How to change mailman defaults - mailman

we are using mailman in our company for very different things and we are creating a lot of lists all the time. What I'd like to do is to change the server wide defaults of mailman. For example I'd like to have my/our own welcome message in every new created list without changing it all the time manually. The same with the maximum length of the mail body current default for every new list is 40kB but I'd like to have 0 (unlimited).
Where can I find these configurations?
It will save a lot of time, because I do need to care all the time for this stuff.

If you are using Ubuntu, you should modify /etc/mailman/en/subscribeack.txt. Note that this is a plain email with no styling at all.


GA3 Event Push Neccesary fields in Request

I am trying to push a event towards GA3, mimicking an event done by a browser towards GA. From this Event I want to fill Custom Dimensions(visibile in the user explorer and relate them to a GA ID which has visited the website earlier). Could this be done without influencing website data too much? I want to enrich someone's data from an external source.
So far I cant seem to find the minimum fields which has to be in the event call for this to work. Ive got these so far:
So far the Custom dimension fields dont get overwritten with new values. Who knows which is missing or can share a list of neccesary fields and example values?
Ok, a few things:
CD value will be overwritten only if in GA this CD's scope is set to the user-level. Make sure it is.
You need to know the client id of the user. You can confirm that you're having the right CID by using the user explorer in GA interface unless you track it in a CD. It allows filtering by client id.
You want to make this hit non-interactional, otherwise you're inflating the session number since G will generate sessions for normal hits. non-interactional hit would have ni=1 among the params.
Wait. Scope calculations don't happen immediately in real-time. They happen later on. Give it two days and then check the results and re-conduct your experiment.
Use a throwaway/test/lower GA property to experiment. You don't want to affect the production data while not knowing exactly what you do.
There. A good use case for such an activity would be something like updating a life time value of existing users and wanting to enrich the data with it without waiting for all of them to come in. That's useful for targeting, attribution and more.
Thank you.
This is the case. all CD's are user Scoped.
This is the case, we are collecting them.
ni=1 is within the parameters of each event call.
There are so many parameters, which parameters are neccesary?
we are using a test property for this.
We also got he Bot filtering checked out:
Bot filtering
It's hard to test when the User Explorer has a delay of 2 days and we are still not sure which parameters to use and which not. Who could help on the parameter part? My only goal is to update de CD's on the person. Who knows which parameters need to be part of the event call?

How to retrieve EVERY mail message (including Deleted, Archived, and Recoverable items) for an O365 user with Graph API?

We are working on an application in the compliance/monitoring space where we are monitoring the activity of an individual. Because of this, we want to pull EVERYTHING in a user's Office 365 mailbox - if it has text the user wrote or received, we want it if it is there, even if it was deleted, purged, etc.
We are using the Graph API and have an existing implementation that uses the standard "messages" GET command:
We are making use of the GraphApiClient (Microsoft.Graph v1.9.0), so the code actually looks like this:
IUserMessagesCollectionPage pageOfMessages = _graphClient.Users[userId].Messages.Request(options).Top(batchSize).Expand("attachments").GetAsync().Result;
However, at the very least this does not return any items from any of the RecoverableItems folders. After looking into it, I am now suspicious that there might be other folders that are not returned by this command either. There is quite the list of Well-known folder names and I'm not sure what others might not be included in a generic Messages request.
Based on this post, I know you can request the messages in the missing folders by WellKnownFolderName one at a time like this:
It even works with the GraphApiClient:
IMailFolderMessagesCollectionPage pageOfMessages = _graphClient.Users[userId].MailFolders["RecoverableItemsDeletions"].Messages.Request(options).Top(batchSize).Expand("attachments").GetAsync().Result;
The problems with this are:
I don't know how to build a comprehensive list of every folder that has messages for the user
Some of the folders (like RecoverableItemsDeletions and ArchiveRecoverableItemsDeletions, for example) can contain duplicates so I would need to use a dictionary to get rid of the duplicates
It would be a lot more expensive to first build a list of relevant folders and then request their contents and their childrens' contents one request at a time.
At scale, a folder-by-folder implementation could be subject to throttling (if we are monitoring enough users with big enough mailboxes)
Does anyone know the best way to do this? Thanks!

