Reduce snippet length in GSA results - google-search-appliance

I want to change the snippet(<S> in results xml) length , is it possible using front-end or some other way. Currently its returning long snippet, i want to reduce it as per new requirement. But this should not affect other collections and frontend in gsa, because GSA box is serving lots of websites.

Have you tried changing the res_snippet_size variable in the XSLT for your specific front-end?


How to comunicate available filter options to the frontend using Django REST framework / django filter?

We are running DRF in combination with django filter to narrow down list view results.
As filters and filter options are increasing, we would like the frontend to display only the available (the select-able) filter choices.
Simple example: There are a lot of products but none is green. The frontend should be able to disable/hide the checkbox for green by asking the DRF
More complex example: There are a lot of products and all of the red ones are small. If the user selected the red filter (e.g. frontend calls /products/?color=red) there is no need to bother the user with filters for medium and large.
Currently, we are about to create a custom implementation based on DRF's options method: That is manually checking for available filter choices depending on the current query set and returning this info as the "actions":{ "GET": {...}} dict using e.g. custom metadata.
We could also augment the GET response similar to the pagination API which already adds count, next and previous to the answer.
However, this seems to be a rather common use case (e.g. in online shops) and thus I was wondering if there is a django-filter/DRF-onic way (a best practice) or even a library for that.

How to reduce request body in Elasticsearch

Sometimes I'm facing too big Elasticsearch queries with duplicated parts with applying the same filtering structure into aggregations (for every aggregation field). Such queries are too massive for inspecting them. Is there any way to decrease request body size? A kind of aliases maybe, I need something like variables in YAML. Or maybe you could suggest something else. Thanks!
Please have a look on search templates. You'll be able to store query templates in the cluster, use variables and even build dynamic queries:
Using this feature will reduce your request body dramatically as you'll just refer a pre registered template, providing some parameters if needed.
Repeating blocks and conditional sections are possible using mustache templating language
Have fun!

MiniProfilerEF view results without RenderIncludes()

Is there another way to view the profiling results of MiniProfiler (I'm specifically interested in EF5 version)?
Every tutorial that I've seen uses MiniProfiler.RenderIncludes(); but since my MVC app mostly returns JSON, that is not an option for me.
Is there a way to write results to file or something like that?
You can read and write results to just about anywhere by changing the MiniProfiler.Settings.Storage to a different IStorage implementation from the default (which stores to http cache). If you wanted to, this could store to and read from a file pretty easily (you would have to write your own custom implementation for that).
The files served by RenderIncludes are the html templates for displaying the results and the script to retrieve the results from the server and render them on the client (all found here). But you are by no means obliged to use this mechanism. If you want to write your own logic for retrieving and displaying results, you should base this off of the logic found in MiniProfilerHandler.GetSingleProfilerResult. This function roughly performs the following (putting in the siginificant steps for your purposes):
Gets Id of next results to retrieve (through MiniProfiler.Settings.Storage.List())
Retrieves the actual results (MiniProfiler.Settings.Storage.Load(id))
Marks the results as viewed so that they wont be retrieved again (MiniProfiler.Settings.Storage.SetViewed(user, id))
Converts these to ResultsJson and returns it
With access to MiniProfiler.Settings.Storage, you should be able to retrieve, serve and consume the profile results in any way that you want. And if you are interested in using the RenderIncludes engine but want to mess around with the html/js being served, you can provide your own custom ui templates that will replace the default behavior.

Ajax results filtering and URL parameters

I am building a results filtering page using AJAX requests. I would like to reflect the filters in the URL. For example: for price_from I want to add ?price_from=VAL to the URL.
I have a backend that is capable of rendering the page with URL parameters.
After some googling I would a Backbone.router solution which has a hash fallback for the IE that does not support HTML5 history API.
I have a problem with setting a good philosophy of routes. I have a set of filtering parameters (price_from, price_to, color, ...) and I would like to attach each parameter to one route.
Is that possible to chain the routes to match for example: ?price_from=0&price_to=1&color=red? (the item order can change)
It means: call all the routes at the same time and keep the ie backwards compatibility?
Your best bet would be to have a query portion of the URL rather than using GET parameters to denote the search criteria. For example:
Push state: /search/query/price_from=0&price_to=1&color=red
Hash based: #search/query/price_from=0&price_to=1&color=red
Your backend would of course need to change a bit to be able to parse the new URL structure.

Web Programming with AJAX, Problem with caching (I think)

Web programmer here - using AJAX (HTML, CSS, JavaScript, AJAX, PHP, MySQL), but for some reason Internet Explorer is acting up (surprise surprise).
AJAX is updating query results on the HTML page, via a PHP script that queries a MySQL Database.
Everything is working fine, except when I use Internet Explorer 8.0 .
There are several php scripts, which allow for the data to be ordered according to certain criteria, and for testing purposes I have attached the mktime field (current time, in the format HH:MM:SS) to the beginning of the results for each query.
When I use IE, these times appear to remain constant, whereas with ALL other browsers these times are correct and display the current time.
I think the issue has something to do with caching or something along those lines anyway.
Any thoughts or suggestions welcome...
Here is an article on the caching issue.
If your request is a GET change it to a POST, this will prevent the results being cached.
GET requests are cached in IE; switch it to a POST request and it won't be cached anymore.
Instead of switching to POST, which can be ugly if you're not really using it to update or create content, you should append a random number to the query string, as in If this number is unique for every request you won't have caching problems.
What I have done is, I have kept the "GET" and added new dummy query parameter to the querystring as follows,
I set dummyParam a value of date object in the javascript so that every time the url is generated browser will treat it as a new url and fetch new (fresh) results.
var d = new Date();
url = url + '&dummyParam='+d.valueOf();
So instead of generating some random numbers this is easy way!
