Maximum memory that can be allocated to a process on Windows 8.1 - memory-management

I'm a fresher and was asked this question in the Microsoft recruitment process.
I'd read somewhere that the maximum memory allocated to a process can be the maximum physical memory available. So is it that if the RAM is 4GB, that's the answer? If yes, then how? Because some part of the RAM is always occupied by the Operating System, right? If no, then could you tell me the answer and what are the factors it really depends on?

First of all, the base of your question is totally related to Virtual Memory which has already been pointed out by Chris O!
Now,proceeding to your questions step by step :-
I'd read somewhere that the maximum memory allocated to a process can
be the maximum physical memory available. So is it that if the RAM is
4GB, that's the answer?
No, the maximum memory which your process can use can be anything depending on the virtual memory assigned or the swap size. Swap memory is generally taken twice of the physical memory,thought it can always be more or less depending on the requirements!
Also, PAE (Physical Address Extension) allows more memory to be allocated. PAE allows a 32-bit OS to use more RAM, that is, more physical memory. This has nothing whatsoever to do with the 4GB virtual address space limitation that 32-bit OSes have.
A 32-bit OS uses 32-bit virtual addresses. That limits it to 4GB of addressable virtual memory at any one time. If a 32-bit OS also uses 32-bit physical addresses, it is limited to 4GB of physical memory as well. PAE allows a 32-bit OS to use 36-bit physical addresses, which raises the limit to 64GB.
Next, the point which you mentioned is valid for the atomic processes which can't be broken further into threads or So. I doubt one would rarely face that situation in which the size of atomic process is more than that of the physical memory...
If yes, then how?Because some part of the RAM is always occupied by
the Operating System, right?'s not as I already have mentioned above!
If no, then could you tell me the answer and what are the factors it
really depends on?
The memory requirement of a process is not defined earlier. But, you might have heard about this that many programs recommend at least it must have this much of memory to execute this process. This is the minimal requirement of the process without which the process won't even run properly! Because it must have suitable physical memory to handle those events! Next, the term swapping comes into picture whenever we are talking about Virtual memory! All the process which are currently not running are send to disks and the process which are to be executed are sent to the physical memory for execution.So, more than one processes are requested and executed by continuous swapping!
Some other continuous processes which are maintained in main memory are :-
System processes OR daemons
cache memory or cache maintenance


How come the allocation of virtual address spaces doesn't rob you of all virtual memory?

On a 32-bit computer, a virtual memory address is represented as an integer between 0 and 2^32. By virtue of being a 32-bit system, no address can be represented that's lower than 0 or higher than 2^32, and we therefore have a total of 4 GiB (2^32 bytes) of virtual memory to use up. We also know that address spaces are memory protected; they cannot touch, because otherwise one process would be able to “step on the toes” of another. So, if all that I've said is correct, let me now ask this: if we grant that, by Microsoft’s own documentation, 2 GiB of virtual address space are used to operate the system and 2GiB of virtual address space are provided to a single user-mode process, have we not exhausted every possible virtual memory address on a 32-bit system? Would this not mean that we have to resort to disk-swapping just to run 2 processes? Surely, this is too ridiculous to be true, and I just want someone to clarify where my thinking has gone astray...
I have looked at the following questions but none of them seem to give satisfying/consistent/not hand-wavy answers. Or maybe I just don't understand them:
What is the maximum addressable space of virtual memory? - Stack Overflow
Virtual address space in windows - Stack Overflow
What happens when the number of possible virtual addresses are exceeded - Stack Overflow
Thanks! :)
TL;DR: Virtual memory is per-process and the address space changes when the OS switches execution from one process to another.
Remember that we are talking about virtual memory here and virtual memory is a trick that works because of the cooperation between the OS and the CPU hardware.
The split is not always at 2GB (there is a boot switch for 3GB etc.) but for this discussion lets assume it is always 2GB and that we are on a x86 machine.
When the CPU needs to access a an address in virtual memory it needs to translate the memory page from virtual to physical. The exact mechanics of how this works is too big of a topic to cover here but suffice to say that the translation involves a page directory that has information about present/swapped, modified, COW etc and a way to map the address to physical RAM (and if not present, the CPU will ask the OS to swap it in from the page-file).
The upper 2GB is where the kernel and drivers live and the mapping is always the same in all processes (but it can only be accessed in kernel mode (CPU ring 0)). The lower 2GB however are per-process. Each process have their own set of mappings. When the OS switches executing from one process to another (context switch) the page directory for the CPU the thread is about to run on is changed. This way each process has its own virtual address space.

