Magento Cron not working: no heartbeat task - magento

I noticed the cron jobs not working because some tasks were not performed (automatic feed generation, google sitemap, ...).
1) I installed the (very useful) AOE scheduler
2) I've checked cron_schedule SQL table via PHPmyAdmin: no task is generated, but if I press Generate schedule in AOE scheduler, a list of task is generated. All tasks remain in pending status (executed at NULL).
3) I've set (crontab -e)
0,5,10,15,20,25,30,35,40,45,50,55 * * * * /home/fpl/webapps/magento/
I've tried to run manually via SSH. When I run manually the sh the heartbeat task is run. So I'm also sure the problem is not in the script.
Cron is properly running on the server.
Webfaction hosting
Magento ver.
Cron schedule Configuration on magento admin panel
Generate Schedules Every 1
Schedule Ahead for 20
Missed if Not Run Within 15
Heartbeat task schedule (cron syntax) 0,5,10,15,20,25,30,35,40,45,50,55 * * * *
Thanks for your help!

my guess is that your is not executable and that's why nothing is happening.
Please check the file persmission and add the executable flag
chmod +x /home/fpl/webapps/magento/
You might also want to check your server's log files for cron (e.g.
Instead of relying on the fact that cron is executable you could also run it like this
/bin/bash /home/fpl/webapps/magento/
And: instead of writing down the minutes like that you should be using this:
*/5 * * * * /bin/bash /home/fpl/webapps/magento/

Did you check the status for crontab?
service crond status // depends on your OS
If its not running, start it
service crond start
And configure for system startup
chkconfig crond on
Good luck!

edit and change line 39 to:
It tries to use which php but that isn't so great on webfaction servers as there are lots of php versions.

crontab -e */5 * * * * /usr/bin/wget -O /dev/null -q
and setting a proper cron.php in the above path


How to create cron job to run shell script every minute

I wan to create cron job that runs a shell script every minute I've tried editing contrab -e with:
1 * * * * sh ~/
to no avail
I recommend using:
This is a really insightful way to create and understand cron jobs.
This should trigger every minute. However, when a cron runs it can run as a different user and that script location might be different. Adding a log file might help you track down what is going on.
* * * * * /bin/sh /home/user/ >> /var/log/myjob.log 2>&1

script to start service from status check

I have an app on Centos that daily shuts down. Until I can get the support on it, I would like to handle it from a script in order when this occur again. My current script looks like this:
if /path/to/service_check status service | grep -q 'SHUTDOWN'; then
/path/to/service_check start service
It is setup in crontab to run on one minute interval but it is not running correctly. Is this approach incorrect?
Thank you!
check crond services is running systemctl status crond
check your script`s privilage chmod +x
execute the script manually on the terminal /path/to/your/
check your crontab configure,you should set the user to run this script * * * * * root /path/to/your/

Mail not sent automatically with cron

I am facing a problem with custom email. Email does not sent automatically according to its schedule.
Cron is working fine. I have debug code using Mage::log(). I am getting each log before sendTransactional function after that log is not working.
However its working fine with Aoe_schedule when I execute cron forcefully.
But Its not working automatically..
So the code is correct. Problem is with automatic cron execution.
You can create a crontab file
in server cmd
crontab -e
in open window
MAILTO=your email for error message
*/5 * * * * full path to your site file(example: /home/username/www/public_html/
this is will execute your every 5 minutes and Aoe_Sheduler dosen't write a warning about heartbeat

Cronjob won't run 80% of the time

I have a raspberrypi setup with emulation station and retropie. I have a cronjob set up so I can send myself an email at 8am everyday written in ruby. This script has worked effectively 100% when I first set it up but ever sice I upgraded my raspberrypi to the newest version of retropie and emulationstation, the cronjob has stopped work 80% of the time.
0 8 * * * ruby /home/pi/Facebook/facebook.rb
Is what it is currently. It worked yesterday.
I've tried these methods as well:
0 8 * * * 'ruby /home/pi/Facebook/facebook.rb'
0 8 * * * /bin/bash ruby /home/pi/Facebook/facebook.rb
0 8 * * * /bin/bash 'ruby /home/pi/Facebook/facebook.rb'
0 8 * * * /bin/bash -l -c 'ruby /home/pi/Facebook/facebook.rb'
I am not sure what the -l and -c is supposed to mean. However this one worked all the time when I had it set up before upgrading. Is the pi skipping the job at 8am or doing another job at that time which causes it to miss it? Or is it my script which may take forever to send the email via ruby to my gmail account?
Usually cron sends a error mail to the owner of the crontab, so check that owner's emails on that machine.
It is most likely a problem with the cron environment. Cron uses its own environment when starting jobs.
It sounds like the cron job is running your script, but your script may be erroring-out or timing out. You might want to add some logging to your script, so you can see where the problem is.

Amazon auto start Server via cronjob

I have created a cron job to start and stop instance at particular times.
I have set up amazon APIs against user ubuntu. saved script in home folder
ec2-start-instances i-instanceID
I placed the job in cron tab.
0 18 * * 5 /home/ubuntu/scripts/dev/
The script is exicuiting on specific times but the instances are not stopping/starting.
Can anyone suggest a way out.
I also tried setting up the same job in root user that also failed
You need to define which binary is executing the script. Hence, try with this:
0 18 * * 5 /bin/bash /home/ubuntu/scripts/dev/
