File input does not post in ASP.NET Ajax.BeginForm. Why? - ajax

Let me first be clear about what I'm not asking. I can see that the native ASP.NET MVC Ajax.BeginForm does not handle posting files from within an AJAX form post. There are answers I've seen that seem to establish this fact, and to offer an assortment of workarounds via jQuery plugins, etc:
Ajax.BeginForm in MVC to upload files
File upload with ajax in mvc
I'm not asking whether it can't be done, and I'm not asking for a workaround. I'm hoping someone can explain why it can't be done.
How is the AJAX form post being handled in MVC such that file inputs do not post? I guess I had always assumed that it was being handled at a base level just like a full post, but with some javascript trimmings that prevented a full page reload. Apparently that's not the case. Is the form submitted via javascript something like jQuery's $('#form').submit()? What's happening under the covers?


MVC 4, Jquery Mobile, Ajax.BeginForm causing forms to submit twice

Does anyone know of any bugs or other insight to explain why when using MVC4 with jquery mobile, any form that is created using Ajax.BeginForm results in the form being submitted twice to the controller.
I had originally thought that since I am using the js bundling that the same js file might have been being included twice and might be triggering on form submit, however thats not the case, my list of js files are:
Within the project Ajax is fully enabled for everything i.e. i'm not disabling anything through mobileinit.
I have not posted any form code because it literally happens with every form - a form with one field and a submit button will cause the submission twice - but only where Ajax.BeginForm is being used.
Html.BeginForm doesn't exhibit any of these problems.
I've been stuck on this for a few days now so any help would be greatly appreciated
jQuery Mobile by default hi-jacks any form submission and performs its own AJAX request. To stop this behavior you can place the data-ajax="false" attribute on any <form> tag. Also make sure to stop the regular behavior of the form so it doesn't submit normally, something like:
$('#my-form').on('submit', false);
You could also just use the built-in jQuery Mobile AJAX rather than including extra JS for it. Which would only require you to make the action attributes of the forms to the server-side file to which they posts.

Unobtrusive Javascript Validation with MVC 3, is preventing me validating form manually

For 90% of my site the standard MVC annotation with client script method is working a treat. But I have a form on the site that is quite complicated with multiple instances of dynamic form content dependant on answers to questions etc.
If I have the unobtrusive script included on the page, it's capturing the form submit and not allowing my custom jquery validate to validate the form.
I don't really want to refactor the site to have a seperate layout to remove the script when it's not needed. I wondered if there was an easy way to give control back to my custom validate script.
Any help would be great.
In your view you can disable client side validation like this
Html.ViewContext.ClientValidationEnabled = false

Drupal 7 Ajax Forms

I am using Drupal 7, and I am building a web site, that has a contact form in the footer which should appear in every page. The requirements was to make this form work via Ajax, all examples I found on Internet was form that related to node.
So when I tried to apply the same concept, I faced the problem of rendering the form, so I have passed it to the template as a parameter like this:
$vars['node']->contactForm = drupal_get_form('nilecode_form');
When I render the form by using drupal_render_children($node->contactForm), all the fields were rendered but with no wrapping form tag.
So after frustration, and not very useful IRC chats, I am thinking to do it by using normal Ajax request.
Before doing so is there any solution, before doing it the bad way?
Take a look at my ajax form examples, the best way of achieving this is using a theme function for the form:
Theres an attachment in the post, so you can get the full code example.

is it possible to do partial postback on web?

I read some paragraphs in a book saying that it is not possible to do a partial postback for web, even AJAX is employed. Ajax will postback everything and update only ajaxfied controls.
However, on pages I made using ajax, I used Fiddler to monitor the transportation. I found when the page initial load, it loaded everything include pictures .... However, when I click a button and do a ajax postback. I can only see the some data were loaded.... Looks like it doesn't need to reload the whole page again.
I don't know if what I see is correct? Or the book I read is correct?
Thank you guys.
That depends what you put in the term "postback".
The AJAX call will send the complete form data back to the server, just as if the form was posted normally. The server will answer with a partial response that only contains the parts of the page that should be updated.
So, the request is not partial, but the response is.
I am not sure how you are posting back from the client side. I am guessing you are using UpdatePanels. How well you 'AJAX-ify' a web page depends on what method you employ.
UpdatePanels - Read Dave Ward's posting on them -
PageMethods to post back to a web service, get the data and update the DOM to display the result
JQuery and other such AJAX frameworks to post back to a web service
I am sure the link above should clear things up a bit
I'm having a hard time understanding your terminology. I'm not really sure what a "postback" is, much less a "partial" one. I do know that one of the basic ways to transmit information to an HTTP server is via a POST request, which is usually used when submitting forms. If you mean to say that the entire form is transmitted when you click a submit button, I believe you'd be right.
You also seem to be doing something with AJAX, but it's difficult to tell. The whole point of AJAX is to have dynamic data displayed on a page without resorting to reloading it. Defining what to send and what to do with the results is entirely up to your own JavaScript. So unless you're using a framework, which you don't specify, there is no such thing as "ajaxified controls."
In any case, "AJAX" usually means using the XMLHttpRequest() method of modern browsers to send data to servers without refreshing the page. When you call this function, you specify exactly what data to send. This has nothing to do with HTML forms. One caveat: if you are indeed using a library for AJAX, it might impose additional limits on how you structure information to send.

Live Search using ASP.NET MVC and AJAX

I am looking to implement a live search in my MVC app similar to this site when you type in a question and results come up that are similar or like the search on
I have the search code all working and results updated. I just need to know how to add the AJAX to the MVC framework (I know this site was built using it) so that when I type the results are updated.
I had this all working in normal ASP.NET Forms app.
what you need to do it attach to Jquery onchage event handler, and then call some ajax method of jquery ($.load , $.ajax etc...) and the information from a specified controller. mvc controller can return json results so you can later manipulate it in your javascript code.
if you have any other questions go ahead and ask.
An ASP.NET MVC site will have AJAX and JQuery available by default.
Mike Bosch's Blog can give you some pointers on this
