Can I remove an unmapped status with issues in Jira? - project-management

I have a custom workflow in Jira. I deleted a status with issues, so now it has gone to unmapped status "Statuses containing issues." When I opened the project's workflow, the deleted status was still there because I think it had an issue. I do not know that issues.
I can not delete the status from unmapped status because it has issues. I tried to change the workflow, but it asked me to assign deleted statues to a new status.
The thing is, I have over 200 bugs that I do not need to track. So adding a current status and then deleting issues step by step is impossible.

You need to have a work round in place by creating mapping called 'shredder' and perform a bulk-update to map them here. The you can delete them all.


After updating to cypress 12.0.0, my test is throwing an error in the cypress-if package

After updating to cypress 12.0.0, I get the following error, how can I fix it?
Cypress has split commands that return elements into a "queries" category and internally implemented them differently.
This was partly to handle "detached from DOM" errors better and more automatically.
The official word is the Cypress.Commands.overwrite() function was left out of the new query API due to the complexity, but they will consider adding it (back?) in if there are enough use-cases presented.
Therefore, you should contribute your use-case to the issue here if you wish to continue using cypress-if and also keep up-to-date with Cypress versions.
Note, you can still add new commands to Cypress, and you can still overwrite some commands just not cy.get(), cy.find(), and cy.contains().
Overwriting commands in v12.0.0 can't be done right now. Here is the github issue.

What happens when a previously "FETCHED" url is removed on the web server side and StormCrawler goes to it again?

We have lots of sites being updated, added, and deleted. I'm curious as to how Stormcrawler handles a site with a url that has been previously "FETCHED", when the next time SC reaches it it has been removed and either generates a redirect or a 404. What happens to the content that is from the old version of the page, in the "Index" index?
I know the url in the "Status" index probably changes to "REDIRECTION" or "FETCH ERROR" or something, but what about the content itself? Is it deleted? Is it left? I am trying to figure out how SC reacts here and if I have to work at cleaning up these orphaned docs in the "Index" index.
I would expect SC to delete the content if it's no longer there, but I thought I would ask to be sure.
As you pointed out, a missing URL will get a FETCH_ERROR status, which after being retried a number of times (param max.fetch.errors - default 3) will turn into an ERROR status.
The content will be deleted if you connect a DeletionBolt to the status updater, see example topology.

After upgrade from Dynamics CRM 2011 to CRm 2016 experiencing weird issue with forms and plugins

Client company just upgraded to 2016 from 2011. I've been testing the plugins to make sure they all still function and I've finally (after much frustration) figured out what is happening, but no idea why or how to resolve this.
I have several plugins and they all function exactly as expected - as long as the updates to the data are not run through the forms.
Let me explain:
I have plugins (Synchronous) that trigger on a change to a field. If the field is changed via a workflow, or some other coded process, everything runs just fine.
But when I update the field on the form it's self. It fails with a very generic error (below).
I support a couple of other clients already on 2016, and I'm not experiencing this same problem. So I'm not even sure where to begin. I've been going crazy here the last couple of days to check the code. But it only happens when updating the field on the form. Every other method of updating the data that I have tested works with no errors.
I also have another issue. When the field is updated (through a test workflow), it runs and updates a child record. The child record then has a workflow that runs to deactivate the record. The workflow says it ran and deactivated the record, but it never deactivates).
Anyway. if ANYONE has ANY idea at all about what could be causing this. I would love to hear it. I'm at my wits end on this.
Thank you in advance.
I've tested the code and had it run successfully, as long as I don't update the field through the form. To test this I created some test workflows that update the data, they successfully run and the plugins fire off with no problems.
EntityReference contact =
QueryExpression cn = new QueryExpression("ipmahr_recertification");
cn.ColumnSet = new ColumnSet("ipmahr_contact", "statecode");
cn.Criteria.AddCondition("ipmahr_contact", ConditionOperator.Equal,
cn.Criteria.AddCondition("statecode", ConditionOperator.Equal, 0);
EntityCollection results1 = server.RetrieveMultiple(cn);
if (results1.Entities.Count > 0)
foreach (Entity a in results1.Entities)
a.Attributes["ipmahr_deactivaterecertificationrecord"] = true;
The code is pretty straightforward in most cases, and works fine as long as things aren't updated on the form.
Here is the error: Exception: System.ServiceModel.FaultException`1[Microsoft.Xrm.Sdk.OrganizationServiceFault]: System.ServiceModel.CommunicationObjectFaultedException: #595EB751 (Fault Detail is equal to Microsoft.Xrm.Sdk.OrganizationServiceFault)., Correlation Id: fd1a79ca-c846-407b-b578-ac9207d6dd0e, Initiating User: 274d55dc-3f4d-e811-b30f-0050569142af Exiting Recertifications.Main.DeactivateUsedRecertificationsonEndDateChange.Execute(), Correlation Id: fd1a79ca-c846-407b-b578-ac9207d6dd0e, Initiating User: 274d55dc-3f4d-e811-b30f-0050569142af
New information. I have found that not all the plugins I've written have an issue on this server. This is good. But I also found that there is a commonality on those plugins that do fail.
Any plugin using a Query Expression fails with the generic error. Adding robust error checking didn't show anything (once error checking was added, it just didn't run anything, and didn't produce any errors in the logs). Trace logs didn't show anything significant either.
So now I'm wondering if there is something in the way the Query Expression is formatted, or if there is an issue with the SQL. I mention SQL because I found this morning that if I create fields too fast, I get a generic SQL error. Wait a minute and I can create new fields without a problem.
I think it likely that this plugin is not actually failing based on the error you are receiving and the fact that it happens conditionally. More likely, your server.Update(a); call is resulting in a failure within a secondary plugin or workflow action triggered by update of the Recertification record.
- Comment out that line and verify that the plugin works
- See if you can reproduce a failure by directly updating that field on the Recertification record
- Review plugin/workflows running against the Recertification entity
Most likely this has one of the following root causes:
- A security issue based on different executing users between the form update or workflow update
- Other tangential fields are being updated by one or the other of those two methods which subsequently cause different behavior in a secondary plugin/workflow

Cannot re-create app due to error "This Firebase URL is not available"

I decided to try out Firebase hosting and wanted to start fresh so I deleted my one and only app, but when I tried to create a new app with the same name I was unable to due to the error:
"This Firebase URL is not available"
I can only guess this is because of caching of app names/URLs? Hopefully it will become available (unless someone else beats me to it) after some timeout? Any info from others who have experience with this issue or otherwise know the answer is appreciated!
Not sure whether this is the right place to ask although Firebase suggest coming to SO because they apparently monitor Firebase-related questions closely according to their website.
Once you delete a Firebase URL, it is permanently unavailable. It cannot be recovered.
During confirmation, you should see a message like this, which explains in detail:
This stems from a number of abuse vectors that are possible by misappropriating a project id that the prior owner believes is deleted and could still have apps/releases in the wild attached to the defunct backend. Since compliance requires that we purge all data related to the project, including information about ownership, there's not even a way to restore one you personally deleted.

I can't enable or disable modules. I'm getting "An error occurred while saving this configuration"

I have a new fairly fresh install of Magento I installed two custom payment method modules that are working fine. But now whenever I try to disable or enable any Payment Method or Shipping Method it gives me an error like this:
An error occurred while saving this configuration: Warning:
preg_match() expects parameter 2 to be string, array given in
on line 57
Do you have any idea why?
I found the problem. It was caused by a patch I applied to fix to a previous BUG. :P
So I disabled all custom modules and I was still getting the same error. I logged what was happening and it seems that some core modules are sending an array to be saved.
Like PayPal Express Checkout for instance. One of the config options is the Time of Day in the SFTP credentials for Settlement Report Settings. It's composed by three different drop-downs and it's sending an array to be saved!
In the Shipping Methods, UPS has a config options called Allowed Methods, and it's also sending an array!
I still don't know why it wasn't happening before and now it is. They shouldn't be encrypting everything. Any clues?
I had the same issue, its a known bug, try this around line no. 135 on code/core/mage/Adminhtml/model/config/data.php
// add this code
if (isset($fieldConfig->backend_model)) {
$backendClass = $fieldConfig->backend_model;
} // before this
if (!$backendClass) {
$backendClass = 'core/config_data';
This actually is a reported bug in Magento that seems to affect encrypted config settings (passwords, API keys, etc.).
Try disabling the first of the modules, log out of the admin panel, clear /var/cache and see if the problem still exists. If it does, do the same with the second module.
The problem should be gone. Now that you know which module causes the problems you can either decide to try another module instead or debug to see whats going wrong.
Put a breakpoint on line 57 in /app/code/core/Mage/Adminhtml/Model/System/Config/Backend/Encrypted.php to see what goes wrong. It seems that the second parameter is not a string (might be null for example due to wrong configuration or something) when its given to the preg_match function. Maybe this helps you to identify the problem.
Disabling modules through the back office isn't a good idea as it only disables the block output, if you would like to disable a module you should go to app/etc/modulesand there you should find Module_Name.xmlfile - in this file just put false in active node.
