Running Maven and then Copying files from IntelliJ - maven

I have intelliJ and I run my mvn lifecycle commands from within the IDE. I would like it so that once a compile has completed I can then copy ceratain artifacts to certain locations on my PC. Can I configure IntelliJ to run commands after it has completed a build? I cannot see anything in the UI that allows me to do this but Im wondering if there is an easter egg somewhere that lets me do this.


Having Maven Plugins in IntelliJ IDEA without Maven Installation in Computer

I just started to use Maven and IntelliJ IDEA.
I imported a project into IntelliJ IDEA which requires Maven. I didn't install Maven to my computer but I have 2 plugins in IntelliJ IDEA named as "Maven" and "Maven Extension". And the code I have is running without any dependency problem.
In that case, do I still need to install Maven from the web or just the plugins in the IntellJ are enough for projects with Maven?
Can we say that for every project? If someone can explain the logic behind I would be very happy.
Thanks a lot!
Intellij comes with a bundled version of Maven (see File -> Settings -> Build, Execution, Deployment -> Build Tools -> Maven; the property 'Maven home directory' on that screen by defaults points to 'Bundled (Maven 3)').
You don't have to, but you can still install your own version of Maven, and point that property to it. It has the advantage of being able to run maven from the command-line, which is a better guarantee of build-stability (i.e. building the same project in different environments with the same result) than building directly inside of your IDE. And often is way more helpful in investigating build problems.

Can I run IntelliJ unit tests in a maven project without re-running maven goals?

I have a project with a deep maven structure and am evaluating switching from Eclipse to IntelliJ.
I've imported the top-level pom.xml. I know that I can:
Build the whole project with maven goals (I use 'test-compile' to build the test classes)
Run the tests from the IntelliJ test runner. This seems to find the classes/test-classes from the target folder of the project.
However, I would like to just change a test or the code under test, save it, and rerun it without having to manually run the maven test-compile again (like I could with Eclipse). Is this possible with IntelliJ?
I think the issue is that the IntelliJ 'Build Project' action does not build the test classes (and other classes) into the target folder that the test runner looks in.
If you import a Maven project in IntelliJ IDEA, you will be able to build and run the tests from the IDE instead of Maven which is a lot faster because of the incremental compilation.
Make sure this option is disabled and use JUnit Run/Debug configuration, don't run the maven goals.
Thanks to the suggestion from #CrazyCoder, I was able to get this working by following these steps, as I think the issue was Eclipse artifacts fighting with IntelliJ artifacts:
Remove all .classpath, .project and .iml files from the entire code tree
Remove .idea from the root - we need to start again
Open the top-level pom.xml in IntelliJ
If needed, perform a mvn compile (needed for me due to some generated sources)
Rebuild your project
After this, don't open your project in Eclipse again!

What exactly happens when you hit the IntelliJ "run" button? [duplicate]

IntelliJ IDEA 2016.3 add the ability to delegate build/run to Gradle.
It's clear that when the delegate option is on Gradle is doing everything.
My question is what exactly IntelliJ is doing when this option is off?
I'm asking this because I have custom code inside my Gradle files and it does not seems like this code is executed when building in IntelliJ. When I run gradlew build everything works just fine.
IntelliJ has its own build system, called JPS, which uses the IntelliJ IDEA project and .iml files as the project model. When you're using IntelliJ IDEA's default build system to build the project, it does not execute any code in Maven or Gradle files; it uses its own logic, which can only be extended by writing plugins to JPS.

What does maven clean install -U do?

I have eclipse ide with m2e plugin, maven and weblogc app server running from my local box.
I have imported someone else's multiple maven projects from bitbucket to my box. I was told that one of them is main and rest are dependencies in which I never seen anything like that before. I have always dealt with single maven project. Anyhow from the instruction, it says I have to run maven command such as "clean install -U".
In the IDE so I touched run configuration for each mvn project by setting goal as "clean install -U". By reading maven guide, I kind understand what each term means but when you combine together with a passing parameter, what does it do actually? I didn't expect a jar (web app) to be deployed to an application server but it did also.
-U forces maven to check any external dependencies (third party dependencies) that might need to be updated based on your POM files.
clean install are both basic maven lifecycle phases (
install normally would simply take the artifact that is built and put it in the local repository, i.e. a directory on the box you are building on (.m2 directory most of the time). It would not do a deployment to a server - typically the deploy phase would be used to do that.
However, developers can override and add to what maven does in the various phases, so just like in the days of ant things can easily devolve into chaos no one can understand on complex projects ;-).
sometimes in the integration-test phase, developers will tell maven to start up a container temporarily to run the web app on, so that tests can be run against it, and then that container is shut down when the integration-test phase completes.

How to have Buildship recognize existing projects in Eclipse Mars

I just converted my Maven project to a gradle project. It was a multi project structure:
I ran a gradle init on it and have this structure now:
Everything builds fine, and I have been able to get some things done with that I couldn't figure out how to do with Maven, so that's great. Next step was to integrate that into the IDE since the Maven Dependencies are gone since I have removed the pom.xml files.
However the project isn't recognized as a gradle project - and I am not sure how to change that?
In Eclipse Mars it's still recognized as a Maven build, not gradle....
Thanks in advance.
EDIT: I reimported the projects which enabled the plugin for Eclipse. Now I am having weird behavior.
The build works from the command line, however when attempting the same execution from within Eclipse, it fails trying to copy the file dependencies.
For example:
Couldn't copy dependency jakarta-regexp-1.4.jar
java.nio.file.NoSuchFileException: C:\Users\user.m2\repository\jakarta-regexp\jakarta-regexp\1.4\jakarta-regexp-1.4.jar -> build\jfx\app\lib\jakarta-regexp-1.4.jar
I haven't changed the repo from maven yet - just changed the build scripts. This is running from the master project. So I am confused as to why the script would work from the commandline but not from within eclipse.
EDIT 2: Turns out this behavior is also present when running from the command line when the --daemon flag is set. Is there anyway to run the tasks without the daemon in Buildship? Or perhaps a way to fix this issue when the --daemon flag is enabled?
The issue with the build was that there is a leak in the JDK when bundling the JRE with the native app. This only happens when running with the --daemon flag (which all IDEs user). Therefore until this is fixed you will need to run gradle --stop and then run the clean.
The plug in I am using is no longer running the native task when running with --daemon.
