How to run fswatch to call a program with static arguments? - macos

I used to use fswatch v0.0.2 like so (in this instance to run django test suit when a file changed)
$>fswatch . 'python test'
this works fine.
I wanted to exclude some files that were causing the test to run more than once per save (Sublime text was saving a .tmp file, and I suspect .pyc files were also causing this)
So I upgraded fswatch to enable the -e mode.
However the way fswatch has changed which is causing me troubles - it now accepts a pipe argument like so:
$>fswatch . | xargs -n1 program
I can't figure out how to pass in arguments to the program here. e.g. this does not work:
$>fswatch . | xargs -n1 python test
nor does this:
$>fswatch . | xargs -n1 'python test'
how can I do this without packaging up my command in a bash script?

fswatch documentation (either the Texinfo manual, or the wiki, or README) have examples of how this is done:
$ fswatch [opts] -0 -o path ... | xargs -0 -n1 -I{} your full command goes here
xargs -0, fswatch -0: use it to make sure paths with newlines are interpreted correctly.
fswatch -o: use it to have fswatch "bubble" all the events in the set into a single one printing only the number of records in the set.
-I{}: specifying a placeholder is the trick you missed for xargs interpreting correctly your command arguments in those cases where you do not want the record (in this case, since -o was used, the number of records in the set) to be passed down to the command being executed.

Alternative answer not fighting xargs' default reason for being - passing on the output as arguments to the command to be run.
fswatch . | (while read; do python test; done)
Which is still a bit wordy/syntaxy, so I have created a super simple bash script fswatch-do that simplifies things for me:
(while read; do "$#"; done)
fswatch -r -o -e 'pyc' somepath | fswatch-do python test someapp.SomeAppTestCase


One-liner to check whether a file exists, then feed it to xargs

I have a one-liner that spits out all of the files modified in my current feature branch, which is branched off of a shared, upstream development branch. I then hope to feed the files that exist to the phpcs linter via xargs -- something like this:
git diff --name-only shared-upstream-development-branch | grep "\.php$" | xargs test -f {} && echo {} | xargs vendor/bin/phpcs
However, when I run this, I get something like the following:
test: extra argument
I feel like I'm close to having a working solution.
How can I modify the one-liner above to correctly see if each PHP file still exists, then feed it onward to phpcs?
I know that everything up through the output of the grep command works well, as removing the two parts of the one-liner that refer to xargs gives me a nice list of file names.
(I also tried using --diff-filter=d to filter out deleted files, but this does not seem to work with my version of git, as I still get a complaint from phpcs about how a file "does not exist.")
&& separates commands, and is not an argument to xargs; you need to execute an explicit shell to use &&.
xargs sh -c 'test -f "$1" && echo "$1"' _ {}

piping paths via xargs to `tag` command line tool

tag is a command line executable that allows macOS users to add a "tag" to a file.
tag -a | --add <tags> <path>... Add tags to file
I am trying to pipe a list of files in a text document but after a few days of failing badly need help on the syntax. The only clue on the description page is this:
If you plan to pipe the output of tag through xargs, you might want to
use the -0 option of each.
I have tried dozens of commands: xargs, gnu-xargs, for, while, and cannot get this to add tags to the files in the list. Researching the net I thought maybe there was an issue with line endings.
I installed dos2unix and ran it on the file to fix possible line ending issues, but that didn't appear to resolve anything.
If you cd into the directory of the files you are attempting to tag you don't have to use the complete path to the file.
$ gxargs -0 -t --arg-file="/Users/john/Desktop/diffremove.txt" | tag -0 -a red
echo '13.Hours.The.Secret.Soldiers.of.Benghazi.2016.1080p.BluRay.x265'$'\n''1941.1979.DC.1080p.BluRay.x265'$'\n'...
Not understanding how xargs passes the lines I thought I need to put a variable in position after the command where it's looking for the file tag -0 -a red <variable here>
I tried:
$ for i in $(/Users/john/Desktop/diffremove.txt) do `tag -a red "$1"`
I installed gnu xargs and tried this command.
$ </Users/john/Desktop/diffremove.txt gxargs -0 sh -c 'for arg do tag -0 -a red "$arg"'
Trying this command results in no errors but the files aren't tagged.
$ </Users/john/Desktop/diffremove.txt xargs -0 sh -c 'for arg do `tag -0 -a red '$arg'`;done'
Try this
xargs -d '\n' -a /Users/john/Desktop/diffremove.txt -I % tag -a red %
here we use xargs to read from file (using -a), using replacing string with (using %) and execute command tag -a red {filename}. You may need to add -d '\n' (setting delimeter to newline) to split strings.
However, classic way to read and process lines in file is using shell builtin command read:
$ while IFS= read -r p; do tag -a red $p; done < /Users/john/Desktop/diffremove.txt
,where IFS= part can be skipped if you don't have spaces in file.

