Go, OpenAL, DirectSound and Heisenbug [closed] - go

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Closed 3 years ago.
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I've already killed a week trying to solve a mysterious problem in a project of mine and I am out of ideas.
I wrote a Go package intended to play sounds which wraps OpenAL... pretty basic stuff. I got it working on my Xubuntu 14.04 (32-bit), so I booted into Windows (7, also 32-bit) in order to port it... and that's where the problems started.
Whenever I tried to use my audio package, the program crashed with c0000005. I tried to run it through gdb and was surprised to find out that it worked without a problem, it even played my test sound.
Time passed and not knowing what to do, I downloaded the OpenAL Soft source code and started adding printfs - and discovered the exact line it crashed on:
For those lazy to click the link (or if the link stopped working), it's a call to DirectSoundCreate. Running through the debugger again, I saw my prints right before and after the call, and 4 new threads being created between them.
These are the relevant things in the Go file:
package audio
#cgo CFLAGS: -I"../libraries/include"
#cgo windows,386 LDFLAGS: ../libraries/lib/windows/x86/OpenAL32.dll
#cgo windows,amd64 LDFLAGS: ../libraries/lib/windows/x64/OpenAL32.dll
#cgo linux LDFLAGS: -lopenal
#include "audio.h"
import "C"
import (
var context *C.ALCcontext
func Init() error {
context = C.initAudio() // it crashes on this line
if context == nil {
return errors.New("could not initialize audio")
return nil
And here's the C file actually making the OpenAL calls:
#include "audio.h"
#include <string.h>
#include <stdio.h>
ALCcontext* initAudio() {
ALCdevice* device = alcOpenDevice(NULL); // crashes here
if (device == NULL) {
return NULL;
ALCcontext* context = alcCreateContext(device, NULL);
if (!alcMakeContextCurrent(context)) {
return NULL;
return context;
Last but not least, if I do the exact same thing in pure C (literally just adding main into the file I posted and calling initAudio), it works.
My question is obvious: What the ##!$ is going on?
Some other things which might be worth mentioning:
I created a new project completely separate from the previous one, in which I have the two files I posted earlier (with different paths for the linker in the Go file, obviously) and the main Go file which does only one thing: call audio.Init. Regardless of which dll I try (I tried the "official" one from http://openal.org, the precompiled version of OpenAL Soft and two versions I compiled myself, one with MinGW and one with Visual Studio), it behaves the same. I also tried to call runtime.LockOSThread at the start of audio.Init, but it didn't help.
Also, I sent the compiled program to my two friends, one running Windows 8 and one with Windows 7 (both 64-bit). The one with Windows 8 said it worked, the one with 7 said it crashed. However, if we tried to compile it from source on the latter machine, with the 64-bit toolchain, it worked.
edit #2:
I just tried to compile OpenAL Soft from source again - first with Visual Studio and then with MinGW - and then link my independent project I mentioned earlier with the library files (OpenAL32.lib from VS and libOpenAL32.dll.a from MinGW) instead of the DLL directly (since that is... the more correct way I guess?)
The result with VS:
It failed during linking, with the following message:
# command-line-arguments
C:\Users\Milan\AppData\Local\Temp\go-build078751523/audiot/audio.a(_all.o): malf
ormed pe file: unexpected flags 0xe0500020 for PE section .text
audiot/audio._Cfunc_initAudio: undefined: _cgo_e0a3be4f138e_Cfunc_initAudio
The result with MinGW:
It succeeded to compile and run, and while it didn't prevent the crash, at least it printed something out:
fatal error: unexpected signal during runtime execution
[signal 0xc0000005 code=0x1 addr=0x420f85 pc=0x42874c]
runtime stack:
invalid spdelta 96655 -1
runtime: unexpected return pc for _cgo_ec587e40eeca_Cfunc_initAudio called from
c:/go/src/pkg/runtime/panic.c:520 +0x71
c:/go/src/pkg/runtime/os_windows.c:352 +0x46
invalid spdelta 96655 -1
runtime: unexpected return pc for _cgo_ec587e40eeca_Cfunc_initAudio called from
?:0 +0xc
goroutine 16 [syscall]:
runtime.cgocall(0x428740, 0x533f64)
c:/go/src/pkg/runtime/cgocall.c:143 +0xed fp=0x533f58 sp=0x533f2c
audiot/audio/_obj/_cgo_defun.c:53 +0x37 fp=0x533f64 sp=0x533f58
audiot/audio.Init(0x0, 0x0)
C:/Users/Milan/Desktop/Dropbox/Projekty/Go/src/audiot/audio/at.go:23 +0x
3c fp=0x533f90 sp=0x533f64
c:/Users/Milan/Desktop/Dropbox/Projekty/Go/src/audiot/main.go:10 +0x29 f
p=0x533f9c sp=0x533f90
c:/go/src/pkg/runtime/proc.c:247 +0x11e fp=0x533fd0 sp=0x533f9c
c:/go/src/pkg/runtime/proc.c:1445 fp=0x533fd4 sp=0x533fd0
created by _rt0_go
c:/go/src/pkg/runtime/asm_386.s:101 +0x102
goroutine 17 [syscall]:
exit status 2
I also thought it can't hurt to post the specifics of my toolchain:
$ gcc --version
gcc.exe (GCC) 4.8.1
Copyright (C) 2013 Free Software Foundation, Inc.
$ go version
go version go1.3 windows/386
And let's not forget Visual Studio 2013 Express

