this->form_validation->set_rules('your_number_field', 'Your Number', 'numeric|required|greater_than[24]');
There's no maximum or minimum comparison function in the Form Validation Rule Reference, so you can just write your own validation function.
It's pretty straightforward. Something like this should work:
function maximumCheck($num)
if ($num > 24)
'The %s field must be less than 24'
return FALSE;
return TRUE;
'your_number_field', 'Your Number', 'callback_maximumCheck'
Sure you can, just make your own validation function and add it as a callback to validation rule. See
Hence, you will have
$this->form_validation->set_rules('mynumber', 'This field', 'callback_numcheck');
function numcheck($in) {
if (intval($in) > 24) {
$this->form_validation->set_message('numcheck', 'Larger than 24');
return FALSE;
} else {
return TRUE;
