GDB doesn't disassemble program running in RAM correctly - debugging

I have an application compiled using GCC for an STM32F407 ARM processor. The linker stores it in Flash, but is executed in RAM. A small bootstrap program copies the application from Flash to RAM and then branches to the application's ResetHandler.
memcpy(appRamStart, appFlashStart, appRamSize);
// run the application
__asm volatile (
"ldr r1, =_app_ram_start\n\t" // load a pointer to the application's vectors
"add r1, #4\n\t" // increment vector pointer to the second entry (ResetHandler pointer)
"ldr r2, [r1, #0x0]\n\t" // load the ResetHandler address via the vector pointer
// bit[0] must be 1 for THUMB instructions otherwise a bus error will occur.
"bx r2" // jump to the ResetHandler - does not return from here
This all works ok, except when I try to debug the application from RAM (using GDB from Eclipse) the disassembly is incorrect. The curious thing is the debugger gets the source code correct, and will accept and halt on breakpoints that I have set. I can single step the source code lines. However, when I single step the assembly instructions, they make no sense at all. It also contains numerous undefined instructions. I'm assuming it is some kind of alignment problem, but it all looks correct to me. Any suggestions?

It is possible that GDB relies on symbol table to check instruction set mode which can be Thumb(2)/ARM. When you move code to RAM it probably can't find this information and opts back to ARM mode.
You can use set arm force-mode thumb in gdb to force Thumb mode instruction.
As a side note, if you get illegal instruction when you debugging an ARM binary this is generally the problem if it is not complete nonsense like trying to disassembly data parts.
I personally find it strange that tools doesn't try a heuristic approach when disassembling ARM binaries. In case of auto it shouldn't be hard to try both modes and do an error count to decide which mode to use as a last resort.


How does the tct command work under the hood?

The windbg command tct executes a program until it reaches a call instruction or a ret instruction. I am wondering how the debugger implements this functionality under the hood.
I could imagine that the debugger scans the instructions from the current instructions for the next call or ret and sets according breakpoints on the found instructions. However, I think this is unlikely because it would also have to take into account jmp instructions so that there are an arbitrary number of possible call or ret instructions where such a breakpoint would have to be set.
On the other hand, I wonder if the x86/x64 CPU provides a functionality that raises an exception to be caught by the debugger whenever the CPU is about to process a call or ret instruction. Yet, I have not heard of such a functionality.
I'd guess that it single-steps repeatedly, until the next instruction is a call or ret, instead of trying to figure out where to set a breakpoint. (Which in the general case could be as hard as solving the Halting Problem.)
It's possible it could optimize that by scanning forward over "straight line" code and setting a breakpoint on the next jmp/jcc/loop or other control-transfer instruction (e.g. xabort), and also catching signals/exceptions that could transfer control to an SEH handler.
I'm also not aware of any HW support for breaking on a certain type of instruction or opcode: the x86 debug registers DR0..7 allow hardware breakpoints at code addresses without rewriting machine code to int3, and also hardware watchpoints (to trap data load/store to a specific address or range of addresses). But not filtering by opcode.

How does a debugger set breakpoints if the image is in read-only memory?

