Actionscript debug() method - debugging

I'm am trying to run a debug() method but I get the following error when I try to compile the code
Call to a possibly undefined method debug. debug("...");
I assume all I need to do is add an import ... where ... has the debug method defined. However I have tried looking for it and cannot find it.
I can't find what file to import. This is a large project that I got handed down to me to implement small features. I can add debug("msg") into some files with issue but others give me the error msg aboe.
I can't see trace("...") in the debug log.

Since there is no debug function this was obviously a custom function someone wrote. Nobody here can tell you where to find the file to import, you'll need to get more information from whoever you inherited the files from.
Another option is to just comment out the debug calls since based on the name they probably aren't doing anything but giving debugging information which most likely isn't required for the end goal of the program.


Using "check" package causes another package to error

I'm using the Check package to validate parameters passed to Meteor methods. And I'm using Audit argument checks to enforce this.
However, I've added another package, Meteor Tags and when I try to use methods from the Tags package, I get a server error "Exception while invoking method '/patterns/addTag' Error: Did not check() all arguments during call to '/patterns/addTag'".
I think I understand why this error happens - the method in the Tags package doesn't check its inputs, so Audit Argument Checks generates an error. But I can't find any way around this, apart from 1) don't enforce checking, or 2) hack the Tags package methods so they use check. Neither of these seems like a great option - checking server parameters is a good idea, and hacking a package is not very maintainable.
Does anybody know if there is any smart way to use 'Audit argument checks' with packages that provide new server methods? I have looked at the Check documents, and searched online, but I haven't found an answer.
I hope this question makes sense.
Using audit-argument-checks is like saying: "I want to be serious about the security of the methods in my app." It's global to all methods in your app's codebase, including the methods from your installed packages.
There is no way to specify which parts of the app get checked, as that would be the equivalent of saying: "I want to be serious about the security of the methods I've written, but I don't care about the security holes created by some pacakges" (which doesn't make a lot of sense).
Note to package authors
Check your method arguments. It's not hard, and it prevents this situation from happening. Frankly, a package without this basic security really shouldn't be installed in the first place.
What you should do
Unless you have a throwaway app, I wouldn't recommend removing audit-argument-checks. Instead I'd do the following (assuming the package really has something of value):
Open an issue on github and let the maintainer know what's up.
Fork the code, and add the required checks. Keep this version as a local package.
Submit a pull request for the changes.
If all goes well, your PR will be accepted and everyone can benefit from the change. In the worst case, you'll still have a local copy that you can use in your app.

Why does a "on a non-object" error occurs with this extension in Magento?

I'm having an Issue with a blog extension in Magento CE
I installed this extension: Neotheme_nBlog.
I created an entry in the administrator.
Then I went to to see the recently created entry.
What I saw was an error like this:
Fatal error: Call to a member function getName() on a non-object
in /home/
I searched in google the terms: "template/magicat/left.phtml" getName and what I only found is sites having this issue, but no support at all.
Please note: I know what does that error mean in PHP ("unfortunately" I'm not new at that). What I don't understand is what's happening with such [NON/null] object and how to fix it without killing a dozen of kittens.
Question: What can I do to solve it? What is the nature of the error, regarding Magento?(again: not PHP).
Notes: The Magento site ( is somewhat poor and strict to bring support of such nature, so asking there is not an option.
Edit (as answer to comment, and to clarify):
Neotheme is still not responding the request.
Don't know what should I look on such file (instances are not initialized there, but only accessed).
I'm using the default theme (caramel), which has esthetical changes (does not have layout changes).
It's hard to say without seeing your system specifically, but on this
It looks like you've added a template named magicat/left.phtml to your system -- either via an extension or custom development. Somewhere in this file PHP's called getName on a non-object. There's a variety of reasons this could be happening, and without seeing the specific line of code PHP's complaining about in your system, it's hard to say. It'd also be helpful to know if magicat is part of the extension or something else.
The most common reason for this error in a template is code that relies on a block being there that's been removed by another extension (eitehr via layout XML or observer methods)
The next most common is people using the registry to communicate between templates and views, but a registry key not being set
Without knowing the variable and context, it's doubtful anyone will be able to help you.

How to trace CakePHP's inner workflow

Short description
I'm getting used to CakePHP right now and am wondering about how to get more debug-information about what is happening inside the framework.
Let me please explain my situation a little more detailed
As you know CakePHP does a lot for you without putting you into the need to write additional code. One example is the handling of models.
I just created a model User and added validation-rules (no other methods). As described in the API methods like save will just work.
After that I created the needed controller and view to add a new user. When I try to add a user from the view I just receive the flash-message The user could not be created. Please, try again. No validation-violations are flashed.
I also did set the debug-level to 2: Configure::write('debug', 2); but do not receive any errors. The error.log inside \tmp\logs is also empty.
I really do want to learn how to solve those issues in the future.
So what else can I do to debug / display inner processes of cake?
Thank you very much for your help!
DebugKit is an official plugin that gives you lots of information on the request, queries and variables produced by Cake:
You can also use trace() and other methods in the Debugger to show what is being executed in the background:
Use a PHP IDE with an integrated debugger. That will allow you to follow execution line by line as it is executed and even inspect variable values as you go. Netbeans is a free one.

how to debug a gsp page? (no grails, just gsp)

I've tried with netbeans and eclipse, with no luck... (coudn't try IntelliJ idea)
I gave a quick look ant the code
and it gives me the impression that .gsp pages are translated to .groovy servlets (groovlets) in memory (I might be wrong)...
so perhaps it's not so easy to debug gsp as I though...
so, can anybody tell me how to do it?
pd: By debugging I mean things like browsing the code step-by-step, inspecting variables, adding watches, and all those sort of things, obviously. Not the (not so) good old printf approach...
Most of the logic in your GSPs should be encapsulated in TagLibs, and you can debug them (with IntelliJ at least), just as easily as any other Groovy code.
If you do have a lot of scriptlet code in your GSPs (which you shouldn't), and you want to debug into it, you can't do much more than println. One other possibility is to view the source of the Groovy code generated for your GSP. This can be done by appending a showSource parameter to the URL, as described here.
I use a hack: add a method to any controller, like static def debugme(def param) { def a = param }, and call it from gsp code: <% ThisController.debugme(this) %>, or <% ThisController.debugme(params) %>
(you do know you don't have to restart application after editing a controller or view, right?)
I also don't think that all the logic should be in taglibs: page-specific logic should be clearly visible in a controller or a view. We have most of the logic in controllers or domain classes.
Add a setting to Config.groovy and the generated gsp-files will be written to a directory: grails.views.gsp.keepgenerateddir='/some/existing/directory'
(the target directory has to exists and be writable)
More information:
It should be possible to debug the generated groovy code with a standard Java debugger.
It was a long time ago when I did that (when I created the patch to grails) and I think I used jswat ( to debug gsps. I couldn't get eclipse to find the source files, but that's probably working in Spring Tool Suite Eclipse nowadays.
You have to debug groovy code step-by-step/step-into and use filters, otherwise you might lose the step point (because of closures?). That's already another story...

Is there a way to add global error handler in a visual basic 6.0 application?

VB 6.0 does not have any global handler.To catch runtime errors,we need to add a handler in each method where we feel an error can occur.But, still some places might be left out.So,we end up getting runtime errors.Adding error handler in all the methods of an application,the only way?
No there is no way to add a global error handler in VB6. However, you do not need to add an error handler in every method. You only really need to add an error handler in every event handler. E.g. Every click event,load event, etc
While errors do propogate upwards, VB6 has no way to do a stack trace, so you never know which method raised the error. Unfortunately, if you need this information, you have to add a handler to each method just to log where you were.
Also: errors do propagate upwards: if method X calls methods Y and Z, a single error handler in method X will cover all three methods.
I discovered this tool yesterday:
It is a commercial product that enables global error handling in VB6 and VBA applications.
It has its cost but does its job perfectly. I have seen other tools (free though) helping in this VB6 mangle, but none can cover a true real global error handling like "SimplyVB6 Global Error Handler for VB6" does.
With "SimplyVB6 Global Error Handler for VB6", there is no need to change any line of existing code, and no need to number the lines of code (via a plug-in or something).
Just enable Global error handling (one line of code in the main module) and you are all set.
"SimplyVB6 Global Error Handler for VB6":
can show the call stack with real module and function names, as well as display the source code line.
Works only with P-Code compiled VB6 programs.
can work via early or late binding (no DLL Hell).
I am not in any way affiliated to, just happy to have found it yesterday afternoon, was kind of looking at this problem again as one of my customers was having bugs in our VB6 application. I was able to test the tool yesterday afternoon, exchanging emails with the support and getting the evaluation product per mail.
Their web side does not allow yet to download the evaluation version of the VB6 product, you have to email them but they are answering in less than an hour.
on error resume next - is kinda close but its been a while.
you might want to look up any caveats
