OpenXML- Set a slide layout for a slide in presentation - powerpoint

Here is the code i used to create the presentation.
What i'm trying here is to create a slide and insert shapes into it and attach the slide into already created presentation. That works fine.
My question is how i set the layout the of the inserted slide. what i mean slide layout here is
slideLayoutpart.SlideLayout = new SlideLayout() {
Type = SlideLayoutValues.VerticalTitleAndText
I want to set this layout to my Slide.
I had looked working with slidelayout HERE
Slide slide = new Slide(new CommonSlideData(new ShapeTree()));
uint drawingObjectId = 1;
// Construct the slide content.
// Specify the non-visual properties of the new slide.
NonVisualGroupShapeProperties nonVisualProperties = slide.CommonSlideData.ShapeTree.AppendChild(new NonVisualGroupShapeProperties());
nonVisualProperties.NonVisualDrawingProperties = new NonVisualDrawingProperties() { Id = 1, Name = "" };
nonVisualProperties.NonVisualGroupShapeDrawingProperties = new NonVisualGroupShapeDrawingProperties();
nonVisualProperties.ApplicationNonVisualDrawingProperties = new ApplicationNonVisualDrawingProperties();
// Specify the group shape properties of the new slide.
slide.CommonSlideData.ShapeTree.AppendChild(new GroupShapeProperties());
// Declare and instantiate the title shape of the new slide. TITLE SHAPE
Shape titleShape = slide.CommonSlideData.ShapeTree.AppendChild(new Shape());
// Specify the required shape properties for the title shape.
NonVisualShapeProperties nonVisualShapeProperties2;
ShapeProperties shapeProperties2;
CreateVisualProperties(out nonVisualShapeProperties2, out shapeProperties2,
PlaceholderValues.Title, drawingObjectId);
// Specify the text of the title shape.
TextBody titletextBody = CreateContent(slideTitle, PlaceholderValues.Title);
// Save the new slide part.
#region Slide Poistioning
// The slide ID list should not be null.
SlideIdList slideIdList = presentationPart.Presentation.SlideIdList;
// Find the highest slide ID in the current list.
uint maxSlideId = 1;
SlideId prevSlideId = null;
foreach (SlideId slideId in slideIdList.ChildElements)
if (slideId.Id > maxSlideId)
maxSlideId = slideId.Id;
if (position == 0)
prevSlideId = slideId;
// Get the ID of the previous slide.
SlidePart lastSlidePart;
if (prevSlideId != null)
//Changed to set first thing as layout
// lastSlidePart = (SlidePart)presentationPart.GetPartById(((SlideId)(slideIdList.ChildElements[0])).RelationshipId);
lastSlidePart = (SlidePart)presentationPart.GetPartById(prevSlideId.RelationshipId);
lastSlidePart = (SlidePart)presentationPart.GetPartById(((SlideId)(slideIdList.ChildElements[0])).RelationshipId);
// Use the same slide LAYOUT HERE as that of the previous slide.
if (null != lastSlidePart.SlideLayoutPart)
SlideLayoutPart slideLayoutpartNew = lastSlidePart.SlideLayoutPart;
slideLayoutpartNew.SlideLayout = new SlideLayout() { Type = SlideLayoutValues.VerticalTitleAndText };
//When i try to set lastslidelayout it works fine.
// Insert the new slide into the slide list after the previous slide.
SlideId newSlideId = slideIdList.InsertAfter(new SlideId(), prevSlideId);
newSlideId.Id = maxSlideId;
newSlideId.RelationshipId = presentationPart.GetIdOfPart(slidePart);
// Save the modified presentation.

I figured out ,How to set layout
string layoutName = "Title and Content";
// Get SlideMasterPart and SlideLayoutPart from the existing Presentation Part
SlideMasterPart slideMasterPart = presentationPart.SlideMasterParts.First();
SlideLayoutPart slideLayoutPart = slideMasterPart.SlideLayoutParts.SingleOrDefault
(sl => sl.SlideLayout.CommonSlideData.Name.Value.Equals(layoutName, StringComparison.OrdinalIgnoreCase));
if (slideLayoutPart == null)
throw new Exception("The slide layout " + layoutName + " is not found");
I'm here appending the layout to slidepart and will save the presentation