How does Windows give 4GB address space each to multiple processes when the total memory it can access is also limited to 4GB

How does Windows give 4GB address space each to multiple processes
when the total memory it can access is also limited to 4GB.
The solution of above question i found in Windows Memory Management
(Written by: Pankaj Garg)
To achieve this Windows uses a feature of x86 processor (386 and
above) known as paging. Paging allows the software to use a different
memory address (known as logical address) than the physical memory
address. The Processor’ paging unit translates this logical address to
the physicals address transparently. This allows every process in the
system to have its own 4GB logical address space.
Can anyone help me to understand it in simpler form?
The basic idea is that you have limited physical RAM. Once it fills up, you start storing stuff on the hard disk instead. When a process requests data that is currently on disk, or asks for new memory, you kick out a page from RAM by transferring it to the disk, and then page in the data you actually need.
The OS maintains a data structure called a page table to keep track of which logical addresses correspond to the data currently in physical memory and where stuff is on the disk.
Each process has its own virtual address space, and operates using logical addresses within this space. The OS is responsible for translating requests for a given process and logical address into a physical address/location on disk. It is also responsible for preventing processes from accessing memory that belongs to other processes.
When a process asks for data that is not currently in physical memory, a page fault is triggered. When this occurs, the OS selects a page to move to disk (if physical memory is full). There are several page replacement algorithms for selecting the page to kick out.
The wrong original assumption is "when the total memory it can access is also limited to 4GB". It is untrue, the total memory OS can access is not that limited.
There is a limit on 32-bit addresses that 32-bit code can access. It is (1 << 32) which is 4 GB. However this is the amount to access simultaneously only. Imagine OS has cards A, B, ..., F and applications can access only four at a time. App1 might be seeing ABCD, App2 - ABEF, App3 - ABCF. The apps see 4, but OS manages 6.
The limit on 32-bit flat memory model does not imply that the entire OS is subject to the same limit.
Windows uses a technique called virtual memory. Each process has its own memory. One of the reasons this is done, is due to security reasons, to forbid accessing the memory of other processes.
As you've pointed out, the assigned virtual memory can be bigger than the actual physical memory. This is where the process of paging comes into places. My knowledge of memory management and microarchitecture is a bit rusty, so I don't want to post anything wrong, but I 'd recommend reading
If you are interested in more literature, I'd recommend reading 'Structured Computer Organization – Tannenbaum'
Virtual address space is not RAM. It's an address space. Each page (the size of a page depends on the system) can be unmapped (the page is nowhere and not accessible. it does not exist), mapped to a file (the page is not directly accessible, its content is stored on disk), mapped to RAM (that's the pages that you can actually access).
Pages mapped to RAM can be swappable or pinned. Pinned pages will never be swapped out to disk. Swappable pages are associated to an area on disc and may be written to that area to free up the RAM they are using.
Pages mapped to RAM can also be read only, write only, read write. If they are writable they may be directly writable or copy-on-write.
Multiple pages (both within the same address space and across separate address spaces) may be mapped identically. This i how two separate processes may access the same data in memory (which may happen at different addresses in each process).
In a modern operating system each process has it's own address space. On 32 bit operating systems each process has 4GiB of address space. On 64 bit operating systems 32 bit processes still only have 4GiB (4 gigabinary bytes) of address space but 64 bit processes may have more. Generally they have 18 EiB (18 exabinary bytes, that is 18,874,368 TiB).
The size of the address space is totally independent of both the amount of RAM memory and the amount of actually allocated space. You can have 100 processes each with 18 EiB of address space on a machine with one gigabyte of RAM. In fact windows has been giving 4GiB of address space to each process since the time when the typical machine had just a few megabytes or RAM.
Assuming the context is 32-bit system:
In addition to , However the memory abstraction given by the kernel to each process is 4GB, A process can actually use a far lesser than 4GB, because in each process the kernel is also mapped in most of the pages of the process. In general in NT system out of 4GB, 2GB is used by kernel and in *nix system 1 GB is used by kernel.
I read this a long time ago during my OS course with Windows as case study. The numbers I give may not be accurate but they can give you a decent idea of what happens behind the scenes. From what I can recall:
In windows The memory model used is Demand Paging. On Intel a page size is 4k. Initially when you run a program, only 4 pages each of 4K is loaded from your program. which means a total of 16k of memory is allocated. Programs may be bigger but there is no need to load the whole program at once into memory. Some of these pages are data pages i.e. read/writeable where your variables and data structures are. while the other are code pages which contain the executable code i.e. the code segment. The IP is set to the first instruction of the code segment and the program starts its execution under the impression that 4GB is allocated.
When further pages are needed that is you request more memory (data segment) or your program executes further and need other executable instructions (code segment) Windows check if there is sufficient amount of memory available. If yes then these pages are loaded and mapped into the process's address space. if not much memory is available, then windows checks which pages have not been used for quite some time (this is run for all the processes not just the calling process). when it finds such pages, it moves them to the Paging file to free the space in memory and loads the requested pages.
if sometimes your program calls code from some dll that is already loaded windows simply maps those pages into your process's address space. there is no need to load these pages again as they are already availble in the memory. thus it avoids duplication as well as saves space.
So theoretically the processes are using more memory than available and they can use 4GB of memory but in reality only the portion of the process is loaded at one time.
(Do mark my answer if you find it useful)

