VPC EC2 -> Multi-AZ RDS Unable to connect - amazon-ec2

I have a VPC with a mix of public and private subnets. I wanted DB server, among other things, in the private subnet. For now I have my web servers in 2 public subnets. I spun up a multi-AZ VPC RDS instance into a subnet group that contains 3 dedicated private subnets, each in its own AZ.
Here's the issue. I can connect from one of my public EC2 instances to RDS, but not from the other. I was sharing security groups and ACLs for those two public subnets, so that shouldn't be the issue. As best I can tell, the only thing that was different was that the public EC2 that could connect was in the same AZ as the RDS primary node, while the other EC2 instance was in a different AZ (the same one as the RDS failover). When I ping to the RDS domain name from the non-working public EC2, it resolves the private IP just fine, so that doesn't seem to be the issue...it's as if it just isn't routing correctly. Any ideas?
EDIT: I also tried making the private subnets public by updating the route table, that didn't work either. It really seems to be related to the different AZ.

Well, in the end I terminated the instance, started a new one in the EXACT SAME AZ that I was in before based on the exact same AMI that I had based the previous instance off of, made basically no changes, and it all of the sudden it worked as expected. Go figure.


2 lambdas and one VPC - only one can access the internet/DynamoDB

I'm running into a very weird problem with AWS lambdas. I've created two lambdas, A and B. Both are configured the exact same way. Both need to access the Internet and DynamoDB. I'm trying to move them into a new VPC. The lambdas are in subnets because I'm using DAX.
The old VPC has 2 private subnets split /24. The new one has 3 private subnets split /20. Both VPCs have a public subnet split /24 and /20 respectively. There is a NAT attached to the subnets in the route table for the private subnets, and an IGW attached to the public subnets.
Security groups for both have (Inbound) all traffic with the source security group, and a custom TCP Rule for 8111, and (Outbound)
Moving lambda A to the new VPC works fine. It can access both the Internet and DynamoDB. That tells me that the NAT and IGW are configured correctly (I think).
Moving lambda B to the new VPC fails. It can't access either the Internet or DynamoDB.
Moving either lambda back to the old VPC works. The cluster endpoint for DAX isn't hardcoded in either lambda, so there isn't an issue where I'm not changing the code correctly.
Moving a lambda entails changing the VPC, the subnets, and security groups to match the correct VPC. And changing the DAX cluster endpoint.
Both the old and new VPCs have endpoints set up for DynamoDB for both the public and private subnets.
Any thoughts on what I should be looking at?

DEIS no public IP's

Following the instructions here :
to deploy Deis to EC2 into a VPC, Cloudformation stack start up and creates the instances, however the instances does not have public IP's, the subnet the instances are launched into does have auto assign public IP's enabled.
So, without the public IP's I am not sure how to connect to the instances with fleet.
Anyone have any idea's on what I am missing?
By default, the provision scripts don't assign public IP addresses because the assumption is that the VPC you're provisioning into is internal to your network and that you have other means of access (like VPN).
However, you can easily provision your instances with public IPs by changing this line to True and redeploying.
We know this is confusing, and we're working to rewrite our EC2 provisioning scripts. Thanks for sticking with us!
You need to get your computer connected into the VPC somehow, try this and see if you can VPN into your VPC using it.

RDP - Non VPC EC2 instance to VPC (Public) EC2 Instance: Not Working

I have few EC2 instances across VPC and non-VPC.
VPC Instance
Without VPC
I can access (RDP) all the servers from outside world. I have given RDP access to all ( to ensure that I am not missing out anything.
However, I can't access VPC-Dev1 from EC2-Dev1 or vice-a-versa. Is there any specific firewalls related setup I need do to allow AWS instances to get access to each other?
Any help much appreciated!
If you are trying to make the calls using the private IPs, try using the public IPs.

Why might the CIDR/IP in DB security group be different from instance elastic IP?

I have an EC2 instance, which is able to connect to my RDS instance, yet its elastic IP does not appear in the DB security group of whitelisted IP's.
How might this be?
I ask because I have created a new instance, which I also want to whitelist and just entering its elastic IP does not seem like the way to do things since none of the other servers have their elastic IP listed.
Thanks in advance,
There might be two causes here:
Traffic Sources
Security Group Rules do not necessarily specify IP addresses as traffic sources alone, rather regularly will refer to other security groups as well:
The source can be an individual IP address (, a range of
addresses (e.g.,, or an EC2 security group. The
security group can be another group in your AWS account, a group in
another AWS account, or the security group itself.
By specifying a security group as the source, you allow incoming
traffic from all instances that belong to the source security group.
[...] You might specify another security group in your account if you're creating a
three-tier web service (see Creating a Three-Tier Web Service).
[emphasis mine]
Consequently, the DB security group of your Amazon RDS instance might refer to the EC2 security group used for your Amazon EC2 instance, implying respective access rights already. See my answer to AWS - Configuring access to EC2 instance from Beanstalk App for more details regarding this concept/approach.
Public vs. Private IP Addresses
You might see the effect of a little known, but nonetheless important and quite helpful feature of the AWS DNS infrastructure, see section Public and Private Addresses on page Using Instance IP Addresses:
Amazon EC2 also provides an internal DNS name and a public DNS name
that map to the private and public IP addresses respectively. The
internal DNS name can only be resolved within Amazon EC2. The public
DNS name resolves to the public IP address outside the Amazon EC2
network and the private IP address within the Amazon EC2 network. [emphasis mine]
That is, it's resolving the public DNS (e.g. ec2-xxx-xxx-xxx-xxx.compute-1.amazonaws.com) to the private IP address when you are using it inside the Amazon EC2 network, and to the public or elastic IP address when using it outside the Amazon EC2 network.
Accordingly, the various AWS products are usually wired up between each other by means of their private IP Addresses rather than external ones for a variety of reasons, most importantly network speed and cost (see my answer to AWS EC2 Elastic IPs bandwidth usage and charges for details).
Consequently, the DB security group of your Amazon RDS instance might refer to the private IP address of your Amazon EC2 instance, implying respective access rights accordingly.