itext7 barcodes in footer

I'm working on a rather complex solution that takes an html-like input and converts it to a pdf. One of the many items that I'm trying to solve for is adding barcodes (all types, 3 of 9, PDF417, and qr code) to the footer of documents.
A couple details that give me pause on how to implement:
Bar code will contain current page number
Bar code will contain total page count
Bar code will be inside other itext elements (like a table cell or paragraph) and (in the final solution) needs to be parsed out ahead of time
Knowing those details, I'm struggling a bit on how to combine barcodes with something like the page x of y strategy of using a template to replace page count after rendering all the content.
I assume that each bar code will need it's own template because of the page count, and keep track of the templates until all the content is rendered and then update each individual template with the appropriate bar code. But because the footer is parsed out ahead of time, I need a template that represents a bar code so that the footer will have the correct height and content can be adjusted appropriately.
I believe that each of these pieces need to be handled in the event handler for end of page, is that a correct assessment?
UPD Edited to include code sample. I pulled out quite a bit of the other stuff I was trying to accomplish from this example. As for the parsed ahead of time, instead of going over a loop from 1 to 20 and creating random elements, some other process creates all the elements that need to be present on the document and will pass in that list of elements to the renderer. That does include the footer content as well. In this case I'm creating the footer table in the constructor of the HeaderHandler as that is close to the same concept. The reason I bring this up is that I won't be able to create the table in the HandleEvent of the handler like in most examples I have seen about tables in footers. Hope that makes sense.
void Main()
PdfDocument pdf = new PdfDocument(new PdfWriter(Dest));
PageSize pageSize = PageSize.A4;
Document doc = new Document(pdf, pageSize, true);
HeaderHandler hh = new HeaderHandler(doc);
some other object generation
// create random paragraphs to fill up multiple pages in the final solution this would have already happened.
for (var i = 0; i < 20; i++)
AddItemToList(elementList, i, objects);
// add random elements back to the document
foreach (var e in elementList)
... add each item just added to elementList to the document ...
// I think I need to update all the barcodes and print them out here so that page count part of the barcode can be written
class HeaderHandler : IEventHandler
Table Footer;
Document Doc;
public Margin First;
public Margin Middle;
public Margin Last;
public Dictionary<int, Margin> PageMargins { get; set; }
public float HeaderHeight { get; }
public float FooterHeight { get; }
PdfFormXObject PgCount;
Text PageNumber;
Dictionary<string, PdfFormXObject> BarcodeImages;
public HeaderHandler(Document doc)
Doc = doc;
Footer = new Table(new float[] { 4, 2, 4}).SetAutoLayout();
PageMargins = new Dictionary<int, Margin>();
BarcodeImages = new Dictionary<string, PdfFormXObject>();
var pageSize = Doc.GetPdfDocument().GetDefaultPageSize();
var width = pageSize.GetRight() - pageSize.GetLeft() - Doc.GetLeftMargin() - Doc.GetRightMargin();
// page total
PgCount = new PdfFormXObject(new Rectangle(0,0, 13, 13));
Footer.AddCell(new Cell().Add(new Paragraph("info 1")));
PageNumber = new Text("{page}");
var cell = new Cell().Add(new Paragraph().Add(PageNumber).Add(" of ").Add(new Image(PgCount)).Add(" pages").SetTextAlignment(TextAlignment.CENTER));
Footer.AddCell(new Cell().Add(new Paragraph("info 2")));
Footer.AddCell("footer 1");
Footer.AddCell("footer 2");
// I think I need to add a template here for the barcode as a placeholder so that when the renderersubtree is ran it provides space for the barcode
Footer.AddCell(new Cell().Add(new Paragraph("{barcode} {qr code - {page} | {pagect} | doc name}")));
TableRenderer fRenderer = (TableRenderer)Footer.CreateRendererSubTree();
using (var s = new MemoryStream())
fRenderer.SetParent(new Document(new PdfDocument(new PdfWriter(s))).GetRenderer());
FooterHeight = fRenderer.Layout(new LayoutContext(new LayoutArea(0, PageSize.A4))).GetOccupiedArea().GetBBox().GetHeight();
public void UpdateTotal(PdfDocument pdf) {
Canvas canvas = new Canvas(PgCount, pdf);
canvas.ShowTextAligned(pdf.GetNumberOfPages().ToString(), 0, -3, TextAlignment.LEFT);
//draw footer and header tables
public void HandleEvent(Event e)
PdfDocumentEvent docEvent = e as PdfDocumentEvent;
if (docEvent == null)
PdfDocument pdf = docEvent.GetDocument();
PdfPage page = docEvent.GetPage();
PdfCanvas pdfCanvas = new PdfCanvas(page.GetLastContentStream(), page.GetResources(), pdf);
int pageNum = pdf.GetPageNumber(page);
var pageSize = Doc.GetPdfDocument().GetDefaultPageSize();
Margin activeMargin = new Margin();
if (PageMargins.ContainsKey(pageNum))
activeMargin = PageMargins[pageNum];
var width = pageSize.GetRight() - pageSize.GetLeft() - activeMargin.Left - activeMargin.Right;
var pageReferences = new List<TextRenderer>();
// update page number text so it can be written to in the footer
// draw the footer
rect = new Rectangle(pdf.GetDefaultPageSize().GetX() + activeMargin.Left, activeMargin.Bottom - GetFooterHeight(), 100, GetFooterHeight());
canvas = new Canvas(pdfCanvas, pdf, rect);
// I think it's here that I need to be able to add a barcode placeholder to something that can be called
public float GetFooterHeight()
return FooterHeight;

