How to get breadcrumbs working on multi-lingual Joomla 3? - joomla

I have two menus: English and Swedish. When I set English homepage to language All then the Language Switcher module is not displaying UK flag, only Swedish appears. In this case breadcrumbs works.
If I set English homepage to language English (UK) then Language Switcher module shows both flags BUT breadcrumbs is not working correctly? How to fix it?

In order to make a joomla multilingual site work properly you have to set up 3 menus with one default homepage to each.
The first one will be language independent (homepage language "All").
The second menu will be for first language (homepage language "English").
The third one for second language (homepage language "Swedish").
The default language would be set from Extensions -> Language Manager


Joomla 3.6 - Additional languages not showing in language switcher when logged off

I have a webpage with 3 languages.
The multi languages status shows all is fine.
When I am logged into the front end as superuser the language switcher works like a charm.
But when I log off and visit the page as public, the language switcher works only in a menue where I have a JSN UniForm for all languages if I unpublish it, the language switcher does not work either.
But I cannot see a difference in the settings.
I can access the correct language by changing the url to the specific language and the correct pages are displayed.
We are using Joomla 3.6.4, and the template JSN Air Pro.
I realized I did not describe the problem correctly:
When I am on the English page the language switcher is shown, but it does not show the other languages. So ti is not possible to change the language via the language switcher.
All three languages are installed and published.
Do you have any suggestions what setting I need to change?
Go to your module (Language Switcher) set Access -> public, now you can see module in front end as a public.

Joomla Multilanguage

I created a website in Joomla 3.4, but the Multilanguage feature is just not working for me. I have followed the steps here:
I do not see the flags for my FaLang module and now I have an error about my menu. (my site is
The Spanish site should be at but this does not load the website. Instead shows me the root directory.
Any advice will be greatly appreciated!
You might want to give our component a try Neno Translate it has a bunch of features in addition to Falang.
To make it work you have to be very meticulous. The ostraining link tells you how to work with third parties module/compontents. But you can achieve a multi-language website in Joomla with no extra help.
Install the language packages you need
Activate the related language plugins if need be
Create a "main menu" (for example choose the type blog)per language where you set at list one item which is the home page of your website. Select the language of that item in the language dropdown
now you can create content, but set every time the language of the post.
Joomla has a build in language switcher module that you can use. set it. Now if you select a language, only the post of that language will show up in your home page. you will need to set a main menu module per language published in the same position as well.

Issue with magento udropship & languages / storeviews

So my problem regarding MAGENTO languages and view stores.
I have a website with one language Spanish. I got an extention installed for Vendors which can come and add products and so. My issue is, that I want my vendors portal to be in English and the vendor portal is take the language from the default store in my system which is Spanish.
I added another store ENGLISH one, but when I change my default store to the english on I get my main website in English.
Im strugeling with it, I dont know how do fix that issue. I was thinking maybe I can somehow change the language in the vendors portal specificly from code? Or maybe you got other solution.
my extention is Udropship for refrences.
You can try to set English as default language and Spanish as language for your default website/storeview. Go to System/Configuration. Look into the top left corner, thre is select where you can switch config scope. If you set this so then admin panel will be displayed in English whilst frontend will be still displayed in Spanish.

Language switcher in joomla 3 not showing flags

I'm trying to make the language switcher to work, I have already made all menus for each language I was gonna use, but when I enable this module, It just shows me the name of the module(when I put it to show), not the flags. What should i do?
I lost a full day of my life with this topic.
The issue was that language tag was badly setup in System -> Language Manager -> Content
For example for French I had fr when it should have been fr-FR
After that I had to rebuild/redo all the Language assignments for French on Pages, categories, menus, template.
The flag finally showed up...
It's an old question but, telling from the comments, a recurring problem. Seems like there can be multiple root causes. One thing to check is also that you have marked the default menu item for each language. If not, the corresponding language does not show in the language switcher.
Found that You need to set a default homepage that can be in hidden menu (and redirect from later) to Language "All"
But then also go to each menu and make the page 1 language and also Homepage.
So for me I have now 3 language homepages menu items. All, En, De
How did I discover this:
I needed to turn on a module in the Admin:
Language Status Administrator Module
This makes a small button bottom left in the Admin, and modal points out 3 different topic per language installed, told me I had not any homepages, and so would get no flags. (Thanks to Per on Joomla forum answer from 2016)
Happy fixing.
you need to set up the languages in the Language Manager? under extensions..
and make sure you published the "System - Language Filter" plugin.
Plugins -> System - Language Filter -> Automatic Language Change -> No
This will prevent automatic language changin which is often reason for this

how set one language by default in joomla

I use Joomla 1.5.24 Stable, to translate the site using JoomFish 2.2.3 released
In content Languages in joomfish language manager I have 3 language, en, ru and ro, by default is set ro, active is all.
How to set default display language for the site in joomla regardless of browser language?
Go to administrtor -> Select Extensions → Language Manager from the
drop-down menu on the back-end of your Joomla! installation or click
the icon Language in the control center.