I just learnt Go 1.3.1 came out, so I tried updating... and the problem disappeared. (argh!)
I guess it was a compiler bug then. Anyway, thanks to everyone who tried to help, I really appreciate it.

It might be related to Thread Switching:
The solution could be to use LockOSThread
You can read more about it here:
Also your Init function has capital I if you are trying to initialize the library it has to be lower case.


GnuCOBOL entry point not found

I've installed GnuCOBOL 2.2 on my Ubuntu 17.04 system. I've written a basic hello world program to test the compiler.
3 *---------------------------
5 *---------------------------
7 DISPLAY 'Hello, world!'.
This program is entitled HelloWorld.cbl. When I compile the program with the command
cobc HelloWorld.cbl
HelloWorld.so is produced. When I attempt to run the compiled program using
cobcrun HelloWorld
I receive the following error:
libcob: entry point 'HelloWorld' not found
Can anyone explain to me what an entry point is in GnuCOBOL, and perhaps suggest a way to fix the problem and successfully execute this COBOL program?
According to the official manual of GNUCOBOL, you should compile your code with:
cobc -x HelloWorld.cbl
then run it with
You can also read GNUCOBOL wiki page which contains some exmaples for further information.
P.S. As Simon Sobisch said, If you change your file name to HELLO-WORLD.cbl to match the program ID, the same commands that you have used will be ok:
cobc HELLO-WORLD.cbl
Can anyone explain to me what an entry point is in GnuCOBOL, and perhaps suggest a way to fix the problem and successfully execute this COBOL program?
An entry point is a point where you may enter a shared object (this is actually more C then COBOL).
GnuCOBOL generates entry points for each PROGRAM-ID, FUNCTION-ID and ENTRY. Therefore your entry point is HELLO-WORLD (which likely gets a conversion as - is no valid identifier in ANSI C - you won't have to think about this when CALLing a program as the conversion will be done internal).
Using cobcrun internally does:
search for a shared object (in your case HelloWord), as this is found (because you've generated it) it will be loaded
search for an entry point in all loaded modules - which isn't found
There are three possible options to get this working:
As mentioned in Ho1's answer: use cobc -x, the reason that this works is because you don't generate a shared object at all but a C main which is called directly (= the entry point doesn't apply at all)
preload the shared object and calling the program by its PROGRAM-ID (entry point), either manually with COB_PRE_LOAD=HelloWorld cobcrun HELLO-WORLD or through cobcrun (option available since GnuCOBOL 2.x) cobcrun -M HelloWorld HELLO-WORLD
change the PROGRAM-ID to match the source name (either rename or change the source, I'd do the second: PROGRAM-ID. HelloWorld.)

