Is it possible to filter statements by Team in Tin Can? - tin-can-api

I'm recording statements to the LRS and in each of those statements I always set the "Team" property.
I know I'm able to filter those statements by verb, activity and many other parameters as described here.
However, I can't find a way to filter statements by Team (which is a property of Context).
Is it possible?

I think the best you can do is to use identified groups (a group with an IFI) as the value of the "team" property and then request statements using the "related_agents" query parameter. Note that this will include statements where that identified group is also the "actor" or in any of the other positions accepting a Group/Agent object, so you'll still have to post process them. As far as I know there is no way to request based on an unidentified group since they aren't considered the same group across requests.
There is no way to specifically request only statements based solely on the "" property.

I am assuming that you have added team property to context.extension property. You should not add properties that are not allowed, otherwise, you might have issues in future.
Regarding querying by team or any other extension property, it cannot be done as per standard xAPI Spec. However, your LRS could allow you to do that. e.g. You can get an LRS like GrassBlade LRS or Learning Locker and get it customised to add more filtering options.


How can I use a single url parameter for multiple queries in google data studio?

I'm using Google Data Studio to visualize results from various queries (from different tables within the same BigQuery-database).
For this reason, I created and use multiple data-sources-connectors. Each one of them has a SQL query included and makes use of an defined input parameter (which can be changed by report editors) - called "userid". It is the same id for all queries and resulting charts.
However, when I click "Manage URL parameters", I'm not allowed to use the same URL parameter for more than one data source (instead they are called ds0, ds1, ds2 etc - although they all end up being used as "userid").
If I add a data source under File - Report Settings, a new field "userid" appears, which I can alter - this will update ALL charts in the report with the very same userid (as expected). This works, but I do want to make use of an url which delivers an report with all updated queries depending on ONE userid.
Therefore, I guess I'm overseeing something - it should be possible to just use one query parameter to update the same "userid" for all queries in all data connectors? Or have I overlooked the possibility to fire multiple queries within one data source connector? Or is it expected to create a looong url full of redundant query parameters in this case?
I'm curious for your input!
Best regards :)
There does not seem to be any good solution for this.
For now the best workaround seems to be to just repeat the parameter multiple times -- it's ugly but it works. For example, use the URL parameter mapping screen to call the parameter u1, u2, etc., and then just pass all of them:
(URL encoded of course)
The ugliness is mostly for us developers: it violates our sense of DRY and clean code, and makes the URL much longer than it needs to be. However, most people don't care or know about the URL parameters so its irrelevant to them.
The bigger downside is that when the URL is distributed to clients (bookmarks, mobile apps), every time new data sources are added that require the same URL parameters, a new URL has to be distributed to clients for no good reason. A workaround for this is to build the URL dynamically via a simple redirector function.
This issue is a feature request to implement this capability.
If you group the elements that you want to control with the same parameter (select and then shift G) then it will give you options to select the data source and the params box to apply to the group.

Conditional object ACL

New to Parse, coming from Google Firebase, I am not able to completely wrap my head around the security aspect of the platform, let alone write some code. From Firebase, I'm used to writing security rules, by defining conditions that need to be met for certain actions to be allowed (such as: allow write if owner field of post is equal to the current users uid).
So how would I solve following problem? I have an object Post containing properties title, content, owner, public.
Allow reading under following conditions:
if public == true
or currentUser matches field owner
Allow writing if currentUser matches field owner.
Is there a way to implement this? I have found a solution to restrict writing using Cloud Functions, although I am certain there must be a better way.
Thanks in advance!

XAPI: how to query for a Team (aka tin can api, experience api) [duplicate]

I'm recording statements to the LRS and in each of those statements I always set the "Team" property.
I know I'm able to filter those statements by verb, activity and many other parameters as described here.
However, I can't find a way to filter statements by Team (which is a property of Context).
Is it possible?
I think the best you can do is to use identified groups (a group with an IFI) as the value of the "team" property and then request statements using the "related_agents" query parameter. Note that this will include statements where that identified group is also the "actor" or in any of the other positions accepting a Group/Agent object, so you'll still have to post process them. As far as I know there is no way to request based on an unidentified group since they aren't considered the same group across requests.
There is no way to specifically request only statements based solely on the "" property.
I am assuming that you have added team property to context.extension property. You should not add properties that are not allowed, otherwise, you might have issues in future.
Regarding querying by team or any other extension property, it cannot be done as per standard xAPI Spec. However, your LRS could allow you to do that. e.g. You can get an LRS like GrassBlade LRS or Learning Locker and get it customised to add more filtering options.

Is there a way to search for transactions by custom field?

I store specific custom field for each transaction. I'd like to conduct a search by this field. I wouldn't like to retrieve too many transactions (can filter by payment method id, but still) and iterate through them on application side. So, I read a documentation, didn't find an ability to search by custom field (only by predefined). I didn't try it out, but probably it's possibly to do so by following the same pattern like
var stream = (search) {
// or search.customFields.myCustomField().is("custom_field_value");
Thanks in advance
I work as a developer for Braintree. Searching on custom fields is not supported at this time. You can see all of the searchable transaction attributes listed here.
If you would like to discuss alternatives, I recommend emailing our support team at to see if there is another method to achieve what you are trying to do.

Filter the form choices visible in the browseable API

I am using a filter to apply object level permissions to a collection. Resources in a second collection have a many-to-many relationship with the first. On the browsable API, when creating resources in the second collection, the user is presented with a list of resources from the first to link it to. However, this list is not filtered, so the user can see values that they should not be able to see.
I've poked around the documentation and source a bit and I cannot see a way to add filtering to the queryset that generates the choices without overloading or modifying a bunch of code to pass the request data down (probably removing some of the collection specific data on the way) and then apply the filters.
Is there a better way to achieve this?
Currently there's nothing to support this out of the box. Pull requests are always welcome. If it's something you want to work on you may want to either open a ticket on GitHub or hit up the mailing list to discuss it first.
