Understanding Parsing YAML - ruby

I'm trying to understand how YAML works and I'm working from examples in a book to learn it. Here's the code I'm using:
require "yaml"
def savelist(songs, playlist)
File.open playlist, 'w' do |f|
def openlist(playlist)
loadlist = File.read playlist
YAML::load loadlist
podcasts = Dir['C:/Users/7/Music/Amazon MP3/*.mp3']
puts "Welcome to the Playlist Maker!"
list = 'playlist.txt'
savelist(podcasts, list)
I thought the second method, openlist, would actually call the file to the screen and print out its contents. I read it as "create a loadlist object then load the object to the screen with YAML". I expected it to print the file contents (YAML::load).
The program works, but I don't really understand how it works. I'm also not really sure what the second method is there for if it doesn't actually open the file.
Thanks for your insight. I sorta get what YAML does, but I don't really know how or why this works.

Consider this:
require "yaml"
def savelist(songs, playlist)
File.write(playlist, songs.to_yaml)
def openlist(playlist)
Learning how YAML works is easier if you look at what it's emitting, and play with it in IRB:
>> require 'yaml'
>> songs = ['foo', 'bar']
[0] "foo",
[1] "bar"
>> puts songs.to_yaml
- foo
- bar
>> yaml = songs.to_yaml
"---\n- foo\n- bar\n"
>> YAML::load(yaml)
[0] "foo",
[1] "bar"
YAML is just text, so writing a YAML file is simple if you use write, as I did above. YAML has a convenient method load_file to read a file, then parse it back into the equivalent Ruby object. If you've already read the file into a variable, then use load to parse it and return the Ruby object.
Playing with YAML this way, by converting an array or hash to YAML, then using load to mess with it, is a great way to learn it. The YAML spec is useful once you start to get an idea how it works, but doing the "round-trip" thing is how to boot-strap yourself. (This is also useful when learning about JSON.)
We actually use a variation of this when initially defining complex YAML files. I'll write a bit of Ruby code with the object defined inside it, then save that to a file. From that point on we can tweak the YAML, or, as I prefer, we tweak the Ruby and re-create the YAML. Using the Ruby code to recreate the file means we've got a fall-back if someone hoses the configuration. At least we can rebuild our default setup.

Let's step through this and see how we might learn what a block of code does.
def openlist(playlist)
loadlist = File.read playlist
YAML::load loadlist
For starters we're passing some playlist object to File.read. We can look up the File class but we won't find a read method on it. We will however see that File is a subclass of IO and if we look at IO we will find IO.read
read(name, [length [, offset]] ) → string
So read takes a file name and an optional length and offset and returns a string. loadlist is then just a string containing the contents of this file. Useful but not easy for us to work with yet.
If we look up the YAML module we learn that it is a wrapper around Psych where we can finally find load
load(yaml, filename = nil)
Load yaml in to a Ruby data structure...
So load takes some string and returns a Ruby data structure created by parsing the YAML syntax it contains.
Now we see why this example is using two different methods, one to load the contents of a file and one to parse those into a Ruby data structure. While we're looking at Psych we might also notice the load_file method which gives us another way to do the same thing as #the-tin-man suggested.


Extract JSON values from remote api with Ruby

I'm trying to grab some data from last.fm and use it in a simple sinatra app. I've worked out how to open the document but having issues extracting the data in ruby here is the first list of the API data I'd like to grab the name:
{"similarartists":{"artist":[{"name":"Sonny & Cher"}]}
This is just an extract of the return, I'm using this in my rb file:
require 'json'
require 'open-uri'
data = JSON.parse(open("http://ws.audioscrobbler.com/2.0/?method=artist.getsimilar&artist=editors&api_key=xxx&format=json").read)
puts data["similarartists"]["artist"]["name"]
It doesn't seem to be working I get can't convert String into Integer (TypeError) on ruby 1.9.3 but the name in the JSON isn't an integer? If I just put the following:
puts data["similarartists"]["artist"]
It returns the whole thing, but I want to grab inside of that and get the name.
I don't understand why it would complain about integers when the name is a string? Hope someone can help me!
Based on the comments thread, the issue is a misunderstanding of the structure of the data returned from the API call.
The exact issue was the structure had an array of artists under the artist key so to get at the name you need to do:
Note though that you should only do that if you are sure there will only be one artist. The nature of the return data suggests that won't always be the case so you might be better off pulling all names depending on your use doing something like:
data['similarartists']['artist'].map {|a| a['name']}.join(',')
That will join all of the artist names together comma separated.
In the future, you can track this issue down by looking at the full structure of the return data and making sure you see the correct structure. The docs on the API may indicate some help here too.
You also might check if someone has made a gem for accessing the API. Often a gem will up-level some of this raw output and give you a nice object to work with. I suggest searching GitHub for a last.fm gem.
The problem is that you are trying to access an Array with the index "name", Ruby tries to convert this to an Integer and fails which results in the Error message you are seeing.
If you test the class of data["similarartists"]["artist"].class you will see that it returns Array. So basically what is happening is that the JSON.parse() called created as the value of data["similarartists"]["artist"] an Array of Hashes. To access all of the artist names you can simply iterate through this array:
require 'json'
require 'open-uri'
data = JSON.parse(open("http://ws.audioscrobbler.com/2.0/?method=artist.getsimilar&artist=editors&api_key=29da5a0e01ca2d1524cac596d5462d67&format=jso\
# iterate through the Array of returned artists and print their names
data["similarartists"]["artist"].each do |artist|
puts artist["name"]
# output
# Interpol
# White Lies
# The Cinematics
# Smith & Burrows
# The National
# Julian Plenti
# She Wants Revenge
# etc ...
If you only want the first entry for Interpol you can just use index [0]:
puts data["similarartists"]["artist"][0]["name"]

How to build an Object from XML, modify, then write to File in Ruby

I'm having an awful time trying to use a library to parse an XML File into a hash like object, modify it, then print it back out to another XML file in Ruby. For a class I'm taking, we're supposed to use a Java JAXB like library where we convert XML into an object. We've already done SAX and DOM methods so we can't use those methods of XML de-serialization. Nokogiri helped me with both of these in Ruby.
The only problem is that besides the SIMPLE modifications I'm making to the objects, when I write to file it has drastic differences. Is there a Ruby library meant for doing just this? I've tried: ROXML, XML::Mapping, and ActiveSupport::CoreExt. The only one I can get to even run is ActiveSupport, and even then it starts putting element attributes as child elements in the output XML.
I'm willing to try out XmlSimple, but I'm curious has anyone actually had to do this before/run into the same problems? Again, I can't read in lines one at a time like SAX or build a Tree like structure like DOM, it needs to be a hash like object.
Any help is much appreciated!
You should have a look into nokogiri: http://nokogiri.org/
Then you can parse the XML like this :
xml_file = "some_path"
#xml = Nokogiri::XML(File.open xml_file)
#xml.xpath('//listing').each do |node|
style = node.search("style").text
With Xpath, you can perform queries in the XML :
OK, I got it working. After looking at ActiveSupport::CoreExt 's source code I found it just uses a gem called xml-simple. What's obnoxious is the gem, library name in the require statement, and class name are a mixture of hyphenated and non hyphenated spellings. For future reference here's what I did:
# gem install xml-simple
# ^ all lowercase, hyphenated
require 'xmlsimple'
# ^ all lowercase, not hyphenated
doc = XmlSimple.xml_in 'hw3.xml', 'KeepRoot' => true
# ^ Camel cased (it's a class), not hyphenated
# doc.class => Hash
# manipulate doc as a hash
file = File.new('HW3a.xml', 'w')
file.write("<?xml version='1.0' encoding='utf-8'?>\n")
file.write(XmlSimple.xml_out doc, 'KeepRoot' => true)
I hope this helps someone. Also make sure you pay attention to case and hyphens with this gem!!!

Ruby RSS::Parser.to_s silently fails?

I'm using Ruby 1.8.7's RSS::Parser, part of stdlib. I'm new to Ruby.
I want to parse an RSS feed, make some changes to the data, then output it (as RSS).
The docs say I can use '#to_s', but and it seems to work with some feeds, but not others.
This works:
#!/usr/bin/ruby -w
require 'rss'
require 'net/http'
url = 'http://news.ycombinator.com/rss'
feed = Net::HTTP.get_response(URI.parse(url)).body
rss = RSS::Parser.parse(feed, false, true)
# Here I would make some changes to the RSS, but right now I'm not.
p rss.to_s
Returns expected output: XML text.
This fails:
#!/usr/bin/ruby -w
require 'rss'
require 'net/http'
url = 'http://feeds.feedburner.com/devourfeed'
feed = Net::HTTP.get_response(URI.parse(url)).body
rss = RSS::Parser.parse(feed, false, true)
# Here I would make some changes to the RSS, but right now I'm not.
p rss.to_s
Returns nothing (empty quotes).
And yet, if I change the last line to:
p rss
I can see that the object is filled with all of the feed data. It's the to_s method that fails.
How can I get some kind of error output to debug a problem like this?
From what I can tell, the problem isn't in to_s, it's in the parser itself. Stepping way into the parser.rb code showed nothing being returned, so to_s returning an empty string is valid.
I'd recommend looking at something like Feedzirra.
Also, as a FYI, take a look at Ruby's Open::URI module for easy retrieval of web assets, like feeds. Open-URI is simple but adequate for most tasks. Net::HTTP is lower level, which will require you to type a lot more code to replace the functionality of Open-URI.
I had the same problem, so I started debugging the code. I think the ruby rss has a few too many required elements. The channel need to have "title, link, description", if one is missing to_s will fail.
The second feed in the example above is missing the description, which will make the to_s fail...
I believe this is a bug, but I really don't understand the code and barely ruby so who knows. It would seem natural to me that to_s would try its best even if some elements are missing.
Either way
will "work"
The problem lies in def have_required_elements?
Or in the

