Import .csv into Magento Can not find required columns: sku - magento

We have been programming an application for the next two weeks to make a valid csv file to import to Magento.
But, we have a problem with importing in general, as we get the error that Magento can't find the required columns: sku. I've been looking through a lot of forums.
I have seen it could be the visibility but we have that in our csv. I will give you an example of how our csv looks like:
MRM-01855,AA FUSION AUDIO 3.5mm to 3.5mm Jack kabel 1 meter wit,5060166512163,Advanced Accessories,3.18,,2,6,Nintendo/Nintendo bundels,1,1,Boomsjors,simple,4,PC kabels,Green,,,,Universal,1.8 Meter,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,120w,,,,,
We also had the problem that the description contains a comma and then messes up our csv.
If you need any more information, let me know!

Please make sure you are using the utf-8 encoded file format for your .csv file. This error occurs mostly with wrong formated file content.
To make it correct please open your .csv file in editor and go to 'Save As'-> Select File Type as 'MSDOS CSV(.csv)' and save.
Hope this will help...


CSV file from Numbers on macOS Not Working on Google Colab

from google.colab import files
file = files.upload()
df = pd.read_csv('Book 1.xlsx')
When I run this I get a key error for id, which is the first header name in my dataset.
I created this file in numbers by copy pasting text in csv format to a blank numbers spreadsheet and exporting as a csv file. I have "use header names as labels" on in preferences. I have recently gotten my MacBook so there may be some small detail I am overlooking. I have also tried removing footer rows but it isn't working. Please help.
Do you have the head as example because now we are just guessing. And also you are loading a .xlsx file with pd.read_csv while you have the pd.read_excel function in pandas. Maybe that helps?
Also Mohana's answer is worth trying. You are looking on a string and it can be different than you think.

What is the required file format for Google AutoML Datasets?

Whenever I try to upload my dataset to the AutoML Natural Language Web UI, I get the error
Something is wrong, please try again.
The documentation is not very insightful about how my CSV file is supposed to look, but I tried to make a simple sample file just to make sure it works at all, it looks like this:
I chose this formatting according to the Google suggested Syntax
But even with this formatting I still get the same error
I've seen this question Format of the input dataset for Google AutoML Natural Language multi-label text classification but according to the answers there it seems my formatting should work, so I do not know why I get the error
I've just copied the CSV file and uploaded it to my own project and the dataset created worked. One problem is that an extra label was created "label" - this is because the header is not expected to be in the csv file (probably this should get fixed).
Based on that it seems the problem isn't the CSV file format. I would recommend to check if your project is setup correctly. You can open a bug to get someones help. Either you can open a bug in public issue tracker or send feedback using the UI (there is 'Feedback' option in the menu on top right side of the page).
I have found the problem! As Michal K said, there was nothing wrong with the formatting, the real problem was I was not assigned the role of Storage Object Creator, which is necessary because the Data is uploaded in Cloud Storage first

Spreedsheet ':number_format' is woking in 'open office' but not in 'Excel'

#currency_format = :number_format => '#,###'
I am using this #currency_format wherever needed in ruby code. After generating .xls file, #currency_format is applied if I open file in 'open office', but not working if I open same file in Excel.
Any help please?
If you don't have complex data (like math of excel formulas), you can use plain .csv and that might solve your problem.
In the case when that is not an option, can you please expand on your question.
Show us some sample data, and outputs, and show us the Format class and an usage of that.

automatic copy paste from Browser to Microsoft Word

I want to copy some specific texts from internet browser(chrome) and want to paste them in proper fields of Microsoft word.. Let me explain what I want exactly... I have this kind of page structure in chrome-
I have a table in MS word as-
Sl. Phone. Name. Salary.
Can I make a auto copy paste program to make my table-
Sl. Phone. Name. Salary
1. 987535747. Deepak. 200
2. .......
Like this? Suggest me the best suitable platform to compile this.. Its best for me, if a bat file can do the job.. I know bit odd question.. And I should not ask the entire program,rather a section of it..Bt still....... actually I don't know from where to start..
Rather than use a wget which will only retrieve the document, what you want is a way of parsing the results of the web content and writing into an output file.
After searching the web, I could only come across
lynx which
is a text based browser and you can parse the -dump parameter to
output the text into file which you can then write a script to do
the final bit.
Also take a look at this
for more info on switches you can use most especially if the desired
text has links in it (-nolist)
elinks which is an advanced text based browser

Is there a part of a windows file that can't be modified?

I'm trying to accomplish something that will let a user download a file from a web application onto their system. The file will contain a unique five digit code. Using this unique five digit code the users can search for a file in their file system.
I'm wondering where is the best place to put this five digit code in a file so that users can easily search for the file. The simplest approach would be to put it in the name of the file, however, users can change the name of the file easily.
I'm looking for a filed where I can put the code so that users won't be able to modify it but will still be able to search for it. Is this possible?
If you say File.. what kind of file format do you mean. I'm asking because a file is just a pile of bytes and you can append your 5 digit code every where in the file, if it is your own file format. But if you tell us which file format you use, probably there are some fields which can be used to search for it. As example Tiff has many tags. Images have other meta data. etc
