Validation and ComplexTypes - validation

I have read BreezeJS documention about validation and ComplexTypes. To my knowledge, there should be no reason for that scenario to work.
We use breeze.directives.js. BreezeJS version is 1.4.14. In our application, Person-entity has property PhoneNumber which is ComplexType. Person-entity is binded to a view in AngularJS app. For validation we used the example from Code Camper SPA. Person-entity gets validated and zValidate works as expected. To our surprise PhoneNumber-complextype gets validated too , but validation errors dont show up. So it seems there's problem with zValidation and ComplexTypes.
Anyone know if it should work ? Or are we just missing something?
Note: DocCode or any other sample didn't include this scenario implemented.

zValidate was not written to support ComplexTypes. zValidate is part proof-of-concept and part invitation to the community to contribute. It demonstrates one way to expose Breeze validation to the UI, declaratively, with an Angular directive. We invite you to fork it and offer improvements or alternatives. We're eager to tell the world about your work :-)


Difference between $reactive(this).attach($scope) and $scope.viewModel(this)

In Angular "Todo App" tutorial on official website in constructor there's:
In "Socially" tutorial on it looks like the very same thing is achieved by:
What's the difference?
Ok, so I did some research on the subject and here is what I found out.
Regarding $reactive(this).attach($scope):
"$reactive is a service that takes care of the reactivity of your
Meteor data, and updates your AngularJS code."
"This service wraps context (can be used with this or $scope) - so you
can use it with any context as you wish."
Read details about it here.
Regarding $scope.viewModel(this):
It looks like it is a package, a library:
"ViewModel is a view layer for Meteor. You can think of it as Angular,
Knockout, Aurelia, Vue, etc. but without the boilerplate code required
to make those work."
More information about it here.

jaydata/jaysvcutil 1.3.5 inverseProperty support for WebAPI

I've seen Missing inverse property in webapi odata $metadata and the WebAPI $metadata I'm dealing with behaves as described in this article: it doesn't reuse associations for bi-directional navigation properties.
When using jaysvcutil 1.3.5 all navigational properties come up as $$unbound.
$data.Entity.extend('API.Models.Document', {
'Document_Versions': {
'inverseProperty':'$$unbound' }
Other than manually updating the inverseProperty information is there anything to get the desired result automatically?
Update based on #Robesz answer
Manually adding inverseProperty information to the static .js converted by JaySvcUtil is doable, but I'm asking if there's an option to accomplish that with the dynamic conversion as well.
There seems to be to options
make modifications to the .NET WebAPI. Might be challenging, because their seem to be good reason for their implementation, but maybe somebody already successfully did that.
modifying the conversion XSLT that JayData using to take that behavior into account.
We've just arrived to the same results with WebAPI OData, but after editing the generated context file manually and adding the inverseProperty everything is working fine
This should be most probably handled by extending JayData's XSLT conversion. I've created an issues for that on

How to impliment MVC Authorization when older system is in place and returns a string

I am not using any of Authentication in my code. It is handled by an outside library. I get back a success or failure from the function. So all the work is done for me.sCould I get some examples of how I would implement this in MVC3. I know a little, I have had 2 weeks experience.
AuthFunction("UserName", "password");
You need to implement your own MembershipProvider. The ValidateUser method will use AuthFunction method from your library.
This tutorial should be good. Just skip the repository things because those are already implemented by your library. Carefully check the configuration section at the bottom of the tutorial.

MVC3 Architecture/Validation Question

I think this is a pretty simple task, but I can't for the life of me get it working.
Environment - MVC3, FluentValidation, StructureMap.
I have a ViewModel (RegisterViewModel) that has the following attributes { Email, IsBusiness, BusinessContact }. Email is required always, BusinessContact is required if the IsBusiness checkbox is checked.
I was trying to perform the BusinessContact required check client side, but can't for the life of me figure out the right way to do this.
You will have to roll your own client side validation to enforce the constraint your looking for. Phil Haack has a great post on how to do this
Otherwise you could just enforce the constraint server side and add an error to the ModalState and reload the view.

DRY Remote Validation in ASP.NET MVC 3

I've read David Hayden's great post on MVC 3 Remote validation.
However there is presented what you should do to enable remote (javascript) validation. If the user has javascript disabled the post would still be made even if data is not valid. Therefore a server-side validation should occur.
How could we make this check as DRY (Don't Repeat Yourself) as possible? Of course, including the same check code in the post action as in the remote validation action (or just the same call) can work but I am wondering if a one-liner or something more elegant is available.
Perfectly acceptable answers include "no, it can't be done". :)
See my MSDN article How to: Implement Remote Validation in ASP.NET MVC
I use the remote client validation code in the HttpPost Create method to test server side when JavaScript is disabled.
public ActionResult Create(CreateUserModel model) {
// Verify user name for clients who have JavaScript disabled
if (_repository.UserExists(model.UserName)) {
ModelState.AddModelError("UserName", ValidationController.GetAltName(model.UserName, _repository));
return View("Create", model);
It 'can' be done.. but you would need to write your own custom attribute that basically emits for client side and is validated server side. For me I just extract the validation code into a method and check on the server.
Something similar came up recently as well:
Prevent form from submitting when using unobtrusive validation in ASP.NET MVC 3
I wonder if one couldnt inherit from the remote attribute and add their own server side code them. hmm.. maybe I'll have to try this.
I would be happy though if someone here said they already did this : )
I have done this, it's a bit of a long solution, so it's all available on my blog here:
I had to create a new subclass of the RemoteAttribute class, create my own custom model binder by inheriting from DefaultModelBinder, and then use reflection to call the validator on the controller.