How does a debugger set breakpoints if the image is in read-only memory? I know there are hardware breakpoints, but in the debugger I use (OllyDbg) those have to be set specially using a different dialog than normal breakpoints.
Here is a routine in a debugger that is comparing itself to a copy of itself. EDX points to the running image, EBX points to the known good copy of the image. The breakpoint on 4010CE only is reached if there is a mismatch. The character being compared is in the AL register. As you can see the debugger shows EB F6 at 10CE, but this is false. 10CE actually has CC in it, as you can see by looking at the AL register. This is because the debugger has secretely inserted the CC to perform the breakpoint.
The debugger first has to change the memory protection of the page it wants to write to. This can be done with VirtualProtectEx. After that it is able to write with WriteProcessMemory and then set the protection back to the original value.
Let me preface this with a disclaimer that I'm not familiar with your particular toolset.
If you haven't enabled hardware breakpoints, the only remaining breakpoint type is a software breakpoint. These are only hit (on x86 because that's what I'm most familiar with) when you replace the first byte of an instruction with a trap instruction, and will only be routed through the breakpoint mechanism of your OS to your debugger if the correct trap instruction for your OS is used and the debugger has already registered itself with the OS as a debugger for this process. In order to cause the software breakpoint to happen at the correct moment, the trap instruction must be written into your code segment over the first byte of your correct instruction.
The two answers that got here first explain the two scenarios which could get you here (at least, the only two I can think of):
The kernel always has write access everywhere, except for hardware-protected pages (ie on some sort of ROM), which your process' memory is almost certainly not. It has the ability to write the breakpoint instruction regardless of the permissions exposed to the user process being debugged.
The debugger must use some syscall to change the access rights on the memory of the target process before inserting the breakpoint.
Personally, I'm guessing the first thing is happening. The segment permissions are only in place to protect your target process from itself, not from a debugger process or from the kernel. Debugging mechanisms in operating systems pretty regularly violate "normal" permissions to allow the debugger to do whatever it wants to the target process. This, of course, is why some operating systems require you to enter a password before you're allowed to use the debugger in certain scenarios.
However, you can test if it's the second one by attempting to write to the code segment from inside the target process after a breakpoint has been set. If the write succeeds, you know the permissions have been lowered by the OS (to allow the process to be debugged). It would be pretty awkward for the OS to require a debugger to jump through this hoop since it can already insert arbitrary code into the writeable parts of memory and then force a jump to it by generating a stack frame overflow.
The debugger takes advantage of the WriteProcessMemory() function to alter the instruction in place. It'll keep a copy of the instruction. When the bp is hit it will reset the old byte value and set EIP back to the previous instruction so the real instruction can execute.

Context switch using arm inline assembly

I have another question about an inline assembly instruction concerning a context switching. This code may work but I'm not sure at 100% so I submit this code to the pros of stackoverflow ;-)
I'm compiling using gcc (no optimization) for an arm7TDMI. At some point, the code must do a context switching.
/* Software Interrupt */
/* we must save lr in case it is called from SVC mode */
#define ngARMSwi(code) __asm__("SWI %0" : : "I"(code) : "lr")
// Note : code = 0x23
When I check the compiled code, I get this result :
svc 0x00000023
The person before me who coded this wrote "we must save lr" but in the compiled code, I don't see any traces of lr being saved.
The reason I think that code could be wrong is that the program run for some time before going into a reset exception and one of the last thing the code execute is a context switch...
The __asm__ statement lists lr as a clobbered register. This means that the compiler will save the register if it needs to.
As you're not seeing any save, I think you can assume the compiler was not using that register (in your testcase, at least).
I think that SWI instruction should be called in the user mode. if this is right. The mode of ARM is switched to SVC mode after this instruction. then the ARM core does the copy operation that the CPSR is copied into SPSR_svc and LR is copied into LR_svc. this should be used for saving the user mode cpu's context to return from svc mode. if your svc exception handler use lr like calling another function the lr register should be required to be preserved like using stack between the change of the mode. i guess the person before you wrote like that to talk about this situation.

