Where is the login code in joomla 3 - joomla

i am new to the joomla. I want to add webservice call after login, but i didn't get where the login code is or how can i add webservice call(Using username and password) after successful login.

in joomla we do not usually alter core code.
You can do what you need, in the case you describe, by creating a plugin.
Here is the event that you need to create the plugin for:
For information on how to develop plugins:
It is rather easy if you are familiar with php.


How to do custom password restore in joomla?

I rewrote Joomla authorization using a plugin with onUserAuthenticate method to use custom service. Now i need to add custom password restore like question/answer (they already exists in db). Is there any event to fire on password reset or may be some other thing which could replace default password restore via email ?
You haven't specified a Joomla version so I'll base my answer on the current 3.x series.
Joomla's authentication works via the plug-in's as you already know, but the front-end login is handled through a combination of the component com_users and module mod_login.
On the back-end there is also com_login, all of which work with the JAuthentication.
To work in conjunction with your restore you will need to create a component (e.g. com_myauthenticator) to present the front-end views. You may be able to do it in a module but apart from space considerations a Joomla component allows you to do much more without jumping through hoops.
The starting point tutorial for Joomla 3 components is here and you can find more in the Developers Portal.

Magento Customer Wizard Registration

I'm trying to create a simple registration for the magento visitors using custom steps. I need to create a wizard that helps the users to follow a path previously set in the administration panel.
At the moment I have created the extension but I am having some difficulties to create the front-end wizard form. What I'd like to achieve is a multi registration form where if the user go from the first form to the second one Magento has to save the data and wait if the user wants to go on the next new form and so on...
Here a mockup: http://minus.com/lF3krBVJG0WEM
How have I to create a multiform that follow this behaviour?

membership website codeigniter

i am newbie here in codeigniter. i was asked to build a-dooid-like-site or a-aboutme-like-site for my local college so they can make their own identity card. i plan building this website using codeigniter since i heard codeigniter is the most easy to understand and i dont have more than 2 weeks to complete the task.
my questions is :
if the dooid build up with codeigniter, how could i make a function
that allows people choosing their direct url. i mean, if i have a
class "User" and there is a "show" method that need
"username" as a parameter. the URL should seems like this one:
how could they make a their own url like this one:
i plan to restrict some "method" guest and it will
be enabled when user login into site. i mean if i have a class
"user" there is a "edit_profiles" method. guest can see the
"show" method but logged in users will be able to
"edit_profiles" after login. on the same class.
can you tell me how the codeigniter session library class concept? i confused with native session php. is there anybody that can show me some links contains session class tutorial that stores session into databases?
Yes this is possible, look into the documentation for custom routes:
For access control it is simplest to use a prebuilt login library
such as ionauth or tankauth both or which provide the
features you'll require.
The sessions used by CI do not use PHP native sessions. The best guide is in the dosumentation: http://codeigniter.com/user_guide/libraries/sessions.html Where the data is stored is determined by the sessions in the config file and is described in the documentation.

joomla integrating external php signup form

I have a joomla website.here is the link
link for siteI want to integrate a external php signup and login form.I create a php signup form.It works perfecly.
signup linkBut the problem is i dont know how to integrate that form to my joomla web pages...I want to secure my web pages..Only registered users can view my page....please help me..
Why have you create your own register form? Joomla already has the one. To see it follow the link index.php?option=com_user&task=register, Login for there index.php?option=com_user&task=login. If you need more fields to be filled out during registation you may you Community Builder. This extention allows to add to user profie as many fields as you want
It is also possible to use Chronoforms to allow for registration that brings in multiple fields as well without having to bring in an external file for registration/login.
Using the tools Joomla has to stay within Joomla is really the best way to go about it. It will allow you to keep your sanity and keep things as uniformed as possible.

Joomla Standalone Script in PHP - Handshake

I want to grab the User Object in Joomla in another PHP script.
Anway, what I want to do is grab the Joomla User (JUser) on a non-Joomla page. More or less I want a way to grab the joomla username, email and name etc and throw it to a php script for use in another custom application.
What is the best way to do this? Make a specialized joomla page by importing the framework, grabbing the necessary info from the user, setting those as session variables and then redirecting to the PHP page I want to use that information in?
Or do I just make some sort of link on a Joomla page with querystring variables corresponding to the current User and when they click the link I grab the info from the Querystring?
I'm looking for a best case scenario of how to get the User info to a custom application.
Any insight would be appreciated.
Best way would be to create a User plugin that logs into your script when someone logs into Joomla: Joomla unified logins for forum and a custom made php sub-site
depends on what you want the data for.
the juser data is serialised and stored in the session, so you could reverse engineer that and pull out the juser data... That would be messy.
alternatively you could make a plugin that stores the juser data in a session variable of your own making. the session variable will be available to other php scripts.. asuming they use the same session methods. (joomla has its own)
you could make a plugin that stores the data in a database that is assessible to the other script, or a flat file etc. in essence a similar process to using a session
You could also load up enough of joomla to use the joomla functions that you need to retrieve the juser values.. (messy)
