Spring integration inbound jms adapter error-channel does not invoke - spring

The scenario is inbound jms adapter -> service activators (db search, business logic, inserts or updates)
<int-jms:message-driven-channel-adapter id="swiftAdapterInput" channel="mt950"
connection-factory="connectionFactory" destination-name="${integration.swift.jms.queue.from}" pub-sub-domain="false"
auto-startup="false" error-channel="errorChannel" transaction-manager="transactionManager" acknowledge="transacted" />
<int:service-activator input-channel="errorChannel" ref="errorHandler" />
<bean id="errorHandler" class="nest.integration.utils.error.ErrorHandler" />
<bean id="transactionManager" class="org.springframework.orm.jpa.JpaTransactionManager">
<property name="entityManagerFactory" ref="entityManagerFactory" />
When the exception was thrown during my servcie activators my errorHandler works fine but the exception was at the end(after commit), for example db unique constrat exception the message does not go to error-channel but rollbacked to jms queue only.
But I need my errorHander in this case also because I need to send email exception etc.
Tanks at advance
Best wishes, Tamas

I think your issue that you must rallback TX in your errorHandler, but don't commit.
That's why you get egyediségre vonatkozó megszorítás nem tel from DefaultMessageListenerContainer, because that DB error is caused on commit.
See here: Exceptions in Spring Integration: How to log but not intercept


Spring integration kafka outbound adapter error handle

How can I handle message failed to produce to kafka in spring integration?
I didn't see 'error-channel' is an option at 'int-kafka:outbound-channel-adapter', wondering where should I add the error-channel information so that my ErrorHandler can get "failed to produce to kafka" type of error.
(including all type of failure, configuration, network and etc)
Also, inputToKafka is queued channel, where should I add error-channel to handle potential queue full error?
<int:gateway id="myGateway"
<int:transformer id="transformer" input-channel="transformChannel" method="transform" output-channel="inputToKafka">
<bean class="Transformer"/>
<int-kafka:outbound-channel-adapter id="kafkaOutboundChannelAdapter"
<int:poller fixed-delay="200" time-unit="MILLISECONDS" receive-timeout="0"
<bean id="kafkaExecutor" class="org.springframework.scheduling.concurrent.ThreadPoolTaskExecutor">
<bean id="template" class="org.springframework.kafka.core.KafkaTemplate">
<bean class="org.springframework.kafka.core.DefaultKafkaProducerFactory">
<entry key="bootstrap.servers" value="localhost:9092" />
<int:service-activator input-channel='errorChannel' output-channel="replyChannel" method='process'>
<bean class="ErrorHandler"/>
<property name="producerListener">
<bean id="producerListener" class="org.springframework.kafka.support.ProducerListenerAdapter"/>
Any errors on the downstream flow will be sent to the error-channel on your gateway. However, since kafka is async by default, you won't get any errors that way. You can set sync=true on the outbound adapter and then an exception will be thrown if there's a problem.
Bear in mind, though, it will be much slower.
You can get async exceptions by adding a ProducerListener to your KafkaTemplate.

