Maven 2 effective dependancies runtime and compile scope - maven

What happen if I have in effective pom same dependency, but with different scopes: runtime and compile.?
For example,
Which one will take place?

compile is available in all classpaths.
runtime is available in the runtime and test classpaths, but not the compile classpath.
I'd assume you will have the dependency on all classpaths (as in compile), but I have no idea why you would do something like that.


Why do test scope dependencies pull compile scope dependencies in Maven?

Currently my project uses spring boot starter test as so:
However, despite the test scope, it pulls in spring-core (which is a vulnerable tpl in this version) as a compile scope transitive dependency and it appears inside my compiled binary.
I'm aware that I can fix this by pulling spring-core explicitly with test scope:
However this shouldn't be necessary. Why is a dependency that's only available in tests pulling dependencies into the compile scope?
I double checked after the comment from J Fabian Meyer. While spring core was appearing under spring-boot-starter-test in the dependency tree, it was being pulled into the compile scope by spring-boot-starter-web.
My guess is spring-boot-starter-test pulls a later version of spring-core which is why it appeared in the tree as so

WebDriverManager The import io.github cannot be resolved

I added the below WebDriverManager maven dependency in pom.xml
In my java class I am unable to import io.github.bonigarcia.wdm.WebDriverManager; automatically. If manually write the import, I get error at io.github which says: The import io.github cannot be resolved.
What is the issue here? I tried clean, restart and different versions of webdrivermanager in pom.xml.
The dependency you used is reduced to <scope>test</scope> but what that actually means?
It indicates that the dependency is NOT required for the compilation but only for execution.
It appears during the runtime and test but not during compilation.
The default scope is compile. Compile dependencies are available in all classpaths of the project.
<scope>test</scope> makes the dependency available for execution but not for compilation. What does it mean?
It means that the classpath is available for src/test folder in your project.
Default scope makes classpath available for src/main AND src/test. So if you make any classes manage WebDriver and you put them under source folder, you should use a scope which allows the dependency to be available at compilation time.
In the scope replace with compile instead of test, it will import.*
You also can not specify the scope, it will work too :
Windows 10
Eclipse IDE for Enterprise Java Developers - 2020-12
Java JDK 15.0.2
Maven 3.6.3

Using dependencies of an artifact

I have a complex Spring project with tens of dependencies and modules. I notice that some of them might be replaced by spring-boot-starters.
However, when I'm replacing some dependencies with starters in main, parent pom, I'm getting errors in children modules.
Here's an example:
According to maven repository spring-boot-starter-activemq depends on, among others, spring-boot-starter and spring-jms.
Should these dependencies be available for modules?
Is there a way to use dependencies like that? I would make pom files shorter.
Or maybe is it a bad idea to do it like that and I should define all dependencies I will use in dependencyManagement?
In a POM, you should have all the dependencies that you directly use in your code. Do not rely on transitive resolution for things you actively use.
Your construction does not work because you did not manage the spring-jsm and spring-boot-starter in your dependencyManagement. Being a dependency of the managed dependency does not help.

pom.xml tomEE 1.6.0

I would like to find/create a pom.xml containing all libraries included in tomEE, using "provided" scope. Goal of this is to make it as "pom parent" of a webproject, and have no risk to use other library version, or other implementation.
Does a such pom.xml exist? or is there a simple way to create it?
thanks in advance
Because JavaEE is a specification, there are several available.
I use this one for several reasons. This is in my organization's parent pom so all the projects automatically pull it in:
Thanks to exabrial, the maven dependency i was looking for is this one :

Maven test dependencies: how to get dependencies from sibling project into test scope of dependent project

I have a multi-module maven project with the structure
where interface has a dependency on the artifact produced by core.
interface compiles, packages, and installs properly. However, when running tests in interface they fail due to not resolving dependencies found in core.
interface does not depend on the test classes themselves in core, simply compile scope maven dependencies defined in the core pom.xml file.
I did one painful attempt whereby I copied every single compile dependency declaration in core that was needed into the interface pom.xml and gave them all
. This helped with the tests but broke the install.
What is the best way to fix the dependency resolution of these tests in interface?
Here is an example of compile scope dependencies that are not resolved when running interface maven test goal.
core/pom.xml excerpt:
interface/pom.xml excerpt:
