What data is submitted with a form? - http-post

When html form is submitted by using method POST, what data is submitted. I know that the name and value of the 'input' are submitted, but apart from that, is there anything else that gets through? In those terms, is there a difference for using method GET?

POST - submits data for processing to a source
GET - requests data from a source
You should read more on those here: http://www.w3schools.com/tags/ref_httpmethods.asp


Is it normal that inputs (generated by html helpers) are influenced by POST data?

In a MVC app we implemented a mini forum. New posts in this forum are ajaxed. The AJAX POST action either returns a response form (partial view) or new post html and form html as a JSON.
New post and form are both rendered from views by this method. The model provided for the form has some null values, but the corresponding inputs store values taken from POST data (I verified the generated data to make sure it's not something that is done by the browser). The inputs are generated by html helpers (such as TextBoxFor).
So my question is, is this normal behavior in MVC and if it is, then how do I go about making those inputs have empty/null values (or even some specific value)? When debugging the values in the model are exactly as I set them (which is null, but same thing happens for any value really), but inputs for this very model still hold values taken from POST data.
I tested how does this work with good old PartialView instead of rendering html to string and returning it through JSON, but the results were exactly the same (so the method I use for rendering those views should be unrelated to the problem).
I came across this question: View data dictionary overriding model data in ASP.NET MVC
But from what I checked in my app, the POST data isn't actually stored in ViewData and the OP wasn't AJAXing data so redirects made more sense in his case.
I came across this post which explain this problem in detail and shows ways to deal with it.
To sum it up. Yes, this is normal behavior of htmlHelpers during POST action. To prevent it you can run ModelState.Clear(); in your post action (preferably just before you return\render the view). Optionally it is also possible to remove just one field using ModelState.Remove("PropName"); where PropName is the name of the model property which you don't want to be passed from POST data.

Kendo UI Datasource and Arrays

I am sending over a series of array values from a posted form to an MVC3 Controller. I was hoping the default modelbinder would be able to parse this but I'm having some difficulty with it.
The array is in the following format:
order[0].[type]=some value.
I think this is the reason the model binder is not parsing my values because I'm not getting anything populated in my model.
What would be another way to handle this?
Probably need to post more of your code so I can see what you are doing exactly. However saying this you need to pass the model to the view/partial view on the response you are trying to retrieve on the post request.
If not you will have to iterate through the Form Collection that will be returned and the Actions Methods type e.g. ActionMethodName(FormCollection form), one issue is name versus id its the name of the Kendo UI control that is used to get the value not the id.
1As far as I remember the right format was:
orders[1].Name="again test";
The indexing should start from 0 and increase by 1.
Check this out: http://haacked.com/archive/2008/10/23/model-binding-to-a-list.aspx

Typical Form Validation Approach

I am looking to better understand the typical approach to form validation with AJAX.
I have found some information on this approach but it is hard sometimes to decipher what is the standard practice and what is a hack.
In my scenario, which is a common one, I have a dynamic form that the user submits and I want to ensure that the form input is valid. If the form input does not pass validation, I want to re-display the form with the input submitted and display an error message.
From what I have read, it appears the best practice approach is to perform an AJAX POST on submit, essentially posting the entire form. The server processes the AJAX post validating the posted items, and if all the items are valid, they are operated on (updates, inserts, etc to database). Finally, the AJAX response returns the validation result. If the validation result indicates success, a simple redirect occurs (the form is not re-posted since the form input was already processed and committed to the DB in the AJAX request). If the validation result indicates an error, the error is displayed and the redirect does not occur.
Is this the correct approach?
Should the form input be processed during the AJAX POST, leaving just a redirect on the callback, or is it best to process the form input after the callback by re-posting the form?
It doesn't make sense to me to re-post the form. In that case, I would think you'd have to validate the data twice for security reasons...both on the AJAX post and the re-post.
It is also possible I missed an even better, more standard approach. Thanks.