xamarin forms custom control

I have a custom control, basically a stacklayout that I can bind a concatenated string, and have this break up into multiple objects, like a tag list.
public void Render()
if (ItemsSource == null)
this.Orientation = Orientation == StackOrientation.Vertical ? StackOrientation.Vertical : StackOrientation.Horizontal;
this.Margin = new Thickness (0, 0, 0, 0);
List<string> items = ItemsSource.Split('|').ToList();
foreach (var item in items)
var frame = new Frame();
frame.BindingContext = item;
frame.BackgroundColor = Color.FromHex("#FCFACF");
frame.OutlineColor = Color.FromHex("#D0C0AD");
frame.HasShadow = false;
frame.Padding = new Thickness(4, 2, 4, 0);
var label = new Label();
label.Text = "{Binding}";
label.FontSize = 10;
label.Parent = frame;
but I can't seem to get this right, how do I add a lable to be a child of a frame, and how can I fix my binding, as at present if I add the label to the children of the stacklayout the text of the labels is {binding} and not the actual text.
Can someone please help me with this. I had all of this working if I added a ItemTemplate with a datatemplate and viewcell in the XAML, but I don't want this done in XAML as I'd like to reuse all of this in other views.
Frame has Content property
Frame.Content = label;
To assign a binding in code, use
label.SetBinding(Label.TextProperty, new Binding("."));

Unable to add an Image to a powerpoint presentation using open xml

I am using the following code to add a new slide to a ppt file and add an image. I am using Open XML 2.5 SDK.
A new slide is getting added but not the image. Is there anything wrong in this code?
int position = 1;
using (PresentationDocument presentationDocument = PresentationDocument.Open("c.pptx", true))
PresentationPart presentationPart = presentationDocument.PresentationPart;
Slide slide = new Slide(new CommonSlideData(new ShapeTree()));
NonVisualGroupShapeProperties nonVisualProperties = slide.CommonSlideData.ShapeTree.AppendChild(new NonVisualGroupShapeProperties());
nonVisualProperties.NonVisualDrawingProperties = new NonVisualDrawingProperties() { Id = 1, Name = "" };
nonVisualProperties.NonVisualGroupShapeDrawingProperties = new NonVisualGroupShapeDrawingProperties();
nonVisualProperties.ApplicationNonVisualDrawingProperties = new ApplicationNonVisualDrawingProperties();
// Specify the group shape properties of the new slide.
slide.CommonSlideData.ShapeTree.AppendChild(new GroupShapeProperties());
// Create the slide part for the new slide.
SlidePart slidePart = presentationPart.AddNewPart<SlidePart>();
// Save the new slide part.
string imgId = "rId" + new Random().Next(2000).ToString();
ImagePart imagePart = slidePart.AddImagePart(ImagePartType.Png, imgId);
using (FileStream stream = new FileStream("a.png", FileMode.Open))
stream.Position = 0;
// Modify the slide ID list in the presentation part.
// The slide ID list should not be null.
SlideIdList slideIdList = presentationPart.Presentation.SlideIdList;
// Find the highest slide ID in the current list.
uint maxSlideId = 1;
SlideId prevSlideId = null;
foreach (SlideId slideId in slideIdList.ChildElements)
if (slideId.Id > maxSlideId)
maxSlideId = slideId.Id;
if (position == 0)
prevSlideId = slideId;
// Get the ID of the previous slide.
SlidePart lastSlidePart;
if (prevSlideId != null)
lastSlidePart = (SlidePart)presentationPart.GetPartById(prevSlideId.RelationshipId);
lastSlidePart = (SlidePart)presentationPart.GetPartById(((SlideId)(slideIdList.ChildElements[0])).RelationshipId);
// Use the same slide layout as that of the previous slide.
if (null != lastSlidePart.SlideLayoutPart)
// Insert the new slide into the slide list after the previous slide.
SlideId newSlideId = slideIdList.InsertAfter(new SlideId(), prevSlideId);
newSlideId.Id = maxSlideId;
newSlideId.RelationshipId = presentationPart.GetIdOfPart(slidePart);
// Save the modified prsentation.
Thanks in advance.

