Kendo Grid - Group by column functionality is not displaying all in one page - kendo-ui

I am using kendo grid with group by and pagination functionality. My grid page size is 10.
In kendo grid drag and drop any column for grouping, it show collapsible group row with number of page size records. Its not showing all possible group items. I want to show all possible group item in one page. Is it possible in kendo grid?


No options to pass the bulk data from one page to another page

I have a list page with checkbox where we can select all the rows by using global checkbox or single row by using each row checkbox. I have button at top right corner CUSTOM ACTION which would take us to another page.
So After the select the rows from list, When I click CUSTOM ACTION button, I wanted all the selected rows ID's in next page.
Here is example image

Telerik Kendo UI Grid - Inline editing of composite object as a single column with multi-field widget

We are considering kendo ui to replace GWT in our ERP product. The main motivator is kendo grid. We have many composite objects that are rendered and edited as a single column. The column editor will contain multiple fields.
An example: In sales invoice lines, the product column should display product code (autocomplete field), product name (Link), and a button to open products browser (a modal dialog with search fields and a grid that displays products along with images, names, available quantities, etc).After selecting a product in the products browser the grid should update the product in the row that requested the browser.
I think I know how to implement the products browser. But the composite editor is the one I do not know how to implement.
My question is: how can I edit a composite object in a single grid column using a composite widget? And we need inline editing not popup editors.
I have been browsing the demos to find a close example but could not find any. My search was "kendo grid composite object custom editor".
Yes, you can do that with Kendo UI
Check this demo (a ComboBox with a custom template)
You can create a custom row's template for the ComboBox (with multiple columns like in the demo) and in the grid you can use a custom template for the column products and use the ComboBox with the custom template.
Check this demo for the grid with a custom column template

Is it possible that columns list in column menu should reorder the same way i reorder the Grid Column (Kendo Grid)

After reordering the columns in kendo grid....I want it to reflect everytime in columns list of column menu.
Any suggestions?

Footable sortable - checkboxes

is it possible to sort columns in the Footable which contain checkboxes, so that the checked checkboxes come to the top of the table or to the bottom?
Thank you

Drop Down Filter in Devexpress Grid

I want to filter rows by columns, so that i can choose multiple items in filter column dropdown (items in dropdown is preferable to be checkboxes). Can you show me an example please?
At present, both the ASPxGridView/MVC GridView Extension do not support multi-select filter.
There is a request regarding this improvement:
Pivot Like Multi Select Filter
Set the column's OptionsFilter.FilterPopupMode to CheckedList.