Django Forms - Processing GET Requests

We have an existing Django form that accepts GET requests to allow users to bookmark their resulting query parameters. The form contains many fields, most of which are required. The form uses semi-standard boilerplate for handling the request, substituting GET for POST:
if request.method == 'GET':
form = myForm(request.GET)
if form.isValid()
# Gather fields together into query.
form = myForm()
The problem is that the first time the form is loaded, there's nothing in the GET request to populate the required fields with, so most of the form lights up with 'missing field' errors.
Setting initial values doesn't work; apparently, the non-existent values in the GET request override them.
How can we avoid this? I'm pretty certain we're simply not processing things correctly, but I can't find an example of a form that handles GET requests. We want errors to show up if the user hits the "Submit" button while fields are blank or otherwise invalid, but don't want these errors showing up when the form is initially displayed.
The positional argument to the forms.Form subclass informs Django that you intend to process a form rather than just display a blank/default form. Your if request.method == 'GET' isn't making the distinction that you want because regular old web requests by typing a URL in a web browser or clicking a link are also GET requests, so request.method is equal to GET either way.
You need some differentiating mechanism such that you can tell the difference between a form display and a form process.
If your processing is done via. AJAX, you could use if request.is_ajax() as your conditional.
Alternatively, you could include a GET token that signifies that the request is processing. Under this example, first you'd need something in your form:
<input type="hidden" name="action" value="process_form" />
And then you can look for that value in your view:
if 'action' in request.GET and request.GET['action'] == 'process_form':
form = myForm(request.GET)
if form.is_valid():
# form processing code
form = myForm()
I'll also give you the standard, boilerplate point that it's generally preferable not to use GET for form processing if you can help it (precisely because you run into difficulties like this since you're using an anomalous pattern), but if you have a use case where you really need it, then you really need it. You know your needs better than I do. :-)
If your clean page load doesn't have any non form GET params, you can differentiate between a clean page load and a form submit in your view. Instead of the usual
form = YourForm()
if request.POST:
you can do
if request.GET.items():
form = YourForm(request.GET)
if form.is_valid():
form = YourForm()
If your clean page load could have other params (eg email link tracking params) you'll need to use the QueryDict methods to test if any of your form params are in the request.
request.GET is and empty dictionary when you first load a clean form. Once you have submitted the form, request.GET will be populated with your fields data, even if the fields contain only empty data.
My first question is this, which I posted as comment:
Why not just use request.POST and the standard way of processing form data?
After considering everything here, perhaps what you are looking for is a way of processing data in your query string to populate a form. You can do that without using request.GET as your form.data.
In my own views, I take advantage of a utility function I created to add initial data to the form from request.GET, but I am not going to share that function here. Here's the signature, though. initial_dict is typically request.GET. model_forms is either a single ModelForm or a list of ModelForm.
def process_initial_data(model_forms, initial_dict):
Nevertheless, I am able to process the form through the standard practice of using request.POST when the form is POSTed. And I don't have to pass around all kinds of information in the URL query string or modify it with JavaScript as the user enters information.

Validate data from CakePHP form with jQuery (AJAX)

I would like to validate both single field and multiple field data from a CakePHP form.
The single field validation should be done on blur from each field while the multiple field validation should be done on submitting the form.
I would like to use the $validate property declared in the Model for validating data and I would like to display the errors near each field (single field validation) and on top of the form (for multiple field validation).
My main goal is to achieve this the most "caky" way (if there is one for validating data with jQuery). I couldn't find any useful advice out there and I'm asking you for some help to get this going.
One of my concerns is how shall I pass data from the form to jQuery and then to the action that does the validation and also how shall I return and display the errors, if there are any.
Thank you in advance!
I'd suggest first making sure everything works without jQuery, then use the jQuery Form plugin to submit your forms via AJAX. If you include the RequestHandler component in your AppController, you should find that your controllers distinguish automatically between AJAX and synchronous requests.
OK, so I coded my own solution to this, but I am still waiting for a more "caky" approach.
I made two generic jQuery functions, one for single field validation and one for multiple field validation. The function should grab the data from the specified form and send it to the form's action via AJAX, to a specially created controller method which will attempt to validate data and output an AJAX response ("" for validation has passed and errors for errors in validation). Then, the result is checked in the jQuery function and the default form behaviour is triggered only if the validation has passed. Otherwise, display the errors and return false; to prevent default submission.