Inserting image in PPTX using OpenXML does not work

I am trying to generate a PowerPoint file containing a image using OpenXML. Unfortunately it does not work. The image is not being displayed. I've checked the file generated with the OpenXML productivity tool and I respectively unzipped the file contents. The file itself contains the image in /ppt/media/image.png and it should be displayed in the second slide.
Here's my code:
private void InsertSlide(string chartString, int position, string title, string text = "")
if (m_presentation == null || title == null || m_presentation.PresentationPart == null)
var slide = new Slide(new CommonSlideData(new ShapeTree()));
var nonVisualProperties =
slide.CommonSlideData.ShapeTree.AppendChild(new NonVisualGroupShapeProperties());
nonVisualProperties.NonVisualDrawingProperties = new NonVisualDrawingProperties { Id = 1, Name = "" };
nonVisualProperties.NonVisualGroupShapeDrawingProperties = new NonVisualGroupShapeDrawingProperties();
nonVisualProperties.ApplicationNonVisualDrawingProperties = new ApplicationNonVisualDrawingProperties();
slide.CommonSlideData.ShapeTree.AppendChild(new GroupShapeProperties());
var slidePart = m_presentation.PresentationPart.AddNewPart<SlidePart>();
var imagePart = slidePart.AddImagePart(ImagePartType.Png, "irgendeinscheiss");
//var imageStream = new MemoryStream(Convert.FromBase64String(chartString));
using (var imageStream = new FileStream(#"C:\Users\DA\Desktop\Charts\1_Chart2_01.png", FileMode.Open))
imageStream.Position = 0;
var slideIdList = m_presentation.PresentationPart.Presentation.SlideIdList;
uint maxSlideId = 1;
SlideId prevSlideId = null;
foreach (SlideId slideId in slideIdList.ChildElements)
if (slideId.Id > maxSlideId)
maxSlideId = slideId.Id;
if (position == 0)
prevSlideId = slideId;
SlidePart lastSlidePart;
if (prevSlideId != null)
lastSlidePart = (SlidePart)m_presentation.PresentationPart.GetPartById(prevSlideId.RelationshipId);
lastSlidePart = (SlidePart)m_presentation.PresentationPart.GetPartById(((SlideId)(slideIdList.ChildElements[0])).RelationshipId);
if (lastSlidePart.SlideLayoutPart != null)
var newSlideId = slideIdList.InsertAfter(new SlideId(), prevSlideId);
newSlideId.Id = maxSlideId;
newSlideId.RelationshipId = m_presentation.PresentationPart.GetIdOfPart(slidePart);
Am I missing something? Maybe the relationships? After looking up 232243 thousand different examples, I am still stuck at this point. Thank you!
I think you need to add the image into the slide.CommonSlideData
public Slide InsertSlide(PresentationPart presentationPart, string layoutName)
UInt32 slideId = 256U;
// Get the Slide Id collection of the presentation document
var slideIdList = presentationPart.Presentation.SlideIdList;
if (slideIdList == null)
throw new NullReferenceException("The number of slide is empty, please select a ppt with a slide at least again");
slideId += Convert.ToUInt32(slideIdList.Count());
// Creates an Slide instance and adds its children.
Slide slide = new Slide(new CommonSlideData(new ShapeTree()));
SlidePart slidePart = presentationPart.AddNewPart<SlidePart>();
// Get SlideMasterPart and SlideLayoutPart from the existing Presentation Part
SlideMasterPart slideMasterPart = presentationPart.SlideMasterParts.First();
SlideLayoutPart slideLayoutPart = slideMasterPart.SlideLayoutParts.SingleOrDefault
(sl => sl.SlideLayout.CommonSlideData.Name.Value.Equals(layoutName, StringComparison.OrdinalIgnoreCase));
if (slideLayoutPart == null)
throw new Exception("The slide layout " + layoutName + " is not found");
slidePart.Slide.CommonSlideData = (CommonSlideData)slideMasterPart.SlideLayoutParts.SingleOrDefault(
sl => sl.SlideLayout.CommonSlideData.Name.Value.Equals(layoutName)).SlideLayout.CommonSlideData.Clone();
// Create SlideId instance and Set property
SlideId newSlideId = presentationPart.Presentation.SlideIdList.AppendChild<SlideId>(new SlideId());
newSlideId.Id = slideId;
newSlideId.RelationshipId = presentationPart.GetIdOfPart(slidePart);
return GetSlideByRelationShipId(presentationPart, newSlideId.RelationshipId);
/// <summary>
/// Get Slide By RelationShip ID
/// </summary>
/// <param name="presentationPart">Presentation Part</param>
/// <param name="relationshipId">Relationship ID</param>
/// <returns>Slide Object</returns>
private static Slide GetSlideByRelationShipId(PresentationPart presentationPart, StringValue relationshipId)
// Get Slide object by Relationship ID
SlidePart slidePart = presentationPart.GetPartById(relationshipId) as SlidePart;
if (slidePart != null)
return slidePart.Slide;
return null;
Public void InsertImageInLastSlide(Slide slide, string imagePath, string imageExt)
// Creates an Picture instance and adds its children.
P.Picture picture = new P.Picture();
string embedId = string.Empty;
embedId = "rId" + (slide.Elements().Count() + 915).ToString();
P.NonVisualPictureProperties nonVisualPictureProperties = new P.NonVisualPictureProperties(
new P.NonVisualDrawingProperties() { Id = (UInt32Value)4U, Name = "Picture 5" },
new P.NonVisualPictureDrawingProperties(new A.PictureLocks() { NoChangeAspect = true }),
new ApplicationNonVisualDrawingProperties());
P.BlipFill blipFill = new P.BlipFill();
Blip blip = new Blip() { Embed = embedId };
// Creates an BlipExtensionList instance and adds its children
BlipExtensionList blipExtensionList = new BlipExtensionList();
BlipExtension blipExtension = new BlipExtension() { Uri = "{28A0092B-C50C-407E-A947-70E740481C1C}" };
UseLocalDpi useLocalDpi = new UseLocalDpi() { Val = false };
Stretch stretch = new Stretch();
FillRectangle fillRectangle = new FillRectangle();
// Creates an ShapeProperties instance and adds its children.
P.ShapeProperties shapeProperties = new P.ShapeProperties();
A.Transform2D transform2D = new A.Transform2D();
A.Offset offset = new A.Offset() { X = 457200L, Y = 1524000L };
A.Extents extents = new A.Extents() { Cx = 8229600L, Cy = 5029200L };
A.PresetGeometry presetGeometry = new A.PresetGeometry() { Preset = A.ShapeTypeValues.Rectangle };
A.AdjustValueList adjustValueList = new A.AdjustValueList();
// Generates content of imagePart.
ImagePart imagePart = slide.SlidePart.AddNewPart<ImagePart>(imageExt, embedId);
FileStream fileStream = new FileStream(imagePath, FileMode.Open);
Source Code