grails - how create new session for different browser tabs

I'm trying to create simple web-app using grails.
Now, I need create new session when user opens same page in different tabs to avoid displaying same data in all opened tabs.
is it possible to define that page was opened in new tab? if it possible how create new session in controller action?.
or maybe there is a way to get something like browser tab-id?
You seem to misunderstand how a session works and they are assigned.
A session is per browser (and domain/host).
So, even though you can create a new session in a controller action it won't help because that will become the session for all the tabs of the browser and the previous session(s) will be invalidated/abandoned.
There is no such thing as a browser tab id.
You'll need to address the root issue which is causing your data affinity to be based on a browser session. Make it based on something else. (Just a general suggestion since this isn't part of your questions and you haven't provided any details.)
Here is my thoughts on this.
What you are trying to accomplish may appear simple but you will need some mechanism to capture who each session be whether it be a spring security username or actual http session id and to then store with that what controller actions they have visited so far and to keep this consistently updated whilst checking it over and over again.
Something as simple as
['10001':[controller:'someController', 'someAction'],[controller:'someController1', 'someAction1'],
['10002':[controller:'someController', 'someAction'],[controller:'someController1', 'someAction1']
Where '10001' is your key of your map and is your session id then it contains a list of internal maps of places visited that you capture and try to work out if they been there already - basically the question here is....
Where is the AI to say if they have seen someAction1 they should see action2 and what happens when they seen action1 and action2 and so on an ever ending loop of and what next ?
Either way you could do all that as a session variable that contains a map like above - the issue you will hit will be concurrent map (where it gets updated and read at the same time).
So you will then need to look over and into using concurrent hashmaps to get around such issues.
Either way the problem with all of above is the consistent logic to figure out if they have seen all possible options then what next ?
I think you are far better off thinking of it from a different point of view as in base it on timestamp and move the query or whatever it is to randomly generate a different output based on that timestamp since that is always going to change regardless of the user

Immediately Display New Metrics

I am using graphite and coda hale metrics to try and track the number of times particular API's are called and also the top 10 callers. I have assigned a metric to each user who calls the API and use graphite to bring back the top 10.
The problem is, if it is a new user - ie a new metric, this will only be displayed in Graphite when the tool is refreshed - Has anyone come across a work around for this ? Is there some way Graphite can automatically detect new meters?
Just to be clear - I can see the top ten API callers for the last 30 minutes.........unless it is a brand new user that has never logged in before.
It seems that graphite-web uses an on disk index generated by a glorified find command. Another script is available so you can run it as cron to update the metric index file.
Whenever you update the index file, graphite-web process will detect it and reload it.
Since reloading the index might be heavy for large (1M) number of metrics, I would advise to modify the update script a bit to conditionnaly update the file (only if different for instance).
EDIT: after test, graphite does not seem to call the reloading code

Force content update to cloudfront, without using invalidate

I am using cloud front as CDN. Is there a way to force a content update? I have a file on my origin server which I've updated with a new version (same name, new date time stamp). But when I check it in cloudfront, its still the old file.
I have seen this thread which suggest one way as invalidate, but I don't want to do that because its an overhead I think and there can be maximum 3 invalidation request running at a time. I read that cloudfront is supporting dynamic content using query parameters, can I make use of it somehow to force cloudfront to pull the latest content from the distribution server.
The first one is as you mentioned to explicitly call invalidate(). They do have a 3 invalidation request limit, but each request can contain up to 1000 objects which in most cases are fairly enough. It usually takes 10 - 15 mins according to the doc, but my experience of this is rather fluctuated (can take up to 30min in some cases).
The other approach of dynamic parameter is definitely doable and which is a preferred way. What you need to is append a timestamp param at the end of you link's end. Something like:
Once you updated your logo.png, change the timestamp to the new one:
And cloudFront will be able to distinguish these two and pick the right one.
So yes, I believe your analysis is on the right track.
