Throw an error in Laravel (not eloquent) - laravel

In my package I perform a check on a user id:
if(!$this->checkId($id)) //error
If this fails I need to throw an error as the method in my package will fail to work and I need to inform the user.
Please note, this is not a eloquent query so I do not need any find or fail methods.
How can I do this in laravel?

I agree with the previous answer, but I would throw an exception from checkId() method - since either check passes or fails (and throws exception).
class CheckIdException extends Exception
class WhateverClass
public function checkId($id)
// do the check
$passes = ....
if (! $passes) {
throw new CheckIdException('CheckId() failed');
return true;
// somewhere in the app code
try {
} catch (CheckIdException $e) {
return Response::json(['error' => 'checkId', 'message' => 'meaningul error description']);
} catch (Exception $e) {
return Response::json(['error' => 'UnknownError', 'message' => $e->getMessage()]);
// yay, ID check passes! Continue! just throw an error?
if(!$this->checkId($id)) //error
App::abort(500, 'CheckId() failed');
if(!$this->checkId($id)) //error
throw new Exception("CheckId() failed");


How to catch custom error raised in method of object?

On laravel 9 site in my custom class method raise custom error with error message
class CustomClass
use Illuminate\Database\Eloquent\ModelNotFoundException;
use Illuminate\Http\Exceptions\HttpResponseException;
public function method(): array
if(false) {
throw new HttpResponseException(response()->json([
'message' => $validated['message'],
], 422));
but I failed to catch this error in control where methods raised :
try {
$imageUploadSuccess = $customClass->method(
); // This method can raise different types of exception
catch (ModelNotFoundException $e) { // exception with invalid id is catched - THIS PART WORKS OK
return response()->json([
'message' => 'Item not found',
], 404);
catch (HttpResponseException $e) { // I catch HttpResponseException with is generated in method
// None of these 2 methods returns custom error message in method :
\Log::info($e->getMessage()); // empty value - I NEED TO GET THIS MESSAGE TEXT
\Log::info($e->getCode()); // 0 value
return response()->json([
'message' => $e->getMessage(),
], 422);
return response()->json(['success' => true], 400);
Have I to use other class, not HttpResponseException ? I which way ?
Thanks in advance!
You’re not throwing your custom exception so it’s never raised so it won’t be catchable.
Replace where you throw the HttpResponseException with your Exception.
class CustomClass
public function method()
$isValid = false;
if(!$isValid) {
throw new SomeCustomException(response()->json([
'message' => $validated['message'],
], 422));
You would then use do something like:
$customClass = new CustomClass();
Note how I have defined a variable $isValid and how I check it for a true or false value in the if statement. This is because if checks for truthy values and false will never be `true so your custom exception would never be thrown.
if (false) {
// code in here will never execute

How can I handle a custom HTTP exception?

I created an exception called invalid balance, and I'm using like the following. My output result status is 500. How can I change this status to 400?
try {
$balance = Wallet::findOrFail()->docs()
if ($balance == 0) {
throw new InvalidBalance();
} catch (QueryException $e) {
$message = Str::contains($e->getMessage(), 'Deadlock') ?
'Server is busy' : $e->getMessage();
throw new HttpException(400, $message);
} catch (\Exception $e) {
throw $e;
You can use the abort helper.
if ($balance === 0)
abort(400, 'Bad Request.');
Or within the InvalidBalance class do the abort there.
You can use response() method and pass the http status code as the second parameter as in laravel helpers functions
return response()->json(['message'=>'your message'], 400);

How to change the response messages in Tymon JWT package laravel

I want to change response messages in the Tymon JWT package. For example, while fetching the data with Invalid token I am getting this response
"message": "Invalid token.",
"exception": "Tymon\\JWTAuth\\Exceptions\\TokenInvalidException",
I need o change this from above response to below response
"errors": "Invalid token.",
"exception": "Tymon\\JWTAuth\\Exceptions\\TokenInvalidException",
controller code
try {
$assign = AssignmentResource::collection(DB::table('assignments')->whereIn('assignments.academic_id',$ids)
} catch (Tymon\JWTAuth\Exceptions\TokenExpiredException $e) {
return response()->json(['success' => false,'errors' => $e,'status' => 404] );
} catch (Tymon\JWTAuth\Exceptions\TokenInvalidException $e) {
return response()->json(['success' => false,'errors' =>$e,'status' => 404] );
} catch (Tymon\JWTAuth\Exceptions\JWTException $e) {
return response()->json(['success' => false,'errors' =>$e,'status' => 404] );
thank you in advance
You can customize the laravel Exceptions.
inside app/Exceptions/Handler.php you can customize your message.
public function render($request, Exception $exception)
if ($request->is('api/*') || $request->expectsJson() || $request->is('webhook/*')) {
if ($exception instanceof Tymon\JWTAuth\Exceptions\TokenInvalidExceptio) {
return [
'errors' => $exception->getMessage(),
'exception' => 'your message'
If you see Exception Handling page of Tymon JWT Auth, then it is coming soon:
One way you can achieve this is like using try..catch:
try {
// Your code here.
} catch (Tymon\JWTAuth\Exceptions\TokenExpiredException $e) {
// return your response.
} catch (Tymon\JWTAuth\Exceptions\TokenInvalidException $e) {
// return your response.
} catch (Tymon\JWTAuth\Exceptions\JWTException $e) {
// return your response.

Error logging is truncated in Laravel of Guzzle http

Guzzle http is truncating exceptions with more than 120 characters, but I need to log the full exception message. How can I do this?
I am using laravel 4.2.22.
try {
// whatever
} catch (\GuzzleHttp\Exception\RequestException $ex) {
return $ex->getResponse()->getBody()->getContents();
// you can even json_decode the response like json_decode($ex->getResponse()->getBody()->getContents(), true)
It is the same for Laravel 5 and 4
try {
$response = $client->post($path, $params);
} catch (\GuzzleHttp\Exception\RequestException $ex) {
\Log::debug((string) $ex->getResponse()->getBody());
throw $ex;
if you just go to $ex->getMessage(), you will get
at the end.
Might be better solution:
try {
// do request here like:
// return $client->post($path, $params);
} catch (\GuzzleHttp\Exception\ServerException $ex) {
$exFactoryWithFullBody = new class('', $ex->getRequest()) extends \GuzzleHttp\Exception\RequestException {
public static function getResponseBodySummary(ResponseInterface $response)
return $response->getBody()->getContents();
throw $exFactoryWithFullBody->create($ex->getRequest(), $ex->getResponse());

How to create different view for different exception laravel 5?

I want to set different view blade template for different exception and also pass the errors on the following page. I tried out the following code but it's not working. It always goes to the else portion of the code and run the parent::render($request, $e);code.
public function render($request, Exception $e)
if ($this->isHttpException($e))
if($e instanceof InvalidArgumentException)
return response()->view('front.missing', [], 404);
}elseif($e instanceof ErrorException){
return response()->view('front.missing2', [], 404);
return $this->renderHttpException($e);
if($e instanceof InvalidArgumentException)
return response()->view('errors.204', []);
return parent::render($request, $e);
Where is the problem here and what I will do now?
InvalidArgumentException is not a child class of HttpException, so it always goes to the else portion.
