Search the string in entire file system in Aptana Studio-3 - aptana3

I'm using Aptana studio 3 for my project developed using codeigniter.
I want to search for the string in the entire directory. How to do that?
I tried with ctrl+H, one dialog box is opened and I have entered the value for search but it shows 0 matches even if there is a match.


what is the keyboard shortcut to search for a file in visual code

I am working on a macbook .I have my repository synced in visual code through sftp and I would like to search or go to a file in the repo.When I do a CMD+P it goes only if the file is recently opened.But is there a way to traverse to a file which is not opened , but exists in the repo ?.
hit the Command + p and search through your project files
Maybe the new process of downloading and indexing the entire repository will help you find those files without having to open them.
You should test it in v1.65:
Workspace search and find all references will now download and index a
full copy of the repository by default, rather than defaulting to
providing partial results as before. There are several settings to
configure this:
remoteHub.indexing.verboseDownloadNotification: controls whether the download notification is shown as a popup (default) or in the
status bar
remoteHub.indexing.maxIndexSize: controls the size limit of indexes to download - if this is exceeded the download will be
cancelled and partial results will be provided. Leave this empty to
never download repositories and use partial results always.
from v1.65 Release Notes

How to refresh Sublime Text 3 workspace color schemes?

When you save a project, Sublime Text will create a .sublime-workspace file. In this file, there is an array of buffers, and for each buffer there is a color_scheme property. This is set to whatever color scheme was chosen when the buffers and workspace were created.
I recently changed my theme and color scheme in my user settings file. How can I refresh all of my project's workspaces so that way it uses my new color_scheme provided in my user preference file without needed to edit each project's workspace file one-by-one?
Expanding on the answer given by Tot you can do this for all views in all windows that are open by using a nested list comprehension (remember this is Python so we can be pretty flexible):
[ v.settings().erase("color_scheme") for views in [ w.views() for w in ] for v in views ]
This way you don't have to run the command in each tab individually.
The only way I found to reset tabs to user's chosen color scheme is to enter this in the console :
This will reset the color scheme of the selected tab - unfortunately you'll have to do it for each tab. But it's still quicker than closing and reopening the tab.
I only have this issue with Sublime Text 3 on Mac OS X.
Source :
P.S. : If you've just updated your color scheme file, you'll sometimes have to execute this command twice. Just type the up arrow in the console to write the last command again.
Windows 10 AppData-related Solution
Please make sure that you are in a similar situation as me before trying this solution (see below). Steps:
Note the language and package that the Error loading colour scheme reports (my case was: markdown and MarkdownEditing).
Go to your AppData directory (type %AppData% in file explorer address bar).
Open directory Sublime Text 3, or whatever your version is.
Open the .sublime-settings file that matches the language from step 1.
Remove any lines that refer to the package you noted from step 1.
Remember that this file should be a properly formatted JSON file when you remove lines manually. Save this file and restart Sublime Text.
I've decided to post here in case some of the python script solutions didn't work for you and your situation is similar to mine. I'm using GitHub to sync my Sublime Text AppData (Windows 10), in order to keep my workflow settings the same on multiple machines. Recently, I noticed that when I uninstalled a certain package on one of my machines, I accidentally merged some configuration files for that non-existent package on my other machine. This resulted in a persistent Error loading colour scheme, in particular for me when changing syntax to markdown (the package was MarkdownEditing for reference).

how to remove used Apex True DBlist Pro 6 components from vb 6?

I am new In vb6
I have To Remove Components from vb application because it's expired but i dont know where its used and when i remove that components is show me error Can't remove control or reference;in use
Here's how I do it:
Open the project .vbp file in a file editor like notepad and find the control name (something like yourcontrol.ocx).
Use a search tool to find files containing text (I use xplorer2) and search for any forms in your project containing yourcontrol.ocx.
Open each found form in Visual Basic and remove the control from the form.
Now you can removed the control from the project.
Of course, removing the control will most likely break your code so you still have a lot of work ahead of you.
Go on Design View and delete the TDBGrid control from the frames where you have used it.
Then go to the components windows and uncheck the Apex DBgrid controller.

How to search within specific folders and files in Visual Studio 2010

I see in visual studio, i can search within:
Current Doc
Current Selection
All Open Docs
Current Project
Whole Solution
is there anyway to:
Search within certain file types (just javascript files, just .aspx files?) ?
Search within specific folders ?
Yes you can do this using this options
You can also browse the folder the in which you want to perform the search using the button that is placed right to Look in: option.

SourceSafe Label Search

Is there a way to search Microsoft Visual SourceSafe 6.0d for all files tagged with a specific label?
AJ had the right idea, but you just need to use the "dir" command instead of get:
ss dir -v"LABEL" $\PROJECT -R
This will output each file with version that is at that label in the format of:
For those interested if you want to quickly tell what the latest version of a file is you can do:
ss dir -v. $\PROJECT -R
Have a great time!
I don't think you can search by label, but you can get by label.
From MSDN:
To get a version by label:
Make sure that you have set a working folder in Visual SourceSafe Explorer. See How to: Set the Working Folder.
Ensure that you have set the history options. See How to: View History.
Select the project that contains the file to retrieve.
On the Tools menu, click Show History.
In the History Options dialog box, select the version of the file to retrieve and click OK.
In the History of dialog box, click Get to retrieve the version of the file that you have chosen.
In the Get dialog box, make any additional entries needed and click OK to retrieve the file.
It does seem to be a failure on Microsofts part not to put in a simple search feature on the comments of checkins/checkouts.
I have found this
It extracts all the comments you want to a text file.
You can get by label.
This may not be the same as searching by label.
Sourcesafe accepts a label as a valid version number, so it's the same syntax:
ss get -V"my label" $\myproject -R
this will get everything labelled my label from the myproject project.