memory allocation vs. swapping (under Windows)

sorry for my rather general question, but I could not find a definite answer to it:
Given that I have free swap memory left and I allocate memory in reasonable chunks (~1MB) -> can memory allocation still fail for any reason?
The smartass answer would be "yes, memory allocation can fail for any reason". That may not be what you are looking for.
Generally, whether your system has free memory left is not related to whether allocations succeed. Rather, the question is whether your process address space has free virtual address space.
The allocator (malloc, operator new, ...) first looks if there is free address space in the current process that is already mapped, that is, the kernel is aware that the addresses should be usable. If there is, that address space is reserved in the allocator and returned.
Otherwise, the kernel is asked to map new address space to the process. This may fail, but generally doesn't, as mapping does not imply using physical memory yet -- it is just a promise that, should someone try to access this address, the kernel will try to find physical memory and set up the MMU tables so the virtual->physical translation finds it.
When the system is out of memory, there is no physical memory left, the process is suspended and the kernel attempts to free physical memory by moving other processes' memory to disk. The application does not notice this, except that executing a single assembler instruction apparently took a long time.
Memory allocations in the process fail if there is no mapped free region large enough and the kernel refuses to establish a mapping. For example, not all virtual addresses are useable, as most operating systems map the kernel at some address (typically, 0x80000000, 0xc0000000, 0xe0000000 or something such on 32 bit architectures), so there is a per-process limit that may be lower than the system limit (for example, a 32 bit process on Windows can only allocate 2 GB, even if the system is 64 bit). File mappings (such as the program itself and DLLs) further reduce the available space.
A very general and theoretical answer would be no, it can not. One of the reasons it could possibly under very peculiar circumstances fail is that there would be some weird fragmentation of your available / allocatable memory. I wonder whether you're trying get (probably very minor) performance boost (skipping if pointer == NULL - kind of thing) or you're just wondering and want to discuss it, in which case you should probably use chat.
Yes, memory allocation often fails when you run out of memory space in a 32-bit application (can be 2, 3 or 4 GB depending on OS version and settings). This would be due to a memory leak. It can also fail if your OS runs out of space in your swap file.

Memory management and Process

Is HEAP local to a process? In other words we have stack which is always local to a process and for each process it is seprate. Does the same apply to heap? Also, if HEAP is local, i believe HEAP size should change during runtime as we request more and more memory from CPU, so who puts a top limit on how much memory can be requested?
Heaps are indeed local to the process. Limits are placed by the operating system. Memory can also be limited by the number of bits used for addressing (i.e. 32-bits can only address 2G 4G of memory at a time).
Yes, on modern operating systems there exists a separate heap for each process. There is by the way not just a separate stack for every process, but there is a separate stack for every thread in the process. Thus a process can have quite a number of independent stacks.
But not all operating systems and not all hardware platforms offer this feature. You need a memory management unit (in hardware) for that to work. But desktop computers have that feature since... well... a while back... The 386-CPU? (leave a comment if you know better). You may though find yourself on some kind of micro processor that does not have that feature.
Anyway: The limit to the heap size is mainly limited by the operating system and the hardware. The hardware limits especially due to the limited amount of address space that it allows. For example a 32bit-CPU will not address more than 4GB (2^32). A CPU that features physical address extensions (PAE), which the current CPUs do support, can address up to 64GB, but that's done by the use of segments and one single process will not be able to make use of this feature. It will always see 4GB max.
Additionally the operating system can limit the memory as it sees fit. On Linux you can see and set limits using the ulimit command. If you are running some code not natively, but for example in an interpreter/virtual machine (such as Java, or PHP), then that environment can additionally limit the heap size.
'heap' is local to a proccess, but it is shared among threads, while stack is not, it is per-thread.
Regarding the limit, for example in linux it is set by ulimit (see manpage).
On a modern, preemptively multi-tasking OS, each process gets its own address space. The set of memory pages that it can see are separate from the pages that other processes can see. As a result, yes, each process sees its own stack and heap, because the stack and heap are just areas of memory.
On an older, cooperatively multi-tasking OS, each process shared the same address space, so the heap was effectively shared among all processes.
The heap is defined by the collection of things in it, so the heap size only changes as memory is allocated and freed. This is true regardless to how the OS is managing memory.
The top limit of how much memory can be requested is determined by the memory manager. In a machine without virtual memory, the top limit is simply how much memory is installed in the computer. With virtual memory, the top limit is defined by physical memory plus the size of the swap file on the disk.

