Assume we have two clients run on different machines, and both generate token from 0.
The Server is very likely to receive same token from the two client.
What will happen if the server receive same token from two different connections ?
And what if the two connection are from same machine ?
Is it possible to STOP query with a diffrent connection from which executes the START Query
TL;DR: Tokens are per connection.
You can send the same token on two different connections. If you look at for example the source of the JS driver, the token is per connection (so two connections can use the same token)
It you execute a query on connection A, it is not possible to stop it using connection B.
What can be the reasons that cause a session to be crashed and server returns invalid session or session is disconnected ?
There is a specific situation that causes these problems with the session. When a client fails to send the pings at the expected interval the server declares the client gone and deletes the session. If a client that falls into this situation later tries to send a ping or another request using the now invalidated session id it will receive one of these errors.
Another possible problem with the same outcome is when the client does send the pings at the correct intervals, but the server is blocked or too busy to process these pings in time.
So to summarize, if you think your clients are well behaved, I would look at potential blocking tasks in your server.
Ok, I'll illustrate my problem in this figure project's architecture .
In fact, I have a websocket between the react app and the rasa ( tool for creating chatbots) based on flask. bot response need to access to an external API to retrieve some data. Here where things go wrong. Sometimes, these requests take too long to return a response, and that's when websocket misbehave.
I am using StackExchange.Redis to connect to azure redis cache. Everytime I do ConnectionMultiplexer.Connect(....), it creates two connections in the Redis. I am checking the number of connections by using the command "Client List" in Redis. Why is it creating two connections instead of one? How can I create only a single connection?
You need to consider yourself, i.e. the connection of the admin console.
I have TCPListener server based on this source code
I created a server on port 3340. Whenever a client connects to the server, then server waits for the new client connection. When I connect from my Chrome browser to the server, then it seems there are three clients connected (expected only one).
Why it is like that?
Most clients maintain multiple connections in parallel, including more than one connection per server endpoint.
And RFC7230 section-6.4 explains. Multiple connections are typically used to avoid the "head-of-line blocking" problem
ZeroMQs Pub/Sub pattern makes it easy for the server to reply to the right client. However, it is less obvious how to handle communication that cannot be resolved within two steps, i.e. protocols where multiple request/reply pairs are necessary.
For example, consider a case where the client is a worker which asks the server for new work of a specific type, the server replies with the parameters of the work, the client then sends the results and the server checks these and replies whether they were correct.
Obviously, I can't just use recv,send,recv,send sequentially and assume that the first and the second recv are from the same client. What would be the idiomatic way to use multiple recv,send pairs without having to handle messages from other clients inbetween?
Multiple Request/Reply pairs can be made through the use of ZMQ_ROUTER sockets. I recommend using ZMQ_REQ sockets on the clients for bidirectional communication.
If you want to have multiple clients accessing a single server you could use a router socket on the server and request sockets on the clients.
Check out the ZMQ guide's section on this pattern:
All the clients will interact with the server in the same pattern as Pub/Subs except they will all point at a single server Router socket.
The server on the other hand will receive three messages for every single message a client sends. These parts represent:
Part0 = Identity of connection (random number of which client it is)
Part1 = Empty frame
Part2 = Data of the ZMQ message.
The identity can be used to differentiate between clients accessing on a single port. Repacking the message in the same order and responding on the router socket (with a different data frame) will automatically route it to the client who sent the message.
I am using ZEROMQ for distributed messaging application. Need to connect client (DEALER socket) to multiple servers (ROUTER socket on server side). What are my options on CLIENT side ?
Create DEALER socket on client side for each server endpoint (ROUTER socket).
Create only ONE DEALER socket on client side and add multiple endpoints.
I tried option 2 - connecting to multiple endpoints but message always goes to the first connected endpoint. followed following steps:
create DEALER socket
connect to first endpoint
then at run time, add another endpoint to the socket by using socket.connect(endpoint).
Do I need to reconnect?
In DEALER socket, there is no option to send message on a particular endpoint in case it is connected to multiple endpoints.
Any idea?
ZeroMQ encodes certain behaviors into socket types. These mainly deal with:
handling multiple peers
handling undeliverable messages
handling excessive throughput (HWM)
A DEALER socket is one that can connect to multiple peers, and uses LRU (least recently used, aka round-robin) to decide which peer gets each message. If you do not want this behavior, then you do not want a DEALER socket with multiple peers.
If you want to decide which peer gets a message, there are two options for this:
create a DEALER per peer, and send on the appropriate socket
create a single ROUTER connected to all peers, and use IDENTITY prefixes to route messages. You may need to pass IDENTITIES via a side channel, in order to use ROUTER-ROUTER connections.
at run time, add another endpoint to the socket by using socket.connect(endpoint). Do I need to reconnect?
No, you do not need to reconnect. You can add (and remove) peers at any time during the program.