flake8 behaves differently when run from within a bash script

I suppose the answer here might be trivial, but I it might require some intricate bash knowledge. I have been browsing bash docs for a few hours now and can't seem to find the answer.
I'm working on a python repository, and came up with a simple script to lint only the files that differ between the current branch and master. Here's the minimal working example, extracted from said script (
paths=$(git diff --name-only -r origin/master...HEAD | grep \.py$)
flake8 $paths
For testing purposes, let's say I only committed one file,, with the following contents:
The expected output of bash is: F821 undefined name 'hello' F821 undefined name 'there'
However, the output is empty. When run in debug mode, bash shows the following commands:
++ git diff --name-only -r origin/master...HEAD
++ grep '.py$'
+ paths=''
+ flake8 ''
Which is what I expect. Also, when I simply run flake8, the output is as expected.
I expect this might have something to do with parameter passing which varies between different bash versions. The output of bash --version:
GNU bash, version 4.4.23(1)-release (x86_64-apple-darwin17.5.0)
I will appreciate all insights
Very sorry this isn't exactly an answer, but it surely didn't fit in a comment!
The hint here to me is the following:
+ paths=''
+ flake8 ''
In my execution of the same script, I get the following:
$ bash -x
++ git diff --name-only -r origin/master...HEAD
++ grep '.py$'
+ flake8 F821 undefined name 'hello' F821 undefined name 'world'
Notice here how my output does not contain quotes around the filename or the assignment. bash won't usually add quotes unless they are necessary. What this tells me is there's probably some sort of control character in that string (my best guess is either colors or \b + some other characters (this might be one of the few cases where a screenshot is actually helpful!)).
Here's one way that I was able to reproduce your findings:
mkdir -p bin
cat > bin/grep << EOF
#!/usr/bin/env bash
exec /bin/grep --color=always "\$#"
chmod +x bin/grep
# simulate having this `grep` on your path
PATH=$PWD/bin:$PATH bash -x
(and while this seems like an odd thing to do, in the past I've put my own grep in ~/bin so I could add --line-buffered --color=auto now that GREP_OPTIONS is deprecated -- one might erroneously add --color=always and have it work... for the most part). Today I use an alias instead since I ran into sharp edges even with that.
The output in that case matches yours above:
$ PATH=$PWD/bin:$PATH bash -x
++ git diff --name-only -r origin/master...HEAD
++ grep '.py$'
+ paths=''
+ flake8 ''
But the tricky hint is in the highlighting
While unrelated to your problem, here's probably a better way to accomplish what you want:
# if you have GNU xargs
git diff -z --name-only origin/master...HEAD -- '*.py' | xargs --null --no-run-if-empty flake8
# if you need to be more portable (I see you're probably on macos)
git diff -z --name-only origin/master...HEAD -- '*.py' | xargs -0 flake8 /dev/null
Explanation of the different parts:
git diff -z: output filenames with null bytes delimiting. This prevents splicing if filenames contain spaces or other special characters
xargs --null: split the input by null bytes when splatting arguments
xargs --no-run-if-empty: don't run the executable at all if there's no arguments (this is a GNU extension)
xargs -0: same as xargs --null, however if you're stuck with non-GNU xargs you won't have access to the long options
flake8 /dev/null: this is a sneaky trick, since there's no "no run if empty" option to bsd xargs, it's always going to invoke flake8. If flake8 gets invoked with zero arguments, it defaults to recursing your current working directory (and linting all your files). By putting /dev/null at the beginning this prevents this behaviour and instead lints an empty file!
Addendum 2, you probably might want to consider using a git hooks framework to handle all of this for you, I maintain pre-commit which aims to smooth out a lot of the rough edges around git (such as this one!).

