what ruby tap method does on a {} [duplicate] - ruby

This question already has answers here:
Understanding tap in Ruby
(2 answers)
Closed 8 years ago.
I've read about what tap does in Ruby but I'm confused by the code block below,
{}.tap do |h|
# some hash processing
any help would be greatly appreciated.

#tap method simply passes an object it was called on to a block. At the end of the block it returns the same object again. This way you can chain operations or restrict variable scope.
{}.tap { |h| h[:a] = 1 }.size # => 1
You were able to chain a next method to this block. And also avoided creating a h variable in your scope.

tap is particularyl useful if you want to do some modifications on the hash and after that return it, e.g. inside a method that returns the hash. The advantage of tap being that you don't have to explitely return the hash at the end and there's no need for an intermediary variable.
hash = {}
hash[:a] = 'b'
# => {:a=>"b"}
{}.tap do |hash|
hash[:a] = 'b'
# => {:a=>"b"}

For exemple : you want to chain delete and each on a hash.
You cannot do
hash.delete(:key).each {...}
but can do
hash.tap { |h| h.delete(:key) }.each { ... }
It is a good way to chain your methods.

tap doesn't do anything to it. Whatever you do to h in the block is whatever is done to the original {}.


Ruby hash defaults: where do nested values go? [duplicate]

This question already has answers here:
Strange, unexpected behavior (disappearing/changing values) when using Hash default value, e.g. Hash.new([])
(4 answers)
Closed 6 years ago.
I wanted to use Ruby's default hash values to allow me to more easily nest hashes without having to manually initialize them. I thought it'd be nice to be able to dig a level down for each key safely without having pre-set the key as a hash. However, I find that when I do this, the data gets stored somewhere, but is not visible by accessing the top-level hash. Where does it go, and how does this work?
top = Hash.new({}) #=> {}
top[:first][:thing] = "hello" #=> "hello"
top[:second] = {thing: "world"} #=> {:thing => "world"}
top #=> {:second => {:thing => "world"}}
top[:first] #=> {:thing => "hello"}
You want to know where your inserted hash is? Maybe you have heard about Schroedingers cat:
h = Hash.new({})
h[:box][:cat] = "Miau"
=> "Miau"
=> {}
The cat seem to be dead....
=> "Miau"
The cat seem still to be alive, but in a different reality....
Ok, if nothing helps, "Read The Fine Manual". For Hash.new, we read:
If obj is specified, this single object will be used for all default values.
So when you write h[:box], a object is returned, and this object is another hash, and it happen to empty.
Into this empty hash, you write an key-value.
Now this other hash is no longer empty, it has a key-value pair. And it is returned every time you search for a key is not found in your original hash.
You can access the default value via a variety of #default methods
=> {:thing=>"hello"}
You can also tell it how you want it to act, example:
irb(main):058:0> top = Hash.new {|h,k| h[k] = {}; h[k]}
=> {}
irb(main):059:0> top[:first][:thing] = "hello"
=> "hello"
irb(main):060:0> top[:second] = {thing: "world"}
=> {:thing=>"world"}
irb(main):061:0> top
=> {:first=>{:thing=>"hello"}, :second=>{:thing=>"world"}}

How would you express an idiom "with this object, if it exists, do this" in Ruby?

Very often in Ruby (and Rails specifically) you have to check if something exists and then perform an action on it, for example:
if #objects.any?
puts "We have these objects:"
#objects.each { |o| puts "hello: #{o}"
This is as short as it gets and all is good, but what if you have #objects.some_association.something.hit_database.process instead of #objects? I would have to repeat it second time inside the if expression and what if I don't know the implementation details and the method calls are expensive?
The obvious choice is to create a variable and then test it and then process it, but then you have to come up with a variable name (ugh) and it will also hang around in memory until the end of the scope.
Why not something like this:
#objects.some_association.something.hit_database.process.with :any? do |objects|
puts "We have these objects:"
objects.each { ... }
How would you do this?
Note that there's no reason to check that an array has at least one element with any? if you're only going to send each, because sending each to an empty array is a no-op.
To answer your question, perhaps you are looking for https://github.com/raganwald/andand?
Indeed, using a variable pollutes the namespace, but still, I think if (var = value).predicate is is a pretty common idiom and usually is perfectly ok:
if (objects = #objects.some_association.hit_database).present?
puts "We have these objects: #{objects}"
Option 2: if you like to create your own abstractions in a declarative fashion, that's also possible using a block:
#objects.some_association.hit_database.as(:if => :present?) do |objects|
puts "We have these objects: #{objects}"
Writing Object#as(options = {}) is pretty straigthforward.
What about tap?
#objects.some_association.something.hit_database.process.tap do |objects|
if objects.any?
puts "We have these objects:"
objects.each { ... }
Edit: If you're using Ruby 1.9, the Object#tap method provides the same functionality as the code listed below.
It sounds like you just want to be able to save a reference to an object without polluting the scope, correct? How about we open up the Object class and add a method do, which will just yield itself to the block:
class Object
def do
yield self if block_given?
return self # allow chaining
We can then call, for example:
[1,2,3].do { |a| puts a.length if a.any? }
=> 3
[].do { |a| puts a.length if a.any? }
=> nil

How do I see if a multi-dimensional hash has a value in ruby?

