Database Project; Add object to schema - visual-studio-2013

I'm creating a database project is VS2013. I am manually building up the database as and when the objects are required (it's basically a gradual copy from an existing database). I have done imports to a database project from an actual database and I'm trying to follow the same project structure (i.e. [Schema Name Folder] > [Tables Folder] > [Actual Table Script File]).
The issue I am having is that when I add a new table, regardless of where in the project tree, it will use the default dbo schema and the only way I can change the schema of a given object is to change the T-SQL of the table's script file which is a slow and error-prone solution. This is even worse if you include the 'Include schema name in file name' option in the database properties as you would have to rename each object you create.
I must be missing something here, is there a way to create an object in a specific schema?


Deploying solution from Dev to Production fails because column with same schema name data type was changed. Object dependencies won't get deleted

So the column in question was a lookup column, which i deleted in the unmanaged solution, and mistakenly created a new column with the same name. Dynamics by default will use the same auto-generated schema name based on the display name. So when I go to import the unmanaged solution in my dev environment into the production environment as managed, obviously it throws an error because of the mismatched of data types per column schema name.
Error returned by Azure Pipeline
So I did the sensible next thing, and went to delete this column in my dev environment. But oh no! There are object dependencies which prevent me from deleting it, okay I look at which objects depend on this column, it is a form, i remove the column from the form, go to delete and oh no again! There is still a dependency on the form I just deleted the column from.
So what do I do? I can't change the column schema name, I can't change the data type back to the data type that's currently in the managed solution. Is this when I open up a microsoft support ticket? Hopefully someone here has some insight. Thanks!
The attribute can be associated with a custom control. Try removing this custom control using the classic form designer. It should be visible on one of the field property tabs.
If the attribute cannot be found anywhere on the form using the classic or modern form designer, try this:
Create a solution with this form only. Export the solution as unmanaged. Extract the customization.xml from the zip. Edit the xml and remove all references to your attribute. Paste the customization.xml into the zip and import and publish the solution.
The only way to delete a managed component is to upgrade the solution. In your case, you can delete the field and dependency in solution and apply the upgrade to target environment. Please noticed that all data in this field would get deleted when you apply the upgrade. You may check this link for more detail

Is there a right way to add an existing SQLite database to a Xamarin project?

Every example I've found creates the database for you and then has you create tables and populate them in code. My problem, though, is that I would like to create and populate the database elsewhere (SQLiteStudio) and then include it in my app.
I sense (through the general feel of ...whatever I've been looking at. We'll call it documentation) that you are supposed to copy the database to the Environment.SpecialFolder.Personal directory. So my workflow is to include the database as a resource and then copy it to the Environment.SpecialFolder.Personal directory. Is that right? Has anyone written any of this down succinctly and authoritatively (as opposed to loose collections of articles)?
I'd prefer not to have two copies of the same database but if that's what everyone else is doing then ...okay.
I have not been able to find an answer on any of the following web pages.
Since you tagged pcl, have you tried treating this as an embedded resource? You pretty much just make a folder, drop in the database, and set the build action as an embedded resource. You can access the file through your SQLite library by linking up to the path of where the database is.

MVC3 EDMmetadata table not found

I am new in MVC3 i am going to create a MVC3 test project where i am create model class name WhiteAccount with ID,Name,Email,Password property. and successfully create a DB but when i add another new property in that WhiteAccount model class and in my DB table too but it give me some error. Some people say just delete the EDMmetadata table from your DB, But Here is the problem i have no EDMmetadata table in my DB ! I create my DB by EntityFramework v4.3.1 system automatically (CodeFirst). What should i do now ?
Check for the __MigrationHistory table.
Open the nuget package manager console and run
update-database -script
It will likely give you a message about having to enable it first, follow those directions
Run: Enable-Migrations
some more info on migrations
Im gathering this table is there in your db (under system tables) and it contains your model information. Since your project changed you need to tell the migrations about the new field or delete the table (__MigrationsHistory)

InnerException {"Invalid object name 'dbo.Users'"}

I am currently trying to setup an ASP.Net MVC 3 Application for the first time. I know what I am doing with Ruby on Rails but completely lost with ASP.Net. I would like the app to create the database but not sure what I am doing wrong. I have an empty Database build called ssDB. I have setup the connectionStrings and built out the Model classes. According to everything I have read thus for, when I go to the run the App it should create the database but it doesn't look that way.
The Abbreviated Error I get is:
InnerException: System.Data.SqlClient.SqlException
Message=Invalid object name 'dbo.Users'.
Source=.Net SqlClient Data Provider
I have an empty Database build called ssDB
You have created an empty database with no tables. Since there is a database EF assumes tables are also created. Hence it will not proceed to create the tables.
You can drop the database and allow EF to create the database and the tables.
I also experienced the same issue while using Database first approach. Connection string in my service's/service's host web.config was incorrect. I corrected the connection string and it worked.

Remove schema from linq datacontexts (dbml)

When I add stored procedures to a linq datacontext, by default visual studio prefixes the stored procedure with the sql schema that it is in. Is there any way to stop this? In our environment, the stored procedures may be moved to other schemas over time, and we will default the schema based on the sql user used to connect. Do I have to do this manually or can I somehow turn off the schema prefixes?
There doesn't appear to be any means of removing the schema from LINQ-to-SQL mapped stored procedures using the designer. All procs are mapped including their schema name, which (to be fair) is probably a good thing for most applications. And as with most things LINQ-to-SQL, change your database at your own peril. Too many database changes required LINQ-to-SQL dbml updates & rebuilds.
Digging deeper, the schema name is stored in the backing dbml XML file, and is then included in the generated designer.cs file which contains the functions / methods which are called.
// dbml
<Function Name="dbo.MyProc" Method="MyProc">
// designer.cs
public int MyProc()
If you manually edit the dbml XML file to remove the schema & save within Visual Studio, the code will be regenerated like this:
// changed dbml - removed the dbo schema
<Function Name="MyProc" Method="MyProc">
// the resultant generated code in designer.cs
public int MyProc()
Which worked for my account, logging in with dbo as default schema. I'll leave the testing up to you.
This might be a workable solution - the visual designer still works like this, other items can be added etc without breaking the schema-less function, and the function itself doesn't cause the designer to complain. Best of luck!