How to tidy up malformed xml in ruby

I'm having issues tidying up malformed XML code I'm getting back from the SEC's edgar database.
For some reason they have horribly formed xml. Tags that contain any sort of string aren't closed and it can actually contain other xml or html documents inside other tags. Normally I'd had this off to Tidy but that isn't being maintained.
I've tried using Nokogiri::XML::SAX::Parser but that seems to choke because the tags aren't closed. It seems to work alright until it hits the first ending tag and then it doesn't fire off on any more of them. But it is spiting out the right characters.
class Filing < Nokogiri::XML::SAX::Document
def start_element name, attrs = []
puts "starting: #{name}"
def characters str
puts "chars: #{str}"
def end_element name
puts "ending: #{name}"
It seems like this would be the best option because I can simply have it ignore the other xml or html doc. Also it would make the most sense because some of these documents can get quite large so storing the whole dom in memory would probably not work.
Here are some example files: 1 2 3
I'm starting to think I'll just have to write my own custom parser
Nokogiri's normal DOM mode is able to automatically fix-up the XML so it is syntactically correct, or a reasonable facsimile of that. It sometimes gets confused and will shift closing tags around, but you can preprocess the file to give it a nudge in the right direction if need be.
I saved the XML #1 out to a document and loaded it:
require 'nokogiri'
doc = ''
File.open('./test.xml') do |fi|
doc = Nokogiri::XML(fi)
puts doc.to_xml
After parsing, you can check the Nokogiri::XML::Document instance's errors method to see what errors were generated, for perverse pleasure.
If using Nokogiri's DOM model isn't good enough, have you considered using XMLLint to preprocess and clean the data, emitting clean XML so the SAX will work? Its --recover option might be of use.
xmllint --recover test.xml
It will output errors on stderr, and the code on stdout, so you can pipe it easily to another file.
As for writing your own parser... why? You have other options available to you, and reinventing a nicely implemented wheel is not a good use of time.

Preserve key order loading YAML from a file in Ruby

I want to preserve the order of the keys in a YAML file loaded from disk, processed in some way and written back to disk.
Here is a basic example of loading YAML in Ruby (v1.8.7):
require 'yaml'
configuration = nil
File.open('configuration.yaml', 'r') do |file|
configuration = YAML::load(file)
# at this point configuration is a hash with keys in an undefined order
# process configuration in some way
File.open('output.yaml', 'w+') do |file|
YAML::dump(configuration, file)
Unfortunately, this will destroy the order of the keys in configuration.yaml once the hash is built. I cannot find a way of controlling what data structure is used by YAML::load(), e.g. alib's orderedmap.
I've had no luck searching the web for a solution.
Use Ruby 1.9.x. Previous version of Ruby do not preserve the order of Hash keys, but 1.9 does.
If you're stuck using 1.8.7 for whatever reason (like I am), I've resorted to using active_support/ordered_hash. I know activesupport seems like a big include, but they've refactored it in later versions to where you pretty much only require the part you need in the file and the rest gets left out. Just gem install activesupport, and include it as shown below. Also, in your YAML file, be sure to use an !!omap declaration (and an array of Hashes). Example time!
# config.yml #
months: !!omap
- january: enero
- february: febrero
- march: marzo
- april: abril
- may: mayo
Here's what the Ruby behind it looks like.
# loader.rb #
require 'yaml'
require 'active_support/ordered_hash'
# Load up the file into a Hash
config = File.open('config.yml','r') { |f| YAML::load f }
# So long as you specified an !!omap, this is actually a
# YAML::PrivateClass, an array of Hashes
puts config['months'].class
# Parse through its value attribute, stick results in an OrderedHash,
# and reassign it to our hash
ordered = ActiveSupport::OrderedHash.new
config['months'].value.each { |m| ordered[m.keys.first] = m.values.first }
config['months'] = ordered
I'm looking for a solution that allows me to recursively dig through a Hash loaded from a .yml file, look for those YAML::PrivateClass objects, and convert them into an ActiveSupport::OrderedHash. I may post a question on that.
Someone came up with the same issue. There is a gem ordered hash. Note that it is not a hash, it creates a subclass of hash. You might give it a try, but if you see a problem dealing with YAML, then you should consider upgrading to ruby1.9.
