Executing a .rb file (Ruby file) with PRY in Windows 7 - ruby

I was wondering how I can load a Ruby file into PRY to use the debugger function on my Windows 7 computer with Command Prompt. I want to use PRY to go through my program step by step and following the tutorials online on how to do it aren't working for me (probably because all of them are using Mac Terminal)
I use SublimeText 2 to write everything up and then save it as a .rb file and I was told that if I wanted to debug the file I just made, I need to run it through IRB or PRY. Not, I already ran "gem install debugger". And the Ruby I have installed is 1.9.3 - p545. Do I need to add an extra line of code that says "binding.pry" (I saw that in some of the samples that I could find on stackoverflow). All I'm looking for is a simple step-by-step process. Thank you for reading this, I look forward to the responses.

Make sure you've installed pry and pry-debugger gems
At the top of your file, add statements for require 'pry' and require 'pry-debugger'
In your code, wherever you want to start ddebugging, just add a statement binding.pry
Now, you can run your file like ruby filename.rb and the debugger should open


CLI tool built using commander gem doesn't execute correctly when used after being installed

So, I have a CLI tool I'm building using the commander gem.
The executable successfully executes correctly when used directly from the bin folder (bin/dynamised), but when I install the gem locally and then run it from the command line (dynamised) it doesn't seem to do anything.
If I add puts 'WORKING' to the top of the file, I see that but nothing else.
output of puts [$0, __FILE__].inspect:
from bin:
["bin/dynamised", "bin/dynamised"]
from installed gem:
["/Users/---------/.rbenv/versions/2.3.0/bin/dynamised", "/Users/---------/.rbenv/versions/2.3.0/lib/ruby/gems/2.3.0/gems/Dynamised-0.1.4/bin/dynamised"]
Link to gist containing executable.
Not quite sure what's wrong.
Change the very last line of your script to:
Dynamised::CLI.new.run if File.basename($0) == File.basename(__FILE__)
or simply remove this redundant check:

What is a good way to see output from my ruby gem?

I want to know a good way to run code in my ruby gem (and not just through tests).
That means I want to run ruby lib/{gemname}.rb on the terminal and be able to see some output
So I have this line in my base file:
$LOAD_PATH.unshift File.expand_path("../../lib", __FILE__)
and then I load a file called debugger.rb by requiring it at the bottom of the base file. This file then gives me the output I need.
This works but this kind of clutters my code and I don't want to accidentally commit it and watch it break in production.
So what's a good way of doing this?
My approach for developing and debugging gems has two parts:
1) Always use require_relative to include needed "internal" gem related files. This allows the gem to be loaded up normally when installed as a gem and also in my development environment (ignoring any versions of the gem that may already be installed.)
2) Then use the following snippet of code (usually) at the bottom of the main file, to activate debugging features when the base my_gem.rb file is run explicitly on the command line.
if __FILE__ == $0
#debugging code goes here!
With this strategy there's no need to worry about yanking debug code before releasing the gem.

How to use pry-byebug in an example script for a gem?

I'm working on making my first gem, which is not a Rails app, is a tic-tac-toe library with some AI in it, so I can play a computer opponent that will never lose and force a win if possible.
Right now I am trying to debug the attack strategy in the AI, but I can't seem to figure out how to get pry-byebug working in my test script, specfically, have the debugging commands like step, next, etc. work upon hitting a binding.pry.
The gem, named smart-tac-toe, has the following directory structure:
$ ls smart-tac-toe
example Gemfile Gemfile.lock Guardfile lib LICENSE.txt Rakefile README.md smart_tac_toe.gemspec spec tmp
As you can see above, there is an 'example' directory in my gem which contains "example.rb", where I use the classes I've made.
However, when I use binding.pry and try to use step and next, the Pry session just exits and the script keeps running.
In my smart_tac_toe.gemspec file, I clearly have pry-byebug:
spec.add_development_dependency "pry-byebug", '~>2.0.0'
and at the top of my example.rb file, I have tried requiring the proper gems:
require 'pry'
require 'pry-byebug'
require "../lib/smart_tac_toe.rb"
I am using Ruby 2.1.1p76 , the repo for this gem is located at https://github.com/discotroll65/smart_tac_toe
Also, though putting binding.pry into my example script does throw me into a debugging session, initially it is in a reading mode, and I have to press q to exit that before I can start doing repl stuff. Any thoughts as to why this may be?
Ok, looking into this more I realized (I think...still kind of new to the game) a couple things --
1.) If you want to if have
require 'pry'
at the top of your ruby file and have it work in general, it would help to install it in your development environment using your terminal:
user#machine/currentdirectory/$ gem install pry
likewise with pry-byebug:
user#machine/currentdirectory/$ gem install pry-byebug
2.) The real answer to my initial question is to use
in my script as the debugging hook, instead of
(thanks #mtm for the suggestion!)
when I do use byebug though, while step and next work properly, the REPL it throws me into doesn't have any color, and isn't as nice in general...anyway to fix that?
I think you're overdoing it. This works for me:
require 'pry-byebug'
puts 'foo'
puts 'bar'

Need help with starting RoR: Command "rails server" does not result in "Booting WEBrick"?

I need help to get started with RoR.
I currently follow this guideline:
I followed step 1 through 3 w/o problems.
In step 5: I can get the webserver through WEBrick working.
When i put
"rails server"
instead of getting "Booting Webrick", i get "rails new_path option"
thus when i try in the browser... it does work.
Can anyone guide me on this on how to get it up and runnning? (Im a total newb for now...so i need specific explanations! thanks!)
In your tutorial i can't see the command 'bundle install' - it's checking and installing all necessary gems in your system. So why you don't use another great rails tutorial - http://ruby.railstutorial.org/ruby-on-rails-tutorial-book
I'm guessing you are running windows, on which rails can be a little awkward. You'll probably need to run the rails server command by pointing ruby at the server script. On windows, your rails "commmand" is actually just a .bat file that lives in the /bin file of your ruby installation, and that .bat file just passes the arguments to ruby. If you look at the rails gem that is installed on your machine, you'll see the files that correspond to the normal first argument of a rails command (console, generate, server, etc). You might find it helpful to copy these to the /script directory of your application, and when you want to run a rails command you can just run "ruby script\server" from your application's main directory, though there may be more accepted ways of getting the same result.

I can't install Haml/Sass on Windows using RubyInstaller for Windows

I never used ruby before, I just wanted to play around with HAML and SASS. I downloaded and installed Ruby's Windows installer (v1.9.1). Then, I clicked ruby.exe (the icon with a black window and a multicolored gem in the picture). Finally, I typed gem install haml and pressed Enter. But nothing happened. Am I doing something wrong?
Reference picture:
alt text http://img707.imageshack.us/img707/9863/haml.png
You might need to put the path to Ruby into the PATH environment variable to do this, but this is how I do it:
I open up the command line utility. I then type ruby -S gem install <whatever>. This works like a charm.
I tried running Ruby and it shows a blank screen but lets me type code. When I press CTRL + C to cancel it then executes my code as well. Maybe you need to do that in the manner you are trying to right now. I just find it easier to just ruby -S <statement> instead. IronRuby gives me the REPL no problems though.
ruby.exe is the Ruby interpreter. If you want to type code into it, you obviously need to type Ruby code into it, not DOS command code.
The gem command is a DOS batch file (gem.bat). DOS batch files need to be run from the DOS command interpreter.
Installing Ruby using RubyInstaller, you get an shortcut in the Programs menu that let you open a command prompt with Ruby in the PATH
You use that in case you didn't select the option to add Ruby to the PATH.
Either case, the gem command you typed in should be entered at the command prompt, and not inside Ruby itself.
The latest build (rubyinstaller-1.9.2-p136.exe) had a problem. Rename the folder: c:\ruby192\lib\ruby\site_ruby or delete it altogether and this fixes "gem"
You can do "gem install compass" or if you're behind a proxy you might need to do.
gem install –http-proxy compass
Here's a blog post with all the details:
Hope that helps,
this is how i installed ruby and sass on my windows machine: How to install ruby and sass on windows?