Why is Available Physical Memory (dwAvailPhys) > Available Virtual Memory (dwAvailVirtual) in call GlobalMemoryStatus on Windows Vista x64

I am playing with an MSDN sample to do memory stress testing (see: and an extension of that tool that specifically eats physical memory (see;prev_next=next). I am obviously confused though on the differences between Virtual and Physical Memory. I thought each process has 2 GB of virtual memory (although I also read 1.5 GB because of "overhead". My understanding was that some/all/none of this virtual memory could be physical memory, and the amount of physical memory used by a process could change over time (memory could be swapped out to disc, etc.)I further thought that, in general, when you allocate memory, the operating system could use physical memory or virtual memory. From this, I conclude that dwAvailVirtual should always be equal to or greater than dwAvailPhys in the call GlobalMemoryStatus. However, I often (always?) see the opposite. What am I missing.
I apologize in advance if my question is not well formed. I'm still trying to get my head around the whole memory management system in Windows. Tutorials/Explanations/Book recs are most welcome!
That was only true in the olden days, back when RAM was expensive. The operating system maps pages of virtual memory to RAM as needed. If there isn't enough RAM to satisfy a program's request, it starts unmapping pages to make room. If such a page contains data instead of code, it gets written to the paging file. Whenever the program accesses that page again, it generates a paging fault, letting the operating system read the page back from disk.
If the machine has little RAM and lots of processes consuming virtual memory pages, that can cause a very unpleasant effect called "thrashing". The operating system is constantly accessing the disk and machine performance slows down to a crawl.
More RAM means less disk access. There's very little reason not to use 3 or 4 GB of RAM on a 32-bit operating system, it's cheap. Even if you do not get to use all 4 GB, not all of it will be addressable due hardware devices taking space on the address bus (video, mostly). But that won't change the size of the virtual memory accessible by user code, it is still 2 Gigabytes.
Windows Internals is a good book.
The amount of virtual memory is limited by size of the address space - which is 4GB per process on a 32-bit system. And you have to subtract from this the size of regions reserved for system use and the amount of VM used already by your process (including all the libraries mapped to its address space).
On the other hand, the total amount of physical memory may be higher than the amount of virtual memory space the system has left free for your process to use (and these days it often is).
This means that if you have more than ~2GB or RAM, you can't use all your physical memory in one process (since there's not enough virtual memory space to map it to), but it can be used by many processes. Note that this limitation is removed in a 64-bit system.
I don't know if this is your issue, but the MSDN page for the GlobalMemoryStatus function contains the following warning:
On computers with more than 4 GB of memory, the GlobalMemoryStatus function can return incorrect information, reporting a value of –1 to indicate an overflow. For this reason, applications should use the GlobalMemoryStatusEx function instead.
Additionally, that page says:
On Intel x86 computers with more than 2 GB and less than 4 GB of memory, the GlobalMemoryStatus function will always return 2 GB in the dwTotalPhys member of the MEMORYSTATUS structure. Similarly, if the total available memory is between 2 and 4 GB, the dwAvailPhys member of the MEMORYSTATUS structure will be rounded down to 2 GB. If the executable is linked using the /LARGEADDRESSAWARE linker option, then the GlobalMemoryStatus function will return the correct amount of physical memory in both members.
Since you're referring to members like dwAvailPhys instead of ullAvailPhys, it sounds like you're using a MEMORYSTATUS structure instead of a MEMORYSTATUSEX structure. I don't know the consequences of that on a 64-bit platform, but on a 32-bit platform that definitely could cause incorrect memory sizes to be reported.
