Is the version display in wireshark trace (in my image) the version of SNMP used in communication?
Yes, if you use version 2 you will see version: v2c (1) in wireshark.
I have installed ODL Oxygen karaf-based and want to connect brocade switch of the series ICX 7250-24. the problem is that the odl does not establishe connection with the controller.
Please any one can help?
do you have any meaningful messages in the ODL karaf.log? Check the switch logs
as well.
I have written a simple "Get" request in Delphi7 using the Indy10 TIdSNMP component but it returns an empty reply.
The target device's Agent doesn't support v1 SNMP so I have configured it for SNMP version 2c.
I know that the OID I am requestin is correct as I used a MIB Browser to obtain it from the same device using its MIB.
I vaguely recall seeing a comment on the forums that Indy 9 only supported SNMP version 1, so I am wondering that's still the case for Indy 10?
At this time, Indy 10 still does not support SNMP versions above v1. It is on the TODO list:
#56: Update TIdSNMP to support newer SNMP versions
this is my first question here..!!!
I'm triying to develop my own network inventory application by using SNMP traps.
My problem is I can't find out how to get interfaces information from cisco devices, like show version IOS command do. ie:
Cisco CISCO2911/K9 (revision 1.0) with 487424K/36864K bytes of memory.
Processor board ID FJC1914A05A
3 Gigabit Ethernet interfaces
1 terminal line
1 Virtual Private Network (VPN) Module
What OID can I use to get this information or same in an analog way..?
Best Regards,
To get the version of IOS you need to use the following OID:
You can also use (sysDecr) from system group of MIB-II.
Other parameters you can get from different MIBs:
Interfaces from IF-MIB or RFC1213::ifTable
Boards from ENTITY-MIB
use the "show cdp neighbors" or "show cdp neighbors detail" to have information about cisco devices
I am trying to debug a problem with an X11 Sever and XDCMP. I have captured the traffic with tcpdump and loaded into wireshark.
I am new to wireshark and found this on the web Tracking XWindow Protocol Which seems to indicate that there is a dissector for X11 but I don't get my X11 traffic decoded.I was hoping to get the X11 protocol as per an xtrace ( Note I cannot use xtrace as XDMCP is involved ) I am using wireshark 1.10.6
Which seems to indicate that there is a dissector for X11
There is.
but I don't get my X11 traffic decoded.
If you captured X traffic, there might be a bug or some other issue. Please file a bug on the Wireshark Bugzilla, and attach a network trace to the bug, so we can try to debug it.
Was not aware that the correct way to drive wireshark is to select the traffic then right click on the mouse, select decode as, then X11.
Wireshark like tools can capture in coming or out going messages to our machine, is there any tool available which trace packets communication between our own machine. Like if I have client and server on same machine but port is different is it possible to trace packets?
Thanks in advance.
Windows TCP/IP stack does not implement a network loopback lo interface. See this page, for information.
You can instead use RawCap for your purpose, look it up here. You can use the command RawCap.exe dumpfile.pcap
Select interface "lo" in wireshark , for getting the packets in the same pc.
Justin Jose