Amazon ELB in VPC

We're using Amazon EC2, and we want to put an ELB (load balancer) to 2 instances on a private subnet. If we just add the private subnet to the ELB, it will not get any connections, if we attach both subnets to the ELB then it can access the instances, but it often will get time-outs. Has anyone successfully implemented an ELB within the private subnet of their VPC? If so, could you perhaps explain the procedure to me?
My teammate and I just have implemented ELB in a VPC with 2 private subnets in different availability zones. The reason you get timeouts is that for each subnet you add to the load balancer, it gets one external IP address. (try 'dig elb-dns-name-here' and you will see several IP addresses). If one of these IP address maps a private subnet, it will timeout. The IP that maps into your public subnet will work. Because DNS may give you any one of the IP addresses, sometimes it works, sometimes it times out.
After some back and forth with amazon, we discovered that the ELB should only be placed in 'public' subnets, that is subnets that have a route out to the Internet Gateway. We wanted to keep our web servers in our private subnets but allow the ELB to talk to them. To solve this, we had to ensure that we had a corresponding public subnet for each availability zone in which we had private subnets. We then added to the ELB, the public subnets for each availability zone.
At first, this didn't seem to work, but after trying everything, we recreated the ELB and everything worked as it should. I think this is a bug, or the ELB was just in an odd state from so many changes.
Here is more or less what we did:
WebServer-1 is running in PrivateSubnet-1 in availability zone us-east-1b with security group called web-server.
WebServer-2 is running in PrivateSubnet-2 in availability zone us-east-1c with security group called web-server.
Created a public subnet in zone us-east-1b, we'll call it PublicSubnet-1. We ensured that we associated the routing table that includes the route to the Internet Gateway (ig-xxxxx) with this new subnet. (If you used the wizard to create a public/private VPC, this route already exists.)
Created a public subnet in zone us-east-1c, we'll call it PublicSubnet-2. We ensured that we associated the routing table that includes the route to the Internet Gateway (ig-xxxxx) with this new subnet. (If you used the wizard to create a public/private VPC, this route already exists.)
Created a new ELB, adding to it PublicSubnet-1 and PublicSubnet-2 (not the PrivateSubnet-X). Also, picked the instances to run in the ELB, in this case WebServer-1 and WebServer-2. Made sure to assign a security group that allows incoming port 80 and 443. Lets call this group elb-group.
In the web-server group, allow traffic from port 80 and 443 from the elb-group.
The key here is understanding, that you are not "Adding subnets/availability zones" to ELB, but rather specifying what subnets to put ELB instances into.
Yes, ELB is a software load balancer and when you create ELB object, a custom loadbalancing EC2 instance is put into the all subnets that you specified. So for the ELB (its instances) to be accessible, they have to be put into the subnets that have default route configured via IGW (most likely you classified these subnets as public).
So as already was answered above, you have to specify "public" networks for ELB, and those networks should be from the AZs where your EC2 instances are running. In this case ELB instances will be able to reach your EC2 instances (as long as security groups are configured correctly)
We've implemented ELB in a private subnet so the statement that all ELB's need to be public isn't completely true. You do need a NAT. Create a private subnet for the private ELB's, turn on VPC DNS and then make sure the private routing table is configured to go through the NAT. The subnet security groups also need to be setup to allow traffic between ELB and App, and App to DB subnets.
Beanstalk health checks won't work as they can't reach the load balancer, but for services that need to be outside of the public reach this is a good compromise.
Suggested reading to get your VPC architecture started: http://blog.controlgroup.com/2013/10/14/guided-creation-of-cloudformation-templates-for-vpc/.
You must add the following settings.
Public subnet zone b = Server NAT
Private subnet zone c = Server Web
Public subnet zone c = ELB
The trick is routing:
The router to NAT is attach with gateway A.
The router to Server Web is attach to NAT.
The router to Public subnet is attach with gateway A.
ELB details:
1.Zone: Public subnet zone c
2.Instance: Server Web
3.Security Groups: enable ports
Adding a diagram to Nathan's answer. Full medium post here: https://nav7neeet.medium.com/load-balance-traffic-to-private-ec2-instances-cb07058549fd