Currently I am doing the following, but I am sure there must be a better way:
def birthday_defined?(map)
map && map[:extra] && map[:extra][:raw_info] && map[:extra][:raw_info][:birthday]
There may be cases where only map[:extra] is defined, and then I will end up getting Nil exception errors cause map[:extra][:raw_info] doesn't exist if I dont use my checked code above.
If you're using Rails, then you can use try (and NilClass#try):
value = map.try(:[], :extra).try(:[], :raw_info).try(:[], :birthday)
That looks a bit repetitive: it is just doing the same thing over and over again while feeding the result of one step into the next step. That code pattern means that we have a hidden injection:
value = [:extra, :raw_info, :birthday].inject(map) { |h, k| h.try(:[], k) }
This approach nicely generalizes to any path into map that you have in mind:
path = [ :some, :path, :of, :keys, :we, :care, :about ]
value = path.inject(map) { |h, k| h.try(:[], k) }
Then you can look at value.nil?.
Of course, if you're not using Rails then you'll need a replacement for try but that's not difficult.
I have two ways. Both have the same code but subtly different:
# Method 1
def birthday_defined?(map)
map[:extra][:raw_info][:birthday] rescue nil # rescues current line
# Method 2
def birthday_defined?(map)
rescue # rescues whole method
Use a begin/rescue block.
rescue Exception => e
'No birthday! =('
That's idiomatic why to do it. And yes it can be a little cumbersome.
If you want to extend Hash a bit though, you can do some cool stuff with something like a key path. See Access Ruby Hash Using Dotted Path Key String
def birthday_defined?
This is a little hacky but it will work:
def birthday_defined?(map)
If map contains :birthday then it will return the string which will evaluate to true in a conditional statement while if it doesn't contain :birthday, it will return nil.
Note: This assumes the key :birthday does not appear at potentially multiple locations in map.
This should work for you:
def birthday_defined?(map)
.tap{|x| (x[:extra] if x)
.tap{|x| (x[:raw_info] if x)
.tap{|x| (x[:birthday] if x)
.tap{|x| return x}}}}

Ruby hash/sub-hash existance check [duplicate]

This question already has answers here:
How to avoid NoMethodError for missing elements in nested hashes, without repeated nil checks?
(16 answers)
Closed 7 years ago.
I find myself needing to put guards like this:
if hash[:foo] && hash[:foo][:bar] && hash[:foo][:bar][:baz]
puts hash[:foo][:bar][:baz]
I'd like to shorten this in some way; I know I can wrap in a begin/rescue block but that seems worse. Maybe something like:
ruby Hash include another hash, deep check
Something like:
def follow_hash(hash, path)
path.inject(hash) { |accum, el| accum && accum[el] }
value = follow_hash(hash, [:foo, :bar, :baz])
puts value if value
I found this article very informative: http://avdi.org/devblog/2011/06/28/do-or-do-not-there-is-no-try/
value = Maybe(params)[:foo][:bar][:baz][:buz]

TypeError: can't convert String into Integer

I have code:
class Scene
def initialize(number)
#number = number
attr_reader :number
scenes = [Scene.new("one"), Scene.new("one"), Scene.new("two"), Scene.new("one")]
groups = scenes.inject({}) do |new_hash, scene|
new_hash[scene.number] = [] if new_hash[scene.number].nil?
new_hash[scene.number] << scene
When I'm lauching it I get error:
freq.rb:11:in `[]': can't convert String into Integer (TypeError)
from freq.rb:11:in `block in <main>'
from freq.rb:10:in `each'
from freq.rb:10:in `inject'
from freq.rb:10:in `<main>'
If I change scenes to:
scenes = [Scene.new(1), Scene.new(1), Scene.new(2), Scene.new(1)]
the problem dissapear.
Why I get error message in the first case? Why Ruby decide to convert scene.number from String to Integer?
And one additional question about the 'inject' method. When Ruby initialize the 'new_hash' variable and how can Ruby know the type of this variable?
groups = scenes.inject({}) do |new_hash, scene|
new_hash[scene.number] = [] if new_hash[scene.number].nil?
new_hash[scene.number] << scene
Ruby takes the empty hash passed into inject() and sets new_hash to that. When the block ends the return value gets used to initialize new_hash the next time through, i.e., new_hash keeps accumulating the result of the block.
In your original code you were not returning the hash but an array (new_hash[scene.number] is an array) and the next loop through Ruby complained because new_hash[scene.number] was trying to do a lookup into the array with a string value, hence the error you got.
Z.E.D.'s right. See Jay Fields' Thoughts: Ruby: inject for a good explanation of inject by example.
As presented, your block returns an array. So the new_hash in |new_hash, scene| ends up being that array. When Ruby tries to find the array index 'one', it throws the error because 'one' is a String, not an Integer.
All you need to do is return new_hash as Z.E.D. showed, and you'll get something like this:
"two" => [
#<Scene:0x101836470 #number="two">
"one" => [
#<Scene:0x101836510 #number="one">,
#<Scene:0x1018364c0 #number="one">,
#<Scene:0x101836420 #number="one">
Why not use group_by which is probably exactly what you try to accomblish?
groups = scenes.group_by(&:number)
# => {"two"=>[#<Scene:0xb728ade0 #number="two">],
# "one"=>
# [#<Scene:0xb728ae30 #number="one">,
# #<Scene:0xb728ae08 #number="one">,
# #<Scene:0xb728ada4 #number="one">]}
inject is a folding operation and not exactly what you want. At least it's cumbersome to use in this way. merge with a block would probably be appropriate if you want to apply some algorithm during merging or grouping.
Also, to explain 'how can Ruby know the type of this variable' and why it tries to 'convert String into Integer' you might want to revise: Ruby variables and dynamic typing.
I know an answer is accepted for this question, but I can't help but post my answer.
groups = scenes.inject({}) { |nh, s| nh.tap {|h| (h[s.number] ||= []) << s } }