Datagridview - drawing rectangle on datagridview problem c# windows forms

I have 3 questions:
wheter I am doing my task in a good way
why when I scroll dataGridView, painted rectangles dissapear..
why painting is so slow...
Here is the code in which I want to draw a colorful rectangle with text on groups of cells in each column, that have the same values, empty values shouldn't have rectangles
void DataGridView1CellPainting(object sender, DataGridViewCellPaintingEventArgs e)
foreach (DataGridViewColumn column in this.dataGridView1.Columns){
string tempCellValue = string.Empty;
int tempRectX = -1;
int tempRectY = -1;
int tempRectYEnd = -1;
int tempRectWidth = -1;
int tempRectHeight = -1;
foreach (DataGridViewRow row in this.dataGridView1.Rows){
Rectangle rect = this.dataGridView1.GetCellDisplayRectangle(
column.Index, row.Index,true);
DataGridViewCell cell = dataGridView1.Rows[row.Index].Cells[column.Index];
if ( cell.Value!=null){
if (tempRectX==-1){
tempRectX = rect.Location.X;
tempRectY = rect.Location.Y;
tempCellValue = cell.Value.ToString();
if (cell.Value.ToString()!=tempCellValue){
tempRectYEnd = rect.Location.Y;
Rectangle newRect = new Rectangle(tempRectX,
tempRectY , 5 ,
tempRectYEnd );
using (
Brush gridBrush = new SolidBrush(Color.Coral),
backColorBrush = new SolidBrush(Color.Coral))
using (Pen gridLinePen = new Pen(gridBrush))
} }
tempCellValue = string.Empty;
}else if (tempRectX!=-1){
tempRectYEnd = rect.Location.Y;
Rectangle newRect = new Rectangle(tempRectX,
tempRectY , 50 ,
tempRectYEnd );
using (
Brush gridBrush = new SolidBrush(Color.Coral),
backColorBrush = new SolidBrush(Color.Coral))
using (Pen gridLinePen = new Pen(gridBrush))
} }
tempCellValue = string.Empty;
The DataGridView1CellPainting event is intended to Paint or change Paint behaviour for one cell.
DGV raises this event for each visible Cell.
When Paint other cells, your code slow down.