Simple "Hello-World", null-free shellcode for Windows needed

I would like to test a buffer-overflow by writing "Hello World" to console (using Windows XP 32-Bit). The shellcode needs to be null-free in order to be passed by "scanf" into the program I want to overflow. I've found plenty of assembly-tutorials for Linux, however none for Windows. Could someone please step me through this using NASM? Thxxx!
Assembly opcodes are the same, so the regular tricks to produce null-free shellcodes still apply, but the way to make system calls is different.
In Linux you make system calls with the "int 0x80" instruction, while on Windows you must use DLL libraries and do normal usermode calls to their exported functions.
For that reason, on Windows your shellcode must either:
Hardcode the Win32 API function addresses (most likely will only work on your machine)
Use a Win32 API resolver shellcode (works on every Windows version)
If you're just learning, for now it's probably easier to just hardcode the addresses you see in the debugger. To make the calls position independent you can load the addresses in registers. For example, a call to a function with 4 arguments:
PUSH 4 ; argument #4 to the function
PUSH 3 ; argument #3 to the function
PUSH 2 ; argument #2 to the function
PUSH 1 ; argument #1 to the function
MOV EAX, 0xDEADBEEF ; put the address of the function to call
Note that the argument are pushed in reverse order. After the CALL instruction EAX contains the return value, and the stack will be just like it was before (i.e. the function pops its own arguments). The ECX and EDX registers may contain garbage, so don't rely on them keeping their values after the call.
A direct CALL instruction won't work, because those are position dependent.
To avoid zeros in the address itself try any of the null-free tricks for x86 shellcode, there are many out there but my favorite (albeit lengthy) is encoding the values using XOR instructions:
MOV EAX, 0xDEADBEEF ^ 0xFFFFFFFF ; your value xor'ed against an arbitrary mask
XOR EAX, 0xFFFFFFFF ; the arbitrary mask
You can also try NEG EAX or NOT EAX (sign inversion and bit flipping) to see if they work, it's much cheaper (two bytes each).
You can get help on the different API functions you can call here:
The most important ones you'll need are probably the following:
The first launches a command, the next two are for loading DLL files and getting the addresses of its functions.
Here's a complete tutorial on writing Windows shellcodes:
Assembly language is defined by your processor, and assembly syntax is defined by the assembler (hence, at&t, and intel syntax) The main difference (at least i think it used to be...) is that windows is real-mode (call the actual interrupts to do stuff, and you can use all the memory accessible to your computer, instead of just your program) and linux is protected mode (You only have access to memory in your program's little cubby of memory, and you have to call int 0x80 and make calls to the kernel, instead of making calls to the hardware and bios) Anyway, hello world type stuff would more-or-less be the same between linux and windows, as long as they are compatible processors.
To get the shellcode from your program you've made, just load it into your target system's
debugger (gdb for linux, and debug for windows) and in debug, type d (or was it u? Anyway, it should say if you type h (help)) and between instructions and memory will be the opcodes.
Just copy them all over to your text editor into one string, and maybe make a program that translates them all into their ascii values. Not sure how to do this in gdb tho...
Anyway, to make it into a bof exploit, enter aaaaa... and keep adding a's until it crashes
from a buffer overflow error. But find exactly how many a's it takes to crash it. Then, it should tell you what memory adress that was. Usually it should tell you in the error message. If it says '9797[rest of original return adress]' then you got it. Now u gotta use ur debugger to find out where this was. disassemble the program with your debugger and look for where scanf was called. Set a breakpoint there, run and examine the stack. Look for all those 97's (which i forgot to mention is the ascii number for 'a'.) and see where they end. Then remove breakpoint and type the amount of a's you found out it took (exactly the amount. If the error message was "buffer overflow at '97[rest of original return adress]" then remove that last a, put the adress you found examining the stack, and insert your shellcode. If all goes well, you should see your shellcode execute.
Happy hacking...

ARM Data Abort error exception debugging

So now I understand that I'm getting a ARM Data Abort exception - I see how to trap the exception itself (a bad address in the STL library), but I would like to walk back up the stack frame before the exception. I'm using the IAR toolchain, and it tells me the call stack is unavailable after the exception - is there a trick way to convince the tool to show me the call stack? Thanks for all the quick help!
if you look at the ARM ARM (ARM Architecture Reference Manual, just google "arm arm"), Programmers Model -> Processor modes and Registers sections. When in abort mode you are priveledged so you can switch from abort to say supervisor and then make a copy of r13, then switch back to abort mode and dump the stack from the copy of r13. Your r14 also tells you where the abort occurred.
I wouldnt be surprised if this abort was from an alignment. Trying to read/write a word with an address with something other than zeros in the lower two bits or a halfword with the lsbit of the address set. Actually if you take the link register and a dump of the registers (r0-r12) since abort and user/supervisor use the same register space, you can look at the instruction that caused the abort and the address to see if it was indeed an alignment problem or something else. Note that the pc is one, two or three instructions ahead depending on the mode thumb or arm that had the abort, if you are not using thumb at all then this nothing to worry about.