Solace JMS didn't run with parallel threads in Camel

In order to perform parallel processing of jms messages, I have configured the JmsComponent and connectionFactory as below.
After reading some posts and the official tutorial, seems that the below configuration should work for ActiveMQ. However, my testing shows that it doesn't work on Solace. Can someone give me a hint on this? Thanks.
// Route Definition - Camel Java DSL
<!-- JMS Config -->
<bean id="jms" class="org.apache.camel.component.jms.JmsComponent">
<property name="connectionFactory" ref="cachedConnectionFactory" />
<property name="acknowledgementModeName" value="AUTO_ACKNOWLEDGE" />
<property name="deliveryPersistent" value="false" />
<property name="asyncConsumer" value="true" />
<property name="concurrentConsumers" value="5" />
<!-- jndiTemplate is omitted here -->
<bean id="connectionFactory" class="org.springframework.jndi.JndiObjectFactoryBean">
<property name="jndiTemplate" ref="jndiTemplate" />
<property name="jndiName" value="ceConnectionFactory" />
<bean id="cachedConnectionFactory"
<property name="targetConnectionFactory" ref="connectionFactory" />
<property name="sessionCacheSize" value="30" />
I believe the problem here is that your consumer is bound to an exclusive queue, and only 1 consumer is allowed to process message. Binding to an non-exclusive queue should solve the problem.
Exclusive queues only allow the first consumer to consume from the queue.
All other consumers that are bound to the queue will not receive data. In the event that the first consumer disconnects, the next oldest consumer will begin receiving data. The other consumers can be thought of as being "standby" consumers that will take over the moment the first consumer disconnects.
Non-exclusive queues are used for load balancing. Messages that are spooled to the queue will be distributed to all consumers in a round-robin manner.
Are there any exception messages in the log?
Is the jndiName correct? Perhaps it should be jms/ceConnectionFactory?
Try to setup ActiveMQ first, and migrate the configuration to Solace.

Handle activemq-spring connection errors

I have configured (with spring) my application to listen to a jms que with activemq, and everything works fine.
My activemq server is installed on another server and sometime it can go offline and I would like to handle the connection error. Is that possible?
Here is my spring configuration
<amq:connectionFactory id="jmsFactory" brokerURL="tcp://xxx.xxx.xxx.xxx:61616" />
<bean id="messageConverter" class="com.unic.thesting.main.jms.message.TheStingMessageConverter" scope="tenant"/>
<jms:listener-container concurrency="10" connection-factory="thestingJmsFactory" destination-type="queue" message-converter="thestingMessageConverter">
<jms:listener destination="in" ref="orderStatusConsumer" method="consume"/>
<bean id="jmsTemplate" class="org.springframework.jms.core.JmsTemplate" scope="tenant">
<property name="messageConverter" ref="messageConverter" />
<property name="connectionFactory">
<bean class="org.springframework.jms.connection.SingleConnectionFactory" scope="tenant">
<property name="targetConnectionFactory">
<ref local="jmsFactory" />
The DefaultMessageListenerContainer which gets registered when you use ` handles recovering connections to the JMS provider if it gets dropped for any reason (it by default retries every 5 seconds until the connection is restored), so you don't have to do anything on the listener front.
On the sending side with jmsTemplate, you would receive a runtime org.springframework.jms.JmsException if there is any issues in sending a message. You should be able to catch it for any custom processing

Losing messages from a topic with DefaultMessageListenerContainer

I'm using a DefaultMessageListenerContainer to consume messages from a topic (Broker is ActiveMQ). Because the consumers are created at runtime i'm doing the following:
1) I have a Conainer Template configured in spring
<bean id="topiccontainertemplate" class="org.springframework.jms.listener.DefaultMessageListenerContainer" scope="prototype" destroy-method="stop">
<property name="connectionFactory" ref="connectionfactory" />
<property name="pubSubDomain" value="true" />
<property name="cacheLevelName" value="CACHE_CONSUMER" />
<property name="destinationName" value="default" />
2) When a new consumer is required i get a new one from the application conext and reconfigure the destinationName.
DefaultMessageListenerContainer container = context.getBean("topiccontainertemplate", DefaultMessageListenerContainer.class);
Unfortunately the container misses some messages on the topic.
Does anybody know what i'm doing wrong?
Your subscription does not look durable. If it was, messages would have been saved while your sub is offline/ starting up. Your subscriber will get msgs from the point it is started completly - msgs sent prior to that will be lost.
after some more tests we found a race condition during consumer creation. the messages weren't lost, they weren't distributed properly in our code.

Spring JMS not sending to queue in transaction

I am trying to use Spring to send a message to a queue. It works fine when I don't try to enable transaction handling. However, when I add transaction handling the message doesn't seem to send to the appropriate queue. All i add is a #Transactional attribute on the method and the following to the application context.
<bean id="transactionManager" class="org.springframework.jms.connection.JmsTransactionManager">
<property name="connectionFactory" ref="connectionFactory"/>
