Finding all commands excluding "." - bash

So far I have this:
ls /usr/bin | grep "^[\.]"
The cmd still gets files with a "." in there.
I have looked at [[:punct:]] but still returns the same thing.

There's grep -v to exclude things. So try
ls /usr/bin | grep -v \\.
man grep says
-v, --invert-match
Selected lines are those not matching any of the specified patterns.

It's generally considered a bad idea to parse ls.
If I understand you correctly, you want all files in /usr/bin that don't have a dot in the name. You can use find to do that:
find /usr/bin -not -name "*.*"
It is more portable (thanks #Adrian) to use a ! instead of -not:
find /usr/bin ! -name "*.*"

Not really clear, what you want:
your command:
ls /usr/bin | grep "^[\.]"
mean, filter the output from ls to show only files, what are start with a dot.
grep "^[\.]"
^ ^^ - escaped dot
+- at the begining of the line
If you want, exclude all files what contains dot, use
ls /usr/bin | grep -v '\.' #or see HenrikN's answer and comments (grep -vF .)
it you want exclude only entries what are starting with dot, use
grep '^[^\.]'
whats mean anything, but dot at the start
Ps: anyway, parsing output form ls is usually an very bad idea. (

You can change your regex to exclude files starting with ".":
ls -a /usr/bin | grep "^[^.]"
This regex selects only files which do not have "." at the start. By the way only ls -a shows files that starts with ".". How did you manage to get them without "-a" ?

This can be achieved with pure bash, if the extglob shell option is enabled.
shopt -s extglob
echo /usr/bin/!(*.*)
# or alternatively:
echo /usr/bin/+([!.])
You may replace echo with ls -d if you want to pipe the list to another command line-wise.

I think you are referring to the current working directory and parent dirctory and not a command with "a dot" in it.
Try this as you probably have ls aliased:
/bin/ls /usr/bin


How to get the grep command to search a specified directory?

I am trying to create a bash command that uses grep to search arguments in a specified directory. How would I do this. At the moment it only searches for the current directory. I have tried the following but it doesn't work:
ls $directoryName -l | grep "$1"
I'm sure there's a better way do do this but
ls -lah $directoryName > /usr/tmp/test
grep $1 /usr/tmp/test
rm /usr/tmp/test
Edit: You might have better luck using find though.
find $directoryName -name $1
Working example:
grep -e "Exec" /usr/share/applications/*
The following example will search recursively (including in sub-folders and hidden files) for an argument or pattern in a literal way (it will search for '$1' literally, not allowing substitution):
grep -re '$1' /folder/folder
Now, if you want to search for the value of the argument, then the code below would allow for substitution and do that:
grep -re "$1" /folder/folder

How do I get a list of all available shell commands

In a typical Linux shell (bash) it is possible to to hit tab twice, to get a list of all available shell commands.
Is there a command which has the same behaviour? I want to pipe it into grep and search it.
You could use compgen. For example:
compgen -c
You also could grep it, like this:
compgen -c | grep top$
You can list the directories straight from $PATH if you tweak the field separator first. The parens limit the effect to the one command, so use: (...) | grep ...
(IFS=': '; ls -1 $PATH)
"tab" twice & "y" prints all files in the paths of $PATH. So just printing all files in PATH is sufficient.
Just type this in the shell:
# printf "%s\n" ${PATH//:/\/* } > my_commands
This redirect all the commands to a file "my_commands".
List all the files in your PATH variable (ls all the directories in the PATH). The default user and system commands will be in /bin and /sbin respectively but on installing some software we will add them to some directory and link it using PATH variable.
There may be things on your path which aren't actually executable.
for d in ${PATH//:/ }; do
for f in "$d"/*; do
test -x "$f" && echo -n "$f "
echo ""
This will also print paths, of course. If you only want unqualified filenames, it should be easy to adapt this.
Funny, StackOverflow doesn't know how to handle syntax highlighting for this. :-)
Similar to #ghoti, but using find:
for d in ${PATH//:/ }; do
find $d -maxdepth 1 -type f -executable
Bash uses a builtin command named 'complete' to implement the tab feature.
I don't have the details to hand, but the should tell you all you need to know:
help complete
(IFS=':'; find $PATH -maxdepth 1 -type f -executable -exec basename {} \; | sort | uniq)
It doesn't include shell builtins though.
An answer got deleted, I liked it most, so I'm trying to repost it:
compgen is of course better
echo $PATH | tr ':' '\n' | xargs -n 1 ls -1
I found this to be the most typical shell thing, I think it works also with other shells (which I doubt with things like IFS=':' )
Clearly, there maybe problems, if the file is not an executable, but I think for my question, that is enough - I just want to grep my output - which means searching for some commands.

List files not matching a pattern?

Here's how one might list all files matching a pattern in bash:
ls *.jar
How to list the complement of a pattern? i.e. all files not matching *.jar?
Use egrep-style extended pattern matching.
ls !(*.jar)
This is available starting with bash-2.02-alpha1.
Must first be enabled with
shopt -s extglob
As of bash-4.1-alpha there is a config option to enable this by default.
ls | grep -v '\.jar$'
for instance.
Little known bash expansion rule:
ls !(*.jar)
With an appropriate version of find, you could do something like this, but it's a little overkill:
find . -maxdepth 1 ! -name '*.jar'
find finds files. The . argument specifies you want to start searching from ., i.e. the current directory. -maxdepth 1 tells it you only want to search one level deep, i.e. the current directory. ! -name '*.jar' looks for all files that don't match the regex *.jar.
Like I said, it's a little overkill for this application, but if you remove the -maxdepth 1, you can then recursively search for all non-jar files or what have you easily.
POSIX defines non-matching bracket expressions, so we can let the shell expand the file names for us.
ls *[!j][!a][!r]
This has some quirks though, but at least it is compatible with about any unix shell.
If your ls supports it (man ls) use the --hide=<PATTERN> option. In your case:
$> ls --hide=*.jar
No need to parse the output of ls (because it's very bad) and it scales to not showing multiple types of files. At some point I needed to see what non-source, non-object, non-libtool generated files were in a (cluttered) directory:
$> ls src --hide=*.{lo,c,h,o}
Worked like a charm.
Another approach can be using ls -I flag (Ignore-pattern).
ls -I '*.jar'
And if you want to exclude more than one file extension, separate them with a pipe |, like ls test/!(*.jar|*.bar). Let's try it:
$ mkdir test
$ touch test/1.jar test/ test/
$ ls test/!(*.jar|*.bar)
Looking at the other answers you might need to shopt -s extglob first.
One solution would be ls -1|grep -v '\.jar$'
Some mentioned variants of this form:
ls -d *.[!j][!a][!r]
But this seems to be only working on bash, while this seems to work on both bash and zsh:
ls -d *.[^j][^a][^r]
ls -I "*.jar"
-I, --ignore=PATTERN
do not list implied entries matching shell PATTERN
It works without having to execute anything before
It works also inside watch quotes: watch -d 'ls -I "*.gz"', unlike watch 'ls !(*.jar)' which produces: sh: 1: Syntax error: "(" unexpected
Note: For some reason in Centos requires quoting the pattern after -I while Ubuntu does not

Unable to convert dot-files to non-dotfiles safely

I run unsuccessfully in Mac
mv .* *
mv .* ./*
My files disappeared into thin air.
How can you convert dot-files to non-dotfiles safely?
for i in `ls -d .*`; do mv $i "`echo $i | sed 's/^.//'`"; done
or, much easier,
rename 's/^.//' `ls -d .*`
if your system have got it.
In zsh, you could just use .* safely, but in bash you'll have to use ls -d .*
You can't use mv to rename multiple files like that. What you want is mmv (get it here).
mmv .\* \#1
You have to escape the asterisk to prevent bash from expanding it. Use the -n flag to do a test run to make sure what will happen is what you want.
You could also do this in shell scripting but I much prefer mmv because the -n flag shows what it would do. You'd have to alter your script to echo instead of mv, which seems more dangerous than dropping the -n flag (especially when you get more complicated.
The tricky part about this is selecting dotfiles without selecting "." and "..".
ls .??* is sometimes used for this, since it forces the filenames to be three or more characters long. There is a risk though, of overlooking a dotfile with a short name, such as ".x"
ls -d .* prevents directories from being expanded, but it doesn't filter out "." or ".."
The find command could be used, as in find . -maxdepth 1 -type f -name '.*'. The maxdepth limits it to the current directory and not subdirectories. The -type f limits it to files, eliminating directories such as "." and "..". Then again, maybe you want to rename the .ssh directory to ssh.
Here's an alternative that selects dotfiles while avoiding "." and "..".
ls -A | sed -n 's/^\.\(.*\)/mv ".\1" "\1"/p' | bash
The -A lists all files and dotfiles, yet eliminates "." and ".." for us. Then the sed command selects only those lines with "." as the first character, and prints out appropriate "mv" commands, complete with quotes in case you have a bizarre dotfilename with a space in it.
Run it without the "| bash" first, to see what mv commands are generated.
i don't know what type of system you're on, but it looks unix like, i would do
ls -1 .?* | cut -b1- | xargs -i{} mv .{} {}
this lists, everything that starts with a ., but isn't . or .., then cut the first column off, then pipe that list to a move command
In Linux, there is usually a rename utility available (a perl script, if I am not mistaken):
rename 's/^.//' .*
It is available on a Mac. You can install it by following tips at here.
Even simpler:
for x in .*; do mv $x ${x/./}; done

How can I delete all files in my folder, except Music -subfolder?

Unable to remove everything else in a folder except FileA
I guess that it is slightly similar to this:
delete [^Music]
However, it does not work.
Put the following command to your ~/.bashrc
shopt -s extglob
You can now delete everything else in the folder except the Music folder by
rm -r !(Music)
Please, be careful with the command.
It is powerful, but dangerous too.
I recommend to test it always with the command
echo rm -r !(Music)
The command
rm (ls | grep -v '^Music$')
should work. If some of your "files" are also subdirectories, then you want to recursively delete them, too:
rm -r (ls | grep -v '^Music$')
Warning: rm -r can be dangerous and you could accidentally delete a lot of files. If you would like to confirm what you will be deleting, try looking at the output of
ls | grep -v '^Music$'
The ls command lists directory contents; without an argument, it defaults to the current directory.
The pipe symbol | redirects output to another command; when the output of ls is redirected in this way, it prints filenames one-per-line, rather than in a column format as you would see if you type ls at an interactive terminal.
The grep command matches lines for patterns; the -v switch means to print lines that don't match the pattern.
The pattern ^Music$ means to match a line starting and ending with Music -- that is, only the string Music; the effect of the ^ (beginning of line) and $ (end of line) characters can also be achieved with the -x switch, as in grep -vx Music.
The syntax command (subcommand) is fish's way of taking the output of one command and passing it over as command-line arguments to another.
The rm command removes files. By default, it does not remove directories, but the -r ("recursive") option changes that.
You can learn about these commands and more by typing man command, where command is what you want to learn about.
So I was looking all over for a way to remove all files in a directory except for some directories, and files, I wanted to keep around. After much searching I devised a way to do it using find.
find -E . -regex './(dir1|dir2|dir3)' -and -type d -prune -o -print -exec rm -rf {} \;
Essentially it uses regex to select the directories to exclude from the results then removes the remaining files. Just wanted to put it out here in case someone else needed it.