lftp: how to recursively set permissions; firstly by directory than by file

When securing a Drupal or WordPress installation on a shared host that does not expose SSH access (a lousy situation, fwiw) lftp seems like the right approach to batch setting permissions for directories and files. The find command boasts that you can redirect its output, so one should be able to run a find, grep exclude to only match lines ending in "/" meaning a directory, and then set the permissions on such matches to 755 and perform the inverse on file matches and set to 644 and then fine tune specific files, such as settings.php and so forth.
lftp prompt> find . | grep "/$" | xargs chmod -v 755
Isn't working and I'm sure I have failed to chain these commands in the correct sequence and format.
How to get this to work?
Update: by "isn't working" I mean that the above command produces no output to the console, nor to the lftp error log. It isn't running these commands locally, fwiw. I'll reduce the command as a demonstration:
find . | grep "/$"
Will take the output of "find" and return matches, here, directories, by nature of the string match:
Which is cool, since I wish to perform a chmod (and internal command for lftp, with support varying by ftp server) So I expand the command like this:
find . | grep "/$" | xargs echo
Which outputs — nothing. No error output, either. The pipe from grep to xargs isn't happening.
My goal is to form the equivalent of:
chmod 755 ./daily/
chmod 755 ./ffmpeg-installer/
In lftp, the chmod command is performing an ftp-server-permissions change, not a local perms change.
For an explanation of why this does not work as expected, read on - for a solution to the given problem, scroll down.
The answer can be found in the manpage for lftp, which states that
"[s]ome commands allow redirecting their output (cat, ls, ...) to file or via pipe to external command."
So, when you are using a pipe like this on a command that does support redirection in lftp, you are piping its output to your local tools, which will eventually result in chmod trying to change the permissions for a file/directory on our local machine, and most likely fail in case you don't coincidally have the same directory layout in your current directory locally - which is probably the problem you encountered.
The grep + xargs pipe does work, I just tested the following:
lftp> find -d 2 | grep "/$"
lftp> find -d 2 | grep "/$" | xargs echo
./ ./applications/ ./lost+found/ ./netinfo/ ./packages/ ./security/ ./systems/
My wild guess is that it did not appear to work for you because you did not specify a max-depth to find and the network connection + buffering in the pipe got in the way. When I try the same on a directory containing many files/subfolders it takes really long to finish and print. Did the command actually finish for you without output?
But still, what you are trying to do is not possible. As I stated, the right-hand-side of the pipe works with external commands (even if an inbuilt of the same name exists) as explained by the manual, so
lftp> chmod 644 foobar
lftp> echo "foobar" | xargs chmod 644
are not equivalent.
Yes, chmod is an inbuilt but used in a pipe in the client it will not execute the inbuilt - the manpage clearly states this and you can easily test this yourself. Try the following commands and check their output:
lftp> echo foo | uname -a
lftp> echo foo | ls -al
lftp> echo foo | chmod --help
lftp> chmod --help
As far as a solution to your problem is concerned, you can try something along the lines of:
lftp "${server}" <<EOF
cd "${root_folder}"
find | grep "/$"
} | awk '{ printf "chmod 755 \"%s\"\n", $0 }'
lftp "${server}" <<EOF
cd "${root_folder}"
find | grep -v "/$"
} | awk '{ printf "chmod 644 \"%s\"\n", $0 }'
} | lftp "${server}"
This logs in to your server, cds to the folder where you want to recursively start changing the permissions, uses find + grep to find all directories, logs out, pipes this file list into awk to build chmod commands around it, repeats the whole process for files and then pipes the whole list of commands into a new lftp invocation to actually run the generated chmod commands.
You will also have to add your credentials to the lftp invocations and you might want to comment out the final | lftp "${server}" to check if it produces the desired output before you actually run the whole thing. Please report back if this works for you!

xargs with command that open editor leaves shell in weird state

I tried to make an alias for committing several different git projects. I tried something like
cat projectPaths | \
xargs -I project git --git-dir=project/.git --work-tree=project commit -a
where projectPaths is a file containing the paths to all the projects I want to commit. This seems to work for the most part, firing up vi in sequence for each project so that I can write a commit msg for it. I do, however, get a msg:
"Vim: Warning: Input is not from a terminal"
and afterward my terminal is weird: it doesn't show the text I type and doesn't seem to output any newlines. When I enter "reset" things pretty much back to normal, but clearly I'm doing something wrong.
Is there some way to get the same behavior without messing up my shell?
Using the simpler example of
ls *.h | xargs vim
here are a few ways to fix the problem:
xargs -a <( ls *.h ) vim
vim $( ls *.h | xargs )
ls *.h | xargs -o vim
The first example uses the xargs -a (--arg-file) flag which tells xargs to take its input from a file rather than standard input. The file we give it in this case is a bash process substitution rather than a regular file.
Process substitution takes the output of the command contained in <( ) places it in a filedescriptor and then substitutes the filedescriptor, in this case the substituted command would be something like xargs -a /dev/fd/63 vim.
The second command uses command substitution, the commands are executed in a subshell, and their stdout data is substituted.
The third command uses the xargs --open-tty (-o) flag, which the man page describes thusly:
Reopen stdin as /dev/tty in the child process before executing the
command. This is useful if you want xargs to run an interactive
If you do use it the old way and want to get your terminal to behave again you can use the reset command.
The problem is that since you're running xargs (and hence git and hence vim) in a pipeline, its stdin is taken from the output of cat projectPaths rather than the terminal; this is confusing vim. Fortunately, the solution is simple: add the -o flag to xargs, and it'll start git (and hence vim) with input from /dev/tty, instead of its own stdin.
The man page for GNU xargs shows a similar command for emacs:
xargs sh -c 'emacs "$#" < /dev/tty' emacs
(in this command, the second "emacs" is the "dummy string" that wisbucky refers to in a comment to this answer)
and says this:
Launches the minimum number of copies of Emacs needed, one after the
other, to edit the files listed on xargs' standard input. This example
achieves the same effect as BSD's -o option, but in a more flexible and
portable way.
Another thing to try is using -a instead of cat:
xargs -a projectPaths -I project git --git-dir=project/.git --work-tree=project commit -a
or some combination of the two.
If you have GNU Parallel installed you should be able to do this:
cat projectPaths |
parallel -uj1 git --git-dir={}/.git --work-tree={} commit -a
In general this works too:
cat filelist | parallel -Xuj1 $EDITOR
in case you want to edit more than one file at a time (and you have set $EDITOR to your favorite editor).
-o for xargs (as mentioned elsewhere) only works for some versions of xargs (notably it does not work for GNU xargs).
Watch the intro video to learn more about GNU Parallel
Interesting! I see the exact same behaviour on Mac as well, doing something as simple as:
ls *.h | xargs vim
Apparently, it is a problem with vim:
