How Struts 2 will behave with Spring integration - spring

Usually Struts 2 action instances will get create on the request. I mean per every request new action instance will get create. But if I integrate with Spring then there will be only one action instance will get create (I am not sure correct me if I am wrong).
So in this case what is if I have instance variables in the action class?
First user here will set that instance with some instance variables and second user may set there something. How it will behave at this time?
More clarification: Instance variable means, in Struts 2, action forms won't be there so, your action itself work as a form to get the request parameters. First user enters something and second user enters something and both are setting to one instance action.

If your actions are managed by Struts container, then Struts is creating them in the default scope.
If your actions are managed by Spring container, then you need to define the scope of the action beans, because Spring by default uses singleton scope.
If you don't want to share your action beans between user's requests you should define the corresponding scope.
You can use prototype scope, which means a new instance is returned by the Spring each time Struts is being built an action instance.


Real World use case of bean scopes

I am learning Spring, I learned about bean scopes - what are the real world use cases for each of them, I am not able to get any help. please help when to use Singleton, Prototype , Request and Session scopes in Spring.
Singleton: It returns a single bean instance per Spring IoC container.This single instance is stored in a cache of such singleton beans, and all subsequent requests and references for that named bean return the cached object. If no bean scope is specified in the configuration file, singleton is default. Real world example: connection to a database
Prototype: It returns a new bean instance each time it is requested. It does not store any cache version like singleton. Real world example: declare configured form elements (a textbox configured to validate names, e-mail addresses for example) and get "living" instances of them for every form being created
Request: It returns a single bean instance per HTTP request. Real world example: information that should only be valid on one page like the result of a search or the confirmation of an order. The bean will be valid until the page is reloaded.
Session: It returns a single bean instance per HTTP session (User level session). Real world example: to hold authentication information getting invalidated when the session is closed (by timeout or logout). You can store other user information that you don't want to reload with every request here as well.
GlobalSession: It returns a single bean instance per global HTTP session. It is only valid in the context of a web-aware Spring ApplicationContext (Application level session). It is similar to the Session scope and really only makes sense in the context of portlet-based web applications. The portlet specification defines the notion of a global Session that is shared among all of the various portlets that make up a single portlet web application. Beans defined at the global session scope are bound to the lifetime of the global portlet Session.

how many way to access the scope variables in spring-mvc

Some one please me to find out the spring mvc examples,
Because usually, once we log in into the application we will create a session and put some objects into session . we will access later point of time , request scope as well. but spring MVC3 is difficult to understand even documentation also confusing, but every one giving example is basic examples only.
You can access these objects in a JSP/JSTL:
As well as any request attributes that you add, including model attributes (who's default name is command).
More info here:
If you want to access HttpRequest, HttpResponse, HttpSession, add them as arguments to a Spring Controller Handler Method . Spring will pass them in for you.

What are the options of using scoped variables in grails?

In my grails service I have a variable that stores some JSON obtained by fetching data from web service. I would like to make that variable unique for every user of the app. I am guessing i would need to move that variable to controller and use session[] to make it happen or is there an alternative?
If you want a separate instance of the variable per user of the application, you could either store it in the session, or make the service session-scoped (they are singletons by default) and store it in the service.
class MyService {
static scope = 'session'

Struts 2 tomcat request/session contamination

I am using Struts 2 v with tomcat 6.
A user will click on an action which finds an object by id and the page displays it. I have encountered a sporadic bug where the user will all of a sudden get the id of another lookup from another user on another machine. So effectively they are both calling the same action but passing different id to the request, but both end up viewing the same id.
This is obviously disastrous, and the data is totally corrupted as both users think they are editing a different record. Any ideas how make sure session/request activity is kept secure to each session?
I am also using spring and am using the #Transactional annotation in my Service layer, which returns the objects from the DAO. Is there something I need to do with this annotation to make it secure for each session ?
I am using org.springframework.orm.hibernate3.HibernateTransactionManager
Classic Thread-UnSafe problem.
Since you nominated Spring, my first guess is that you have not specified the right scope for your action beans in Spring xml configuration.
Be sure you are using scope="prototype" because otherwise the default scope of Spring is Singleton, and you don't want a single(ton) instance of an Action, that would not be ThreadLocal (and hence ThreadSafe) anymore.
If it is not that, it could be something on an Interceptor (that, differently from an action, is not Thread Safe), or you are using something static (in your Business / DAO layer, or in the Action itself) that should be not.

If we integrate struts2 with spring then who will maintain the action instances, spring container or struts 2 container

I am asking this question because of the following reasons:
Usually struts 2 action instances will get create on the request. I mean per every request new action instance will get create. But if I integrate with spring then there will be only one action instance will get create (I am not sure correct me if i am wrong). So in this case what is if I have instance variables in the action class. First user he will set that instance with some instance variables and second user may set the something.
How it will behave at this time.
More clarification: Instance variable means, in struts 2, action forms wont be there so, your action itself work as a form to get the request parameters. First user enters something and second user enters something and both are setting to one instance action.
By default Spring will create a singleton instance of your action class. In that case, depending on how your action classes are written there might be such a danger.
But you can also specify that a bean be created prototypically (scope="prototype") so that a new instance of the class is created with each request.
First, If you integrated struts2 with spring, normally, the action instances are managed by spring container! this is supported by struts2 spring plugin:
Second, as the plugin doc mentioned, by default, the action bean's scope is request, this is up to the struts2, but you can change yuor action scope to other type,i.e. session,application,etc.