Cygwin, error for make "couldn't get proc lock" when compiling and running a C program

I have some half-year old c-programs I was working on and had hoped that I could continue working on them now. I did installed windows 10 (64-bit) right after that, so I thought could be a problem but the programs have run on windows 10 since then.
About 2 months ago, I could build with the make-file and run the executables but when I tried again today, it seems to me like the executables are not running. I have now also tried updating cygwin and (I think) all relevant packages.
I have googled if there are any important changes to cygwin but I didn't really find anything.
When I try running any program nothing happens for a long while at the ./executeables/helloworld.exe line and then eventually producing the error:
$ make 1
gcc 1-helloworld.c -o ./executeables/helloworld.exe -lncurses
0 [sig] make 7332 get_proc_lock: Couldn't acquire sync_proc_subproc for(5, 1), last 7, Win32 error 0
1324 [sig] make 7332 proc_subproc: couldn't get proc lock. what 5, val 1
After this, nothing happens and I cannot even stop the process with ctrl+C so I have to end "make.exe" (which oddly enough consists of 2 processes) with task manager. The terminal then says nothing more than
makefile:2: recipe for target '1' failed
make: *** [1] Error 1
So I'm guessing there is a problem with getting a mutex or a lock from windows for creating a process, but I have no clue why this would happen.
The example in this try uses this code for a hello world program, but it's the same for the more complex programs as well.
#include <ncurses.h>
#include <string.h>
int main() {
char *message="Hello World";
int row,col;
int len = strlen(message);
getmaxyx(stdscr, row, col); //screensize
mvprintw(row/2, (col-len)/2, "%s", message); //center of screen
return 0;
Have anyone seen this problem before?
Avast antivirus was preventing the program from running correctly. Disabling it made everything run perfectly. I finally found the answer in this thread:
Netbeans 8.1 IDE compiles and builds C programs but does not show their output
Since it is not marked as an answer to the question in that thread and because that question is not explicitly focusing the same error (although presents the same error), I will keep my question instead of marking it as a duplicate.
Thank you, Sheshadri Iyengar for providing the solution.

What is a simple way to play a .wav file in Nim on OSX?

I am trying to play a wav file in a very simple program that looks like this, currently attempting to use nim-csfml:
import csfml_audio
var alarmsong = newMusic("alarm.wav")
but it appears to be relying on the existence of libcsfml.audio, and while my program compiles just fine, when I try to actually run it I get an error
| => ./alarm
could not load: libcsfml-audio.so
(I have a libcsfml-audio.dylib instead, being that I used the OSX shared libraries for csfml/sfml)
Is there some other way to play a .wav file in Nim?
Edit 1:
After the PR made by #def-, I now get a different, slightly more comforting error, which is probably due to some poor understanding of how nim deals with shared libraries:
| => ./alarm
could not load: libcsfml-audio.dylib
I added path = "/usr/local/lib" to my nim.cfg file, but it didn't seem to be affect anything. I also exported $LD_LIBRARY_PATH="/usr/local/lib" (/usr/local/bin is where libcsfml-audio.dylib is.), and tried compilation through
nim c alarm.nim --clib:/usr/local/lib/libcsfml-audio.dylib
Thanks for the help!
This program would just exit immediately; you need to keep it alive while the sound plays. Append this to the program:
import csfml_system
while alarmsong.status == SoundStatus.Playing:
sleep 100.milliseconds
For nim-csfml to work you'll need SFML 2.1 and CSFML 2.1. Also, it seems that nim-csfml is actually broken for Mac OS X, so I've made a pull request with a fix: https://github.com/BlaXpirit/nim-csfml/pull/4
Other modules that could play sound are sdl_mixer, sdl2/audio and allegro5.
As an OSX-only alternative without using any libraries, by calling the afplay binary:
import osproc
discard execProcess("afplay", ["file.wav"])
When Nim reports "could not load: libcsfml-audio.dynlib" that could also mean that one of the dependencies of that library are missing or in a wrong version. Especially SFML 2.2 doesn't work with CSFML 2.1. Make sure libsfml-audio.dynlib is in your LD_LIBRARY_PATH as well. If that doesn't work either, you could try to compile and run a regular C CSFML example like this one: https://gist.github.com/def-/fee8bb041719337c8812
Compile it with clang -o mainpage -lcsfml-graphics -lcsfml-audio -lGL -lGLEW mainpage.c to see the errors/warnings about missing libraries.

Unable to Build Boost.python in Visual Studio 2008. Compilation gives error

I am in a HUGE depression now! I spend 2 days trying to use boost.python . PLEASE guide me! I will explain what I did.
I have Winows 7 64 bit.
The Python is 64 bit 2.7.3 installed at C:\Python27_amd64.
Now, I take boost_1_54_0.zip and unzip in F: directory.
The I use cmd.
this creates project-config.jam. I edit it and insert
using msvc : 9.0 ;
using python : 2.7 : C:\Python27_amd64\python : C:\Python27_amd64\include : C:\Python27_amd64\libs ;
Now i do
This process runs for 20 something minutes and I am told that boost has successfully been build.
After that I install boost binaries from http://sourceforge.net/projects/boost/files/boost-binaries/
The binaries get installed in C:\local\boost_1_54_0.
Now I want to create a General project.
Now, I use the code given for embedding python in C++ here
#include <boost/python.hpp>
#include <boost/detail/lightweight_test.hpp>
#include <iostream>
namespace py = boost::python;
using namespace std;
int main()
// Initialize the interpreter
py::object main_module = py::import("__main__");
py::object main_namespace = main_module.attr("__dict__");
py::exec("print 'Hello, world'", main_namespace);
py::exec("print 'Hello, world'[3:5]", main_namespace);
py::exec("print '.'.join(['1','2','3'])", main_namespace);
I setup the header files and library in VC++ directories to F:\boost_1_54_0\boost_1_54_0 and F:\boost_1_54_0\boost_1_54_0\stage\lib respectively.
I also setup project-->properties-->configuration properties-->C/C++-->General-->Additional Include directories to C:\Python27_amd64\include
Likewise, I also setup project-->properties-->configuration properties--> Linker--> General to C:\Python27_amd64\libs;"C:\local\boost_1_54_0\lib64-msvc-9.0" .
Now when I compile using x64 debugger. It gives me an error
Unhandled exception at 0x00000000 in test8.exe: 0xC0000005: Access violation at location 0x0000000000000000.
I am struck since last 2 days...but thats the closest I have been since then. please help me!
So you mean a runtime error, right?
I think you should first ensure, that there is no exception thrown by boost::python itself.
First try to set the try block around you python calls with a catch(...)
If exception is caught it is most probably the boost::python::error_already_set exception.
So, you then should decode it like here

Why does GDB says "Architecture of file not recognized"?

I m using gdb on a aix shared lib running on aix 5.3?
When i try to run gdb for this file
i get a error message saying ""Architecture of file not recognized"
Don't know how to get this fixed.
Does anybody know why i get this message ""Architecture of file not recognized"?.
gdb runs fine on other executables compiled by xlc.
Is there some option that i might have used while compiling , which is not compatible with GDB.some processor specific option.
I compiled the shared lib w xlc v9.0 for aix.
You don't run GDB on a shared library, you run it on an executable.
If the executable loads your shared library, GDB will know about it.
set_gdbarch_from_file (bfd *abfd)
struct gdbarch_info info;
struct gdbarch *gdbarch;
gdbarch_info_init (&info);
info.abfd = abfd;
info.target_desc = target_current_description ();
gdbarch = gdbarch_find_by_info (info);
if (gdbarch == NULL)
error (_("Architecture of file not recognized."));
deprecated_current_gdbarch_select_hack (gdbarch);
This is the actual GDB code in question (gdb/arch-utils.c:530-544).
The information passed to the gdbarch pointer seems to be invalid. This is caused by gdb_find_by_info returning a NULL pointer and that is caused by find_arch_by_info (gdb/gdbarch.c:3656) returning a NULL pointer.
It basically means what it says: GDB could not identify the architecture of the file. This seems to be a common problem for xlc, even on recent gdb versions.
XLC and gdb are, as far i remember and understand, not very good when it comes down to compatability terms (AIX support is minimal), you might try using the Gnu C Compiler .You might look at the GDB sources for VERY specific information (that i can't really give you).
Here is a link to gcc-AIX specifics